# Consider a clinical trial conducted to evaluate the effect of three
# doses of a treatment compared to a placebo with respect to a normally
# distributed endpoint
# Three null hypotheses of no effect are tested in the trial:
# Null hypothesis H1: No difference between Dose 1 and Placebo
# Null hypothesis H2: No difference between Dose 2 and Placebo
# Null hypothesis H3: No difference between Dose 3 and Placebo
# Null hypotheses of no treatment effect are equally weighted
# Treatment effect estimates (mean dose-placebo differences)
# Pooled standard deviation
# Study design is balanced with 180 patients per treatment arm
# Bonferroni, Holm, Hochberg, Hommel and Fixed-sequence procedure
proc = c("BonferroniAdj", "HolmAdj", "FixedSeqAdj", "DunnettAdj", "StepDownDunnettAdj")
# Equally weighted
sapply(proc, function(x) {AdjustCIs(est,
proc = x,
par = parameters(sd = sd,
n = n,
covprob = 0.975,
weight = weight))})
# }
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