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eplusr (version 0.9.4)

IddObject: EnergyPlus IDD object


IddObject is an abstraction of a single object in an Idd object. It provides more detail methods to query field properties. IddObject can only be created from the parent Idd object, using $object() and $object_in_group(). This is because that initialization of an IddObject needs some shared data from parent Idd object.


iddobj$add_extensible_group(num = 1L)
iddobj$del_extensible_group(num = 1L)
iddobj$field_name(index = NULL, lower = FALSE, unit = FALSE, in_ip = eplusr_option("view_in_ip"))
iddobj$field_index(name = NULL)
iddobj$field_type(which = NULL)
iddobj$field_note(which = NULL)
iddobj$field_unit(which = NULL, in_ip = eplusr_option("view_in_ip")
iddobj$field_default(which = NULL, in_ip = eplusr_option("view_in_ip")
iddobj$field_choice(which = NULL)
iddobj$field_range(which = NULL)
iddobj$field_reference(which = NULL)
iddobj$field_possible(which = NULL)
iddobj$is_autosizable_field(which = NULL)
iddobj$is_autocalculatable_field(which = NULL)
iddobj$is_numeric_field(which = NULL)
iddobj$is_integer_field(which = NULL)
iddobj$is_required_field(which = NULL)


  • iddobj: An IddObject object.

  • num: A positive integer.

  • index: An integer vector of field indexes.

  • name: A character vector or field names. Can be given in "lower-style". See below.

  • lower: If TRUE, "lower-style" field names will be returned, e.g. "Thermal Resistance" will become "thermal_resistance". Default: FALSE.

  • which: An integer vector of field indexes or a character vector of field names. Field names can be given in "lower-style".

  • unit: If TRUE, field units will be also returned. Default: FALSE.

  • in_ip: If TRUE, field names or values will be returned in IP units. Default: eplusr_option("view_in_ip").


$group_index() returns the index of IDD group it belongs to.

$group_name() returns the name of IDD group it belongs to.

$class_index() returns the index of this IDD class.

$class_name() returns the name of this IDD class.

$class_format() returns the format of this IDD class. This format indicator is currently not used by eplusr. NOTE: some classes have special format when saved in the IDFEditor with the special format option enabled. Those special format includes "singleLine", "vertices", "compactSchedule", "fluidProperties", "viewFactors" and "spectral". eplusr can handle all those format when parsing IDF files. However, when saved, all classes are formatted in standard way.

$min_fields() returns the minimum fields required for this class. If no required, 0 is returned.

$num_fields() returns current total number of fields in this class. This number may change if the class is extensible and after $add_extensible_group() or $del_extensible_group().

$memo() returns memo of this class. Usually a brief description of this class.

$num_extensible() returns the number of extensible fields in this class. If not zero, it means that objects in this class is dynamically extensible.

$first_extensible_index() returns the field index of the first extensible field in this class. If this class is not extensible, 0 is return.

$extensible_group_num() returns the number of extensible groups in this class.

$add_extensible_groups() adds extensible groups in this class.

$del_extensible_groups() deletes extensible groups in this class.

$has_name() return TRUE if this class has name attribute.

$is_unique() return TRUE if this class is unique.

$is_required() returns TRUE if this class is required.

$is_extensible() returns TRUE if this class is extensible.

$field_name() returns names of fields specified by field indexes. If index is NULL, names of all fields in this class are returned. If lower is TRUE, "lower-style" names are returned, i.e. all spaces and dashes is replaced by underscores. "lower-style" names are useful when use them as filed names in $set_value() in IdfObject class and $set_object() in Idf class. If unit is TRUE, the units of those fields are also returned. If in_ip, corresponding imperial units are returned. It only has effect when unit is TRUE.

$field_index() returns indexes of fields specified by field names. If name is NULL, indexes of all fields in this class are returned.

All other $field_*() returns specific field properties. If which is NULL, properties of all fields in this class are returned.

  • $field_type(): returns field types. All possible values are "integer", "real", "alpha" (arbitrary string), "choice" (alpha with specific list of choices), "object-list" (link to a list of objects defined elsewhere), "external-list" (uses a special list from an external source) and "node" (name used in connecting HVAC components).

  • $field_unit(): returns a character vector of field units. If in_ip is TRUE, IP unites are returned.

  • $field_default(): returns a list of default values of those fields. If no defaults found, NAs are returned.

  • $field_choice(): returns a list of all valid choices for those fields. If no choices found, NAs are returned.

  • $field_range(): returns a list of ranges for those fields. Every range has four components: minimum (lower limit), lower_incbounds (TRUE if the lower limit should be included), maximum (upper limit), and upper_incbounds (TRUE if the upper limit should be included). For fields of character type, empty lists are returned. For fields of numeric types with no specified ranges, minimum is set to -Inf, lower_incbounds is set to FALSE, upper is set to Inf, and upper_incbounds is set to FALSE. The field range is printed in number interval denotation.

  • $field_reference(): returns a list of references for those fields that have the object-list attribute. Basically, it is a list with all possible values collected from other object fields that those fields reference.

  • $field_possible(): returns all possible values for specified fields, including auto-value (autosize and autocalculate), and results from $field_default(), $field_range(), $field_choice() and $field_reference(). Underneath, it returns a data.table with custom printing method.

NOTE: $field_reference() and $field_possible() can only be used in IddObjects that are created using $definition() in Idf class and IdfObject class, and cannot be used in IddObjects that are created using $object() or equivalent in Idd class. This is because both methods need shared Idf value data to collect all reference values.

$is_valid_field_num() returns TRUE if num is acceptable as a total number of fields in this class. Extensible property is considered. For instance, the total number of fields defined in IDD for class BuildingSurfaces:Detailed is 390. However, 396 is still a valid field number for this class as the number of field in the extensible group is 3.

$is_valid_field_name() returns TRUE if name is a valid field name WITHOUT unit.

$is_valid_field_index() returns TRUE if index is a valid field index.

$is_autosizable_field() returns TRUE if the field can be assigned to autosize.

$is_autocalculatable_field() returns TRUE if the field can be assigned to autocalculate.

$is_numeric_field() returns TRUE if the field value should be numeric.

$is_integer_field() returns TRUE if the field value should be an integer.

$is_required_field() returns TRUE if the field is required.

$print() prints the IddObject. Basically, the print output can be divided into four parts:

* CLASS: IDD class name of current object
* MEMO: brief description of the IDD class
* PROPERTY: properties of the IDD class, including name of group it
  belongs to, whether it is an unique or required class and current total
  fields. The fields may increase if the IDD class is extensible, such as
  `Branch`, `ZoneList` and etc.
* FIELDS: fields of current IDD class. Required fields are marked with
  bullet marks. If the class is extensible, only the first extensible
  group will be printed and two ellipses will be shown at the bottom.
  Fields in the extensible group will be marked with an arrow down
  surrounded by angle brackets.


There are lots of properties for every class and field. For details on the meaning of each property, please see the heading comments in the Energy+.idd file in the EnergyPlus installation path.

See Also

Idd Class


Run this code
# get a parent Idd object
idd <- use_idd(8.8, download = "auto")

# get an IddObject of class "Material"
mat <- idd$Material

# get name of IDD group it belongs to

# get index of IDD group it belongs to

# get name of current IDD class

# get index of class IDD class

# get minimum field number

# get total field number

# get memo of current class

# get an IddObject of extensible class "Branch"
bran <- idd$Branch

# check if the class is extensible

# get number of extensible fields, index of first extensible field and number of
# current extensible groups in "Branch" class



# get current number of fields

# add ten extensible groups
# the number of fields has been increased by 10 * 4 (= 46)

# delete eight extensible groups
# the number of fields has been decreased by 8 * 4 (= 32)

# check if current class has name attribute or not

# check if current class is required

# check if current class is unique

# list all field names without units

# list all field names in lower-style
# useful when used as field names in "$set_value()" in IdfObject class
# and "$set_object()" in Idf class.
mat$field_name(lower = TRUE)

# get field indexes
mat$field_index(c("thickness", "roughness", "name"))

# get field types
mat$field_type(c("solar_absorptance", "Density", "Name"))

# get field notes
bran$field_note(c(2, 4))

# get field SI units
mat$field_unit(c(1,3,5), in_ip = FALSE)

# get field IP units
mat$field_unit(c(1,3,5), in_ip = TRUE)

# get field default values in SI units
str(mat$field_default(in_ip = FALSE))

# get field choices

# get field ranges
mat$field_range(c("roughness", "thickness", "conductivity", "solar_absorptance"))

# get all possible values of fields
# }
# }
# check if input is a valid field number for current class
## get required minimum field number

# (1) if less than required minimum field number

# (2) if larger than required minimum field number but less than total field
# number

# (3) if larger than total field number
# [1] FALSE

# for extensible class
# if larger than required minimum field number
# (1) but cannot give whole extensible groups
bran$is_valid_field_num(c(55, 57, 60))

# (2) and can give whole extensible groups
bran$is_valid_field_num(c(58, 62, 70))

# check if input field index is an extensible field index

# get all field referneces
# }
# }
# check if input is valid field name
# NOTE: lower-style names are treated as valid
mat$is_valid_field_name(c("nAmE", "specific heat", "Specific Heat", "specific_heat"))

# check if input is valid field index
bran$is_valid_field_index(c(1, 4, 54, 57))

# check if fields are autosizable, i.e. can be set to "Autosize"

# check if fields are autocalculatable, i.e. can be set to "Autocalculate"

# check if fields are numeric fields, i.e. field values should be either
# integers or float numbers
mat$is_numeric_field(c("roughness", "thickness", "density"))

# check if fields are integer fields, i.e. field values should be integers
mat$is_integer_field(c("name", "specific_heat"))

# check if fields are required, i.e. field values should not be empty
mat$is_required_field(c("name", "roughness", "solar_absorptance"))

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab