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A Toolkit for Using EnergyPlus in R.

eplusr provides a rich toolkit of using whole building energy simulation program EnergyPlus directly in R, which enables programmatic navigation, modification of EnergyPlus models and makes it less painful to do parametric simulations and analysis. More information about EnergyPlus can be found at its website.

A comprehensive introduction to eplusr can be found using vignette("eplusr"). You can learn more about eplusr at https://hongyuanjia.github.io/eplusr, along with full package documentation.


You can install the latest stable release of eplusr from CRAN.


Alternatively, you can install the development version from GitHub.

# install.packages("devtools")

Since running the IDF files requires EnergyPlus (https://energyplus.net), EnergyPlus has to be installed if you want to run EnergyPlus models in R. There are helper functions in eplusr to download and install it automatically on major operating systems (Windows, macOS and Linux):

# install the latest version (currently v9.0.0)

# OR download the latest version (currently v9.0.0) and run the installer
# manually by yourself
eplusr::download_eplus("latest", dir = tempdir())

Note that the installation process in install_eplus() requires administrative privileges. You have to run R with administrator (or with sudo if you are on macOS or Linux) to make it work if you are not in interactive mode.


  • Read, parse and modify EnergyPlus Weather File (EPW)
  • Read, parse and modify EnergyPlus Input Data File (IDF)
  • Query on models, including classes, objects and fields
  • Directly add, modify, duplicate, insert, and delete objects of IDF
  • Automatically change referenced fields when modifying objects
  • Save changed models into standard formats in the same way as IDFEditor distributed along with EnergyPlus
  • Run your models and collect the simulation output
  • Conduct parametric energy simulations and collect all results in one go

Usage overview

Class structure

Below shows the class structure in eplusr.

Basically, eplusr uses Idf class to present the whole IDF file and IdfObject class to present a single object in an IDF. Both Idf and IdfObject class contain member functions for helping modify the data in IDF so it complies with the underlying EnergyPlus IDD (Input Data Dictionary). Similarly, IDD file is wrapped into two classes, i.e. Idd and IddObject.

Besides, Epw class is used to present EnergyPlus Weather files; EplusJob to run single EnergyPlus simulation and collect outputs, ParametricJob to run parametric EnergyPlus simulations and collect all outputs.

It is highly recommended to read the documentation to get a thorough understanding on each class.

Getting started


idd <- use_idd(8.8, download = "auto")
#> Idd v8.8.0 has not been parsed before. Try to locate `Energy+.idd` in EnergyPlus v8.8.0 installation folder `C:/EnergyPlusV8-8-0`.
#> IDD file found: `C:\EnergyPlusV8-8-0\Energy+.idd`.
#> Start parsing...
  Parsing IDD (Parsing ) [======>---------------------------]  20% in  0s
  Parsing IDD (Parsing ) [=========>------------------------]  30% in  0s
  Parsing IDD (Parsing ) [=============>--------------------]  40% in  0s
  Parsing IDD (Parsing ) [================>-----------------]  50% in  1s
  Parsing IDD (Parsing ) [===================>--------------]  60% in  2s
  Parsing IDD (Parsing ) [==========================>-------]  80% in  3s
  Parsing IDD (Parsing ) [===============================>--]  95% in  3s
  Parsing IDD (Complete) [==================================] 100% in  3s

model <- read_idf(system.file("extdata/1ZoneUncontrolled.idf", package = "eplusr"))

#> == EnergPlus Input Data File ==============================================
#> * Path: `C:\Users\hongy\R\eplusr\extdata\1ZoneUncontrolled.idf`
#> * Version: `8.8`
#> Group: `Simulation Parameters`
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> [01] Version
#> [01] SimulationControl
#> [01] Building
#> [01] SurfaceConvectionAlgorithm:Inside
#> [01] SurfaceConvectionAlgorithm:Outside
#> [01] HeatBalanceAlgorithm
#> [01] Timestep
#> Group: `Location and Climate`
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> [01] Site:Location
#> [02] SizingPeriod:DesignDay
#> [01] RunPeriod
#> Group: `Schedules`
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> [02] ScheduleTypeLimits
#> [01] Schedule:Constant
#> Group: `Surface Construction Elements`
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> [01] Material
#> [02] Material:NoMass
#> [03] Construction

#> IdfObject <<[ID:12] `R13LAYER`>>`Material:NoMass`
#> -------------------------------- * VALUES * -------------------------------
#> *1: R13LAYER,          !- Name
#> *2: Rough,             !- Roughness
#> *3: 2.290965,          !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
#>  4: 0.9,               !- Thermal Absorptance
#>  5: 0.75,              !- Solar Absorptance
#>  6: 0.75;              !- Visible Absorptance
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

model$RunPeriod[[1]][c("Begin Month", "End Month")]
#> $Begin_Month
#> [1] 1
#> $End_Month
#> [1] 12

    list(name = "run_period", begin_month = 3, begin_day_of_month = 1,
         end_month = 4, end_day_of_month = 1))
#> $run_period
#> IdfObject <<[ID:54] `run_period`>>`RunPeriod`
#> -------------------------------- * VALUES * -------------------------------
#>   1: run_period,        !- Name
#> * 2: 3,                 !- Begin Month
#> * 3: 1,                 !- Begin Day of Month
#> * 4: 4,                 !- End Month
#> * 5: 1,                 !- End Day of Month
#>   6: UseWeatherFile,    !- Day of Week for Start Day
#>   7: Yes,               !- Use Weather File Holidays and Special Days
#>   8: Yes,               !- Use Weather File Daylight Saving Period
#>   9: No,                !- Apply Weekend Holiday Rule
#>  10: Yes,               !- Use Weather File Rain Indicators
#>  11: Yes;               !- Use Weather File Snow Indicators
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

model$Construction$FLOOR$possible_value("Outside Layer")
#> -- 2: Field `Outside Layer` -----------------------------------------------
#> * References:
#>   - `R13LAYER`
#>   - `R31LAYER`
#>   - `C5 - 4 IN HW CONCRETE`

model$save(file.path(tempdir(), "model.idf"), overwrite = TRUE)

job <- model$run(
    weather = file.path(eplus_config(8.8)$dir, "WeatherData/USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.epw"),
    dir = NULL)
#> -- Info -------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Adding object `Output:SQLite` and setting `Option Type` to `SimpleAndTabular`.
#> -- Info -------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Replace the existing file located  at C:\Users\hongy\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmp4Ub7Cl\model.idf.
#> EnergyPlus Starting
#> EnergyPlus, Version 8.8.0-7c3bbe4830, YMD=2018.08.30 19:52
#> Processing Data Dictionary
#> Processing Input File
#> Initializing Simulation
#> Reporting Surfaces
#> Beginning Primary Simulation
#> Initializing New Environment Parameters
#> Warming up {1}
#> Warming up {2}
#> Warming up {3}
#> Warming up {4}
#> Warming up {5}
#> Warming up {6}
#> Warming up {7}
#> Warming up {8}
#> Warming up {9}
#> Warming up {10}
#> Warming up {11}
#> Warming up {12}
#> Warming up {13}
#> Warming up {14}
#> Warming up {15}
#> Warming up {16}

#> +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
#> |Warning[1/3] Weather file location will be used rather than entered (IDF)|
#> |Location object.                                                         |
#> |..Weather File Location=San Francisco Intl Ap CA USA TMY3 WMO#=724940    |
#> |..due to location differences, Latitude difference=[2.12] degrees,       |
#> |Longitude difference=[17.22] degrees.                                    |
#> |..Time Zone difference=[1.0] hour(s), Elevation difference=[99.89]       |
#> |percent, [1827.00] meters.                                               |
#> |                                                                         |
#> |Warning[2/3] SetUpDesignDay: Entered DesignDay Barometric Pressure=81198 |
#> |differs by more than 10% from Standard Barometric Pressure=101301.       |
#> |...occurs in DesignDay=DENVER CENTENNIAL GOLDEN N ANN HTG 99% CONDNS DB, |
#> |Standard Pressure (based on elevation) will be used.                     |
#> |                                                                         |
#> |Warning[3/3] SetUpDesignDay: Entered DesignDay Barometric Pressure=81198 |
#> |differs by more than 10% from Standard Barometric Pressure=101301.       |
#> |...occurs in DesignDay=DENVER CENTENNIAL GOLDEN N ANN CLG 1% CONDNS      |
#> |DB=>MWB, Standard Pressure (based on elevation) will be used.            |
#> +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
#> EnergyPlus completed successfully with 3 Warning.

job$report_data(name = "EnergyTransfer:Facility", case = "example")
#>          Case            DateTime KeyValue                    Name Units
#>    1: example 2018-01-01 01:00:00          EnergyTransfer:Facility     J
#>    2: example 2018-01-01 02:00:00          EnergyTransfer:Facility     J
#>    3: example 2018-01-01 03:00:00          EnergyTransfer:Facility     J
#>    4: example 2018-01-01 04:00:00          EnergyTransfer:Facility     J
#>    5: example 2018-01-01 05:00:00          EnergyTransfer:Facility     J
#>   ---                                                                   
#> 9572: example 2018-12-31 20:00:00          EnergyTransfer:Facility     J
#> 9573: example 2018-12-31 21:00:00          EnergyTransfer:Facility     J
#> 9574: example 2018-12-31 22:00:00          EnergyTransfer:Facility     J
#> 9575: example 2018-12-31 23:00:00          EnergyTransfer:Facility     J
#> 9576: example 2019-01-01 00:00:00          EnergyTransfer:Facility     J
#>       Value
#>    1:     0
#>    2:     0
#>    3:     0
#>    4:     0
#>    5:     0
#>   ---      
#> 9572:     0
#> 9573:     0
#> 9574:     0
#> 9575:     0
#> 9576:     0


I would like to thank many open source projects who have heavily inspired the development of eplusr package, especially these below:


Hongyuan Jia

Faculty of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University


The project is released under the terms of the GPLv3.

Copyright © 2016-2018 Hongyuan Jia

Copy Link




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Last Published

December 5th, 2018

Functions in eplusr (0.9.4)


Download and Install EnergyPlus

Read an EnergyPlus Input Data File (IDF)

Use a specific EnergyPlus Input Data Dictionary (IDD) file

Configure which version of EnergyPlus to use

Run simulations of EnergyPlus models.

Read, modify, and run an EnergyPlus model

Create An EnergyPlus Parametric Simulation Job

Retrieve Simulation Outputs Using EnergyPlus SQLite Output File

Run EnergyPlus Simulation and Collect Outputs

Create an EnergyPlus Simulation Job

Read an Energy SQLite Output File

eplusr: A Toolkit for Using EnergyPlus in R

Get and Set eplusr options

Clean working directory of a previous EnergyPlus simulation

Download EnergyPlus Weather File (EPW) and Design Day File (DDY)

Read and Parse EnergyPlus Weather File (EPW)

EnergyPlus IDF object

EnergyPlus IDD object

Create and Run Parametric Analysis, and Collect Results

Read, and modify an EnergyPlus Weather File (EPW)

Parse, Query and Modify EnergyPlus Input Data Dictionary (IDD)