# Data with features in columns
group <- rosenwald.cli$group
expr <- t(rosenwald.expr)
# NA imputation (feature's mean to minimize impact)
f <- function(x) { x[ is.na(x) ] <- round(mean(x, na.rm=TRUE), 3); x }
expr <- apply(expr, 2, f)
# Coefficients
coeff <- LPS.coeff(data=expr, response=group)
# 10 best features (straightforward)
m <- LPS(data=expr, coeff=coeff, response=group, k=10)
# 10 best features (formula)
### 'k' MUST be an integer, or will be understood as a 'threshold'
### Numbers are "numeric", enforce integer with "L" or "as.integer"
m <- LPS(data=as.data.frame(expr), coeff=coeff, formula=group~10L)
k <- as.integer(10)
m <- LPS(data=as.data.frame(expr), coeff=coeff, formula=group~k)
# FDR threshold
thr <- 0.01
m <- LPS(data=expr, coeff=coeff, response=group, threshold=thr)
m <- LPS(data=as.data.frame(expr), coeff=coeff, formula=group~0.01)
m <- LPS(data=as.data.frame(expr), coeff=coeff, formula=group~thr)
# Custom model
m <- LPS(data=expr, coeff=coeff[ c("27481","17013") ,], response=group, k=2)
m <- LPS(data=as.data.frame(expr), coeff=coeff, formula=group~`27481`+`17013`)
### Notice backticks in formula for syntactically invalid names
# Complete model
m <- LPS(data=expr, coeff=coeff, response=group, k=ncol(expr))
m <- LPS(data=expr, coeff=coeff, response=group, threshold=1)
### m <- LPS(data=as.data.frame(expr), coeff=coeff, formula=group~.)
### The last is correct but (really) slow on large datasets
# }
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