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RandomFields (version 3.0.32)

RFgetModelInfo: Internal information


The function returns internal information about the simulation of a random field and the calculation of covariance functions


RFgetModel(register, explicite.natscale, show.call=FALSE)

RFgetModelInfo(register, level = 3, spConform = RFoptions()$general$spConform, which.submodels = c("user", "internal", "both"), modelname = NULL)


$0,...,21$ or an evaluating function, e.g. RFsimulate. Place where intermediate calculations are stored; The user should only use the registers $0,..,9$ for the user's own purpose.
logical. Advanced option. If missing, then the model is returned as stored. If FALSE then any RMnatsc is ignored. If TRUE then any
logical. If FALSE then the model is shown as interpreted. If TRUE then the user's input including the calling function is returned. See example below.
integer [0..5]; level of details, i.e. the higher the number the more details are given. If level >= 10 then the leading internal model is also given (which is, in general, not of interest by the user).
Internally, the sub-models are represented in two different ways internal and user. The latter is very close to the model defined by the user.
string. If modelname is given then it returns the first appearance of the covariance model with name modelname. If meth is given then the model within the method is returned.


  • List of internal information is returned.


RFgetModelInfo(register, ignore.active=TRUE) is useful for debugging and specialists' need to control the algorithm, see the examples in RFoptions and RFsimulate. If RFoptions()$Storage=FALSE then values of the internal registers are not kept if RFsimulate has been called. Hence RFgetModelInfo cannot provide any information.

See Also



Run this code
RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again
model <- RMexp(scale=4, var=2) + RMnugget(var=3) + RMtrend(mean=1)
z <- RFsimulate(model, 1:4, grid=TRUE, storing=TRUE)
RFgetModelInfo(RFsimulate, level=1)

RFgetModel(RFsimulate, show.call=FALSE)
RFgetModel(RFsimulate, show.call=TRUE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab