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RandomFields (version 3.0.32)

Spectral: Spectral turning bands method


The spectral turning bands method is a simulation method for stationary Gaussian random fields (Mantoglou and Wilson, 1982). It makes use of Bochners's theorem and the corresponding spectral measure $\Xi$ for a given covariance function $C(h)$. For $x \in {\bf R}^d$, the field $$Y(x)= \sqrt{2} cos( + 2 \pi U)$$ with $V ~ \Xi$ and $U ~ Ufo((O,1))$ is a random field with covariance function $C(h)$. A scaled superposition of many independent realizations of $Y$ gives a Gaussian field, acoording to the central limit theorem. For details see Lantuejoul (2002). The standard method allows for the simulation of 2-dimensional random fields defined on arbitrary points or arbitrary grids.


RPspectral(phi, sp_lines, sp_grid, prop_factor, sigma)


object of class RMmodel; specifies the covariance model to be simulated.
Number of lines used (in total for all additive components of the covariance function).

Default: 2500.

Logical. The angle of the lines is random if grid=FALSE, and $k\pi/$sp_lines for $k$ in 1:sp_lines, otherwise. This argument is only considered if the spectral measure, not the density is used. Default:
positive real value. Sometimes, the spectral density must be samples by MCMC. Let $p$ the average rejection rate. Then the chain is sampled every $n$th point where $n = |log(p)| *$prop_factor

Default: 50.

real. Considered if the Metropolis algorithm is used. It gives the standard deviation of the multivariate normal distribution of the proposing distribution. If sigma is not positive thenRandomFields tries to find a good cho


  • RPspectral returns an object of class RMmodel


old args:
  • ergodic
{ In case of an additive model and ergodic=FALSE, the additive component are chosen proportional to their variance. In total sp_lines are simulated. If ergodic=TRUE, the components are simulated separately and then added. Default: FALSE. } identical{ Default: 1e-25. }


  • Lantuejoul, C. (2002)Geostatistical Simulation: Models and Algorithms.Springer.
  • Mantoglou, A. and J. L. Wilson (1982),The Turning Bands Method for simulation of random fields using line generation by a spectral method.Water Resour. Res., 18(5), 1379-1394.

See Also

RPcoins, RPhyperplane, RPspectral, RPtbm.


Run this code
RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again
model <- RPspectral(RMmatern(nu=1))
y <- x <- seq(0,10,len=if (interactive()) 400 else 3)
z <- RFsimulate(model, x, y, n=2, grid=TRUE)

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