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apply: Apply Functions Over Sparse Matrix Margins


Apply functions to (the cross-pairs of) the rows or columns of a sparse matrix.


rowapply_simple_triplet_matrix(x, FUN, ...)
colapply_simple_triplet_matrix(x, FUN, ...)

crossapply_simple_triplet_matrix(x, y = NULL, FUN, ...) tcrossapply_simple_triplet_matrix(x, y = NULL, FUN, ...)


A vector (matrix) of length (dimensionality) of the margin(s) used. The type depends on the result of FUN.

Note that the result of colapply_simple_triplet_matrix is never simplified to matrix.


x, y

a matrix in simple_triplet_matrix-form or, one of x and y, of class matrix.


the name of the function to be applied.


optional arguments to FUN.


Christian Buchta


colapply_simple_triplet_matrix temporarily expands each column of x to dense vector representation and applies the function specified in FUN.

crossapply_simple_triplet_matrix temporarily expands each cross-pair of columns of x (and y) to dense vector representation and applies the function specified in FUN.

Note that if y = NULL then only the entries in the lower triangle and the diagonal are computed, assuming that FUN is symmetric.

See Also

apply for dense-on-dense computations.


Run this code
x <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0), nrow = 3, 
    dimnames = list(1:3, LETTERS[1:2]))
s <- as.simple_triplet_matrix(x)
colapply_simple_triplet_matrix(s, FUN = var)
simplify2array(colapply_simple_triplet_matrix(s, identity))
crossapply_simple_triplet_matrix(s, FUN = var)

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