library(magrittr) # for %>%
# Activity by grade with a baseline grade excluded:
# Name overrides:
summary(faux.mesa.high~nodefactor("Form"~Grade)) # Only for terms that don't use the LHS.
# Retain all levels:
summary(faux.mesa.high~nodefactor(~Grade, levels=TRUE)) # or levels=NULL
# Use the largest grade as baseline (also Grade 7):
summary(faux.mesa.high~nodefactor(~Grade, levels=-LARGEST))
# Activity by grade with no baseline smallest two grades (11 and
# 12) collapsed into a new category, labelled 0:
table(faux.mesa.high %v% "Grade")
summary(faux.mesa.high~nodefactor((~Grade) %>% COLLAPSE_SMALLEST(2, 0),
# Handling of tied frequencies
faux.mesa.high %v% "Plans" <-
sample(rep(c("College", "Trade School", "Apprenticeship", "Undecided"), c(80,80,20,25)))
summary(faux.mesa.high ~ nodefactor("Plans", levels = -LARGEST))
# Mixing between lower and upper grades:
# Mixing between grades 7 and 8 only:
summary(faux.mesa.high~mm("Grade", levels=I(c(7,8))))
# or
summary(faux.mesa.high~mm("Grade", levels=1:2))
# or using levels2 (see ? mm) to filter the combinations of levels,
l[[1]]%in%c(7,8) && l[[2]]%in%c(7,8))))
# Here are some less complex ways to specify levels2. This is the
# full list of combinations of sexes in an undirected network:
summary(faux.mesa.high~mm("Sex", levels2=TRUE))
# Select only the second combination:
summary(faux.mesa.high~mm("Sex", levels2=2))
# Equivalently,
summary(faux.mesa.high~mm("Sex", levels2=-c(1,3)))
# or
summary(faux.mesa.high~mm("Sex", levels2=c(FALSE,TRUE,FALSE)))
# Select all *but* the second one:
summary(faux.mesa.high~mm("Sex", levels2=-2))
# Select via a mixing matrix: (Network is undirected and
# attributes are the same on both sides, so we can use either M or
# its transpose.)
(M <- matrix(c(FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE),2,2))
summary(faux.mesa.high~mm("Sex", levels2=M)+mm("Sex", levels2=t(M)))
# Select via an index of a cell:
idx <- cbind(1,2)
summary(faux.mesa.high~mm("Sex", levels2=idx))
# Or, select by specific attribute value combinations, though note
# the names 'row' and 'col' and the order for undirected networks:
levels2 = I(list(list(row="M",col="M"),
# Note the warning: in an undirected network with identical row and
# column attributes, the mixing matrix is symmetric and only the
# upper triangle (where row < column) is valid, so the [M,F] cell
# will get a statistic of 0 with a warning.
# mm() term allows two-sided attribute formulas with different attributes:
summary(faux.mesa.high~mm(Grade~Race, levels2=TRUE))
# It is possible to have collapsing functions in the formula; note
# the parentheses around "~Race": this is because a formula
# operator (~) has lower precedence than pipe (|>):
summary(faux.mesa.high~mm(Grade~(~Race) %>% COLLAPSE_SMALLEST(3,"BWO"), levels2=TRUE))
# Some terms, such as nodecov(), accept matrices of nodal
# covariates. An certain R quirk means that columns whose
# expressions are not typical variable names have their names
# dropped and need to be adjusted. Consider, for example, the
# linear and quadratic effects of grade:
Grade <- faux.mesa.high %v% "Grade"
colnames(cbind(Grade, Grade^2)) # Second column name missing.
colnames(cbind(Grade, Grade2=Grade^2)) # Can be set manually,
colnames(cbind(Grade, `Grade^2`=Grade^2)) # even to non-variable-names.
colnames(cbind(Grade, Grade^2, deparse.level=2)) # Alternatively, deparse.level=2 forces naming.
# \dontshow{
options(warn=1) # Print warnings immediately.
# }
# Therefore, the nodal attribute names are set as follows:
summary(faux.mesa.high~nodecov(~cbind(Grade, Grade^2))) # column names dropped with a warning
summary(faux.mesa.high~nodecov(~cbind(Grade, Grade2=Grade^2))) # column names set manually
summary(faux.mesa.high~nodecov(~cbind(Grade, Grade^2, deparse.level=2))) # using deparse.level=2
# Activity by grade with a random covariate. Note that setting an attribute "name" gives it a name:
randomcov <- structure(I(rbinom(network.size(faux.mesa.high),1,0.5)), name="random")
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