This function requires data to have been dumped to disk: see ?dump2dir
and ?setoutput
. The routine autocorr.lgcpPredict
computes cellwise selected autocorrelations of Y.
Since computing the quantiles is an expensive operation, the option to output the quantiles on a subregion of interest is also provided (by
setting the argument inWindow
, which has a sensible default).
tidx = NULL,
inWindow = x$xyt$window,
crop2parentwindow = TRUE,
an object of class lgcpPredict
a vector of the required lags
the index number of the the time interval of interest, default is the last time point.
an observation owin window on which to compute the autocorrelations, can speed up calculation. Default is x$xyt$window, set to NULL for full grid.
logical: whether to only compute autocorrelations for cells inside x$xyt$window (the 'parent window')
additional arguments
an array, the [,,i]th slice being the grid of cell-wise autocorrelations.
lgcpPredict, dump2dir, setoutput, plot.lgcpAutocorr, ltar, parautocorr, traceplots, parsummary, textsummary, priorpost, postcov, exceedProbs, betavals, etavals