A function to return the sampled log-target from a call to the function lgcpPredictSpatialPlusPars, lgcpPredictAggregateSpatialPlusPars, lgcpPredictSpatioTemporalPlusPars or lgcpPredictMultitypeSpatialPlusPars. This is used as a convergence diagnostic.
an object produced by a call to lgcpPredictSpatialPlusPars, lgcpPredictAggregateSpatialPlusPars, lgcpPredictSpatioTemporalPlusPars orlgcpPredictMultitypeSpatialPlusPars
the log-target from each saved iteration of the MCMC chain.
autocorr, parautocorr, traceplots, parsummary, textsummary, priorpost, postcov, exceedProbs, betavals, etavals