## standard usage, duplicating the results in
## Little and Rubin, section 7.4.3
out <- bmonomvn(cement.miss)
## A bigger example, comparing the various
## parsimonious methods
## generate N=100 samples from a 10-d random MVN
xmuS <- randmvn(100, 20)
## randomly impose monotone missingness
xmiss <- rmono(xmuS$x)
## using least squares only when necessary,
obl <- bmonomvn(xmiss)
## look at the posterior variability
plot(obl, "S")
## compare to maximum likelihood
Ellik.norm(obl$mu, obl$S, xmuS$mu, xmuS$S)
oml <- monomvn(xmiss, method="lasso")
Ellik.norm(oml$mu, oml$S, xmuS$mu, xmuS$S)
## a min-variance portfolio allocation example
## get the returns data, and use 20 random cols
train <- returns[,sample(1:ncol(returns), 20)]
## missingness pattern requires DA; also gather
## samples from the solution to a QP
obl.da <- bmonomvn(train, p=0, QP=TRUE)
## plot the QP weights distribution
plot(obl.da, "QP", xaxis="index")
## get ML solution: will warn about monotone violations
suppressWarnings(oml.da <- monomvn(train, method="lasso"))
## add mean and MLE comparison, requires the
## quadprog library for the solve.QP function
add.pe.QP(obl.da, oml.da)
## now consider adding in the market as a factor
mtrain <- cbind(market, train)
## fit the model using only factor regressions
obl.daf <- bmonomvn(mtrain, method="factor", p=1, QP=1)
plot(obl.daf, "QP", xaxis="index", main="using only factors")
suppressWarnings(oml.daf <- monomvn(mtrain, method="factor"))
add.pe.QP(obl.daf, oml.daf)
## a Bayes/MLE comparison using least squares sparingly
## fit Bayesian and classical lasso
p <- 0.25
obls <- bmonomvn(xmiss, p=p)
Ellik.norm(obls$mu, obls$S, xmuS$mu, xmuS$S)
omls <- monomvn(xmiss, p=p, method="lasso")
Ellik.norm(omls$mu, omls$S, xmuS$mu, xmuS$S)
## compare to ridge regression
obrs <- bmonomvn(xmiss, p=p, method="ridge")
Ellik.norm(obrs$mu, obrs$S, xmuS$mu, xmuS$S)
omrs <- monomvn(xmiss, p=p, method="ridge")
Ellik.norm(omrs$mu, omrs$S, xmuS$mu, xmuS$S)
# }
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