Functions for visualizing the output from bmonomvn
particularly the posterior standard deviation estimates of the mean
vector and covariance matrix, and samples from the solution to a
Quadratic Program
# S3 method for monomvn
plot(x, which=c("mu", "S", "Snz", "Sinz", "QP"),
xaxis=c("numna", "index"), main=NULL, uselog=FALSE, ...)
a "monomvn"
-class object that must be named x
for generic plotting
determines the parameter whose standard deviation
to be visualized: the mean vector ("mu"
for sqrt($mu.var)
the covariance matrix
for sqrt($S.var)
or "S{i}nz"
for sqrt($S{i}.nz)
, which both result in
an image
plot; or the distribution of solutions
to a Quadratic Program that may be obtained by
supplying QP = TRUE
as input to bmonomvn
indicates how x-axis (or x- and y-axis in the case
of which = "S" || "S{i}nz"
) should be displayed. The default option
shows the (ordered) number of missing entries
s) in the corresponding column, whereas "index"
simply uses the column index; see details below
optional text to be added to the main title of the plots;
the default of NULL
causes the automatic generation of a
a logical which, when TRUE
, causes the log
of the standard deviation to be plotted instead
passed to plot.default
The only output of this function is beautiful plots
Currently, this function only provides a visualization of the
posterior standard deviation estimates of the parameters, and
the distributions of samples from the posterior of the solution
to a specified Quadratic Program. Therefore
it only works on the output from bmonomvn
All types of visualization (specified by which
) are presented
in the order of the number of missing entries in the columns of the
data passed as input to bmonomvn
In the case of which = "mu"
this means that y-values are presented in the order x$o
, where
the x-axis is either 1:length(x$o)
in the case of
xaxis = "index"
, or x$na[x$o]
in the case of xaxis
= "numna"
. When which = "S"
is given the resulting
plot is likewise ordered by x$o
where the
x- and y-axis are as above, except that in the case
where xaxis = "numna"
the repeated counts of NA
s are
are adjusted by small increments so that x and y arguments to
are distinct. Since a boxplot
used when which = "QP"
it may be that xaxis = "index"
is preferred