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quanteda (version 0.7.2-1)

dfm: create a document-feature matrix


Create a sparse matrix document-feature matrix from a corpus or a vector of texts. The sparse matrix construction uses the Matrix package, and is both much faster and much more memory efficient than the corresponding dense (regular matrix) representation. For details on the structure of the dfm class, see dfm-class.


dfm(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'character': dfm(x, verbose = TRUE, clean = TRUE, stem = FALSE, ignoredFeatures = NULL, keptFeatures = NULL, matrixType = c("sparse", "dense"), language = "english", fromCorpus = FALSE, bigrams = FALSE, thesaurus = NULL, dictionary = NULL, dictionary_regex = FALSE, addto = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'corpus': dfm(x, verbose = TRUE, clean = TRUE, stem = FALSE, ignoredFeatures = NULL, keptFeatures = NULL, matrixType = c("sparse", "dense"), language = "english", groups = NULL, bigrams = FALSE, thesaurus = NULL, dictionary = NULL, dictionary_regex = FALSE, addto = NULL, ...)




corpus or character vector from which to generate the document-feature matrix
additional arguments passed to clean
display messages if TRUE
if FALSE, do no cleaning of the text. This offers a one-argument easy method to turn off any cleaning of the texts during construction of the dfm.
if TRUE, stem words
a character vector of user-supplied features to ignore, such as "stop words". Formerly, this was a Boolean option for stopwords = TRUE, but requiring the user to supply the list highlights the choice involved in using any stopword list. To
a use supplied regular expression defining which features to keep, while excluding all others. This can be used in lieu of a dictionary if there are only specific features that a user wishes to keep. To extract only Twitter usernames, for example, set
if dense, produce a dense matrix; or it sparse produce a sparse matrix of class dgCMatrix from the Matrix package.
Language for stemming and stopwords. Choices are danish, dutch, english, finnish, french, german, hungarian, italian, norwegian, po
a system flag used internally, soon to be phased out.
include bigrams as well as unigram features, if TRUE
A list of character vector "thesaurus" entries, in a dictionary list format, which can also include regular expressions if dictionary_regex is TRUE (see examples). Note that unlike dictionaries, each entry in a thesaurus key mu
A list of character vector dictionary entries, including regular expressions (see examples)
TRUE means the dictionary is already in regular expression format, otherwise it will be converted from "wildcard" format
NULL by default, but if an existing dfm object is specified, then the new dfm will be added to the one named. If both dfm's are built from dictionaries, the combined dfm will have its Non_Dictionary
Grouping variable for aggregating documents


  • A dfm-class object containing a sparse matrix representation of the counts of features by document, along with associated settings and metadata.

    If you used matrixType = "dense" then the return is an old-style S3 matrix class object with additional attributes representing meta-data.


New as of v0.7: All dfms are by default sparse, a change from the previous behaviour. You can still create the older (S3) dense matrix type dfm object, but you will receive a disapproving warning message while doing so, suggesting you make the switch.

is.dfm returns TRUE if and only if its argument is a dfm.

as.dfm coerces a matrix or data.frame to a dfm


Run this code
# with inaugural texts
(size1 <- object.size(dfm(inaugTexts, matrixType="sparse")))
(size2 <- object.size(dfm(inaugTexts, matrixType="dense")))
cat("Compacted by ", round(as.numeric((1-size1/size2)*100), 1), "%.\n", sep="")

# for a corpus
mydfm <- dfm(subset(inaugCorpus, Year>1980))

# grouping documents by docvars in a corpus
mydfmGrouped <- dfm(subset(inaugCorpus, Year>1980), groups = "President")

# with stopwords English, stemming, and dense matrix
dfmsInaug2 <- dfm(subset(inaugCorpus, Year>1980),
                  stem=TRUE, matrixType="dense")

## with dictionaries
mycorpus <- subset(inaugCorpus, Year>1900)
mydict <- list(christmas=c("Christmas", "Santa", "holiday"),
               opposition=c("Opposition", "reject", "notincorpus"),
               country="united states")
dictDfm <- dfm(mycorpus, dictionary=mydict)

## with the thesaurus feature
mytexts <- c("The new law included a capital gains tax, and an inheritance tax.",
             "New York City has raised a taxes: an income tax and a sales tax.")
mydict <- dictionary(list(tax=c("tax", "income tax", "capital gains tax", "inheritance tax")))
dfm(phrasetotoken(mytexts, mydict), thesaurus=lapply(mydict, function(x) gsub("\\s", "_", x)))
# pick up "taxes" with "tax" as a regex
dfm(phrasetotoken(mytexts, mydict), thesaurus=list(anytax="tax"), dictionary_regex=TRUE)

## removing stopwords
testText <- "The quick brown fox named Seamus jumps over the lazy dog also named Seamus, with
             the newspaper from a a boy named Seamus, in his mouth."
testCorpus <- corpus(testText)
settings(testCorpus, "stopwords")
dfm(testCorpus, ignoredFeatures=stopwords("english"))

## keep only certain words
dfm(testCorpus, keptFeatures="s$", verbose=FALSE)  # keep only words ending in "s"
testTweets <- c("My homie @justinbieber #justinbieber shopping in #LA yesterday #beliebers",
                "2all the ha8ers including my bro #justinbieber #emabiggestfansjustinbieber",
                "Justin Bieber #justinbieber #belieber #fetusjustin #EMABiggestFansJustinBieber")

dfm(testTweets, keptFeatures="^#")  # keep only hashtags

# try it with approx 35,000 court documents from Lauderdale and Clark (200?)
txts <- unlist(Opinion_files[1])
names(txts) <- NULL

# dfms without cleaning
system.time(dfmsBig <- dfm(txts, clean=FALSE, verbose=FALSE))
# compare with tm
tmcorp <- VCorpus(VectorSource(txts))
system.time(tmDTM <- DocumentTermMatrix(tmcorp))

# with cleaning - the gsub() calls in clean() take a long time
system.time(dfmsBig <- dfm(txts, clean=TRUE, additional="[-_\\x{h2014}]"))
# 100 top features
topf <- colSums(dfmsBig)
names(topf) <- colnames(dfmsBig)
head(sort(topf, decreasing=TRUE), 100)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab