## for a corpus
corpus_post80inaug <- corpus_subset(data_corpus_inaugural, Year > 1980)
dfm(corpus_post80inaug, tolower = FALSE)
# grouping documents by docvars in a corpus
dfm(corpus_post80inaug, groups = "President", verbose = TRUE)
# with English stopwords and stemming
dfm(corpus_post80inaug, remove = stopwords("english"), stem = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
# works for both words in ngrams too
dfm("Banking industry", stem = TRUE, ngrams = 2, verbose = FALSE)
# with dictionaries
corpus_post1900inaug <- corpus_subset(data_corpus_inaugural, Year>1900)
mydict <- dictionary(list(christmas = c("Christmas", "Santa", "holiday"),
opposition = c("Opposition", "reject", "notincorpus"),
taxing = "taxing",
taxation = "taxation",
taxregex = "tax*",
country = "states"))
dfm(corpus_post1900inaug, dictionary = mydict)
# removing stopwords
testText <- "The quick brown fox named Seamus jumps over the lazy dog also named Seamus, with
the newspaper from a boy named Seamus, in his mouth."
testCorpus <- corpus(testText)
# note: "also" is not in the default stopwords("english")
featnames(dfm(testCorpus, select = stopwords("english")))
# for ngrams
featnames(dfm(testCorpus, ngrams = 2, select = stopwords("english"), remove_punct = TRUE))
featnames(dfm(testCorpus, ngrams = 1:2, select = stopwords("english"), remove_punct = TRUE))
# removing stopwords before constructing ngrams
tokensAll <- tokens(char_tolower(testText), remove_punct = TRUE)
tokensNoStopwords <- removeFeatures(tokensAll, stopwords("english"))
tokensNgramsNoStopwords <- tokens_ngrams(tokensNoStopwords, 2)
featnames(dfm(tokensNgramsNoStopwords, verbose = FALSE))
# keep only certain words
dfm(testCorpus, select = "*s", verbose = FALSE) # keep only words ending in "s"
dfm(testCorpus, select = "s$", valuetype = "regex", verbose = FALSE)
# testing Twitter functions
testTweets <- c("My homie @justinbieber #justinbieber shopping in #LA yesterday #beliebers",
"2all the ha8ers including my bro #justinbieber #emabiggestfansjustinbieber",
"Justin Bieber #justinbieber #belieber #fetusjustin #EMABiggestFansJustinBieber")
dfm(testTweets, select = "#*", remove_twitter = FALSE) # keep only hashtags
dfm(testTweets, select = "^#.*$", valuetype = "regex", remove_twitter = FALSE)
# for a dfm
dfm1 <- dfm(data_corpus_irishbudget2010)
dfm2 <- dfm(dfm1,
groups = ifelse(docvars(data_corpus_irishbudget2010, "party") %in% c("FF", "Green"),
"Govt", "Opposition"),
tolower = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab