if (FALSE) {
if (requireNamespace("deSolve")) {
## Two states: Initial -> Final
## Note: this shows how to use markov_msm to estimate survival and risk probabilities based on
## smooth hazard models.
two_states <- function(model, ...) {
transmat = matrix(c(NA,1,NA,NA),2,2,byrow=TRUE)
rownames(transmat) <- colnames(transmat) <- c("Initial","Final")
rstpm2::markov_msm(list(model), ..., trans = transmat)
## Note: the first argument is the hazard model. The other arguments are arguments to the
## markov_msm function, except for the transition matrix, which is defined by the new function.
death = gsm(Surv(time,status)~factor(rx), data=survival::colon, subset=(etype==2), df=3)
cr = two_states(death, newdata=data.frame(rx="Obs"), t = seq(0,2500, length=301))
## Competing risks
## Note: this shows how to adapt the markov_msm model for competing risks.
competing_risks <- function(listOfModels, ...) {
nRisks = length(listOfModels)
transmat = matrix(NA,nRisks+1,nRisks+1)
transmat[1,1+(1:nRisks)] = 1:nRisks
rownames(transmat) <- colnames(transmat) <- c("Initial",names(listOfModels))
rstpm2::markov_msm(listOfModels, ..., trans = transmat)
## Note: The first argument for competing_risks is a list of models. Names from that list are
## used for labelling the states. The other arguments are as per the markov_msm function,
## except for the transition matrix, which is defined by the competing_risks function.
recurrence = gsm(Surv(time,status)~factor(rx), data=survival::colon, subset=(etype==1), df=3)
death = gsm(Surv(time,status)~factor(rx), data=survival::colon, subset=(etype==2), df=3)
cr = competing_risks(list(Recurrence=recurrence,Death=death),
t = seq(0,2500, length=301))
## Plot the probabilities for each state for three different treatment arms
plot(cr, ggplot=TRUE) + facet_grid(~ rx)
## And: differences in probabilities
cr_diff = diff(subset(cr,rx=="Lev+5FU"),subset(cr,rx=="Obs"))
plot(cr_diff, ggplot=TRUE, stacked=FALSE)
## Extended example: Crowther and Lambert (2017)
## library(rstpm2); library(readstata13); library(ggplot2)
mex.1 <- read.dta13("http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/m/multistate_example.dta")
transmat <- rbind("Post-surgery"=c(NA,1,2),
colnames(transmat) <- rownames(transmat)
mex.2 <- transform(mex.1,osi=(osi=="deceased")+0)
levels(mex.2$size)[2] <- ">20-50 mm" # fix typo
mex <- mstate::msprep(time=c(NA,"rf","os"),status=c(NA,"rfi","osi"),
mex <- transform(mex,
size2=(unclass(size)==2)+0, # avoids issues with TRUE/FALSE
c.ar <- stpm2(Surv(Tstart,Tstop,status) ~ age + size2 + size3 + nodes + pr_1 + hormon,
data = mex, subset=trans==1, df=3, tvc=list(size2=1,size3=1,pr_1=1))
c.ad <- stpm2(Surv(Tstart, Tstop, status) ~ age + size + nodes + pr_1 + hormon,
data = mex, subset=trans==2, df=1)
c.rd <- stpm2( Surv(Tstart,Tstop,status) ~ age + size + nodes + pr_1 + hormon,
data=mex, subset=trans==3, df=3, tvc=list(pr_1=1))
nd <- expand.grid(nodes=seq(0,20,10), size=levels(mex$size))
nd <- transform(nd, age=54, pr_1=3, hormon=0,
## Predictions
system.time(pred1 <- rstpm2::markov_msm(list(c.ar,c.ad,c.rd), t = seq(0,15,length=301),
newdata=nd, trans = transmat)) # ~2 seconds
pred1 <- transform(pred1, Nodes=paste("Nodes =",nodes), Size=paste("Size",size))
## Figure 3
plot(pred1, ggplot=TRUE) + facet_grid(Nodes ~ Size) + xlab("Years since surgery")
plot(pred1, ggplot=TRUE, flipped=TRUE) +
facet_grid(Nodes ~ Size) + xlab("Years since surgery")
plot(pred1, strata=~nodes+size, xlab="Years since surgery", lattice=TRUE)
## Figure 4
plot(subset(pred1, nodes==0 & size=="<=20 mm"), stacked=FALSE, ggplot=TRUE) +
facet_grid(. ~ state) +
xlab("Years since surgery")
## Figure 5
a <- diff(subset(pred1,nodes==0 & size=="<=20 mm"),
subset(pred1,nodes==0 & size==">20-50 mm"))
a <- transform(a, label = "Prob(Size<=20 mm)-Prob(20mm20-50 mm"))
b <- transform(b,label="Prob(Size<=20 mm)-Prob(20mm50 mm"))
c <- transform(c, label = "Prob(Size<=20 mm)-Prob(Size>=50mm)")
d <- ratio_markov_msm(subset(pred1,nodes==0 & size=="<=20 mm"),
subset(pred1,nodes==0 & size==">50 mm"))
d <- transform(d,label= "Prob(Size<=20 mm)-Prob(Size>=50mm)")
e <- diff(subset(pred1,nodes==0 & size==">20-50 mm"),
subset(pred1,nodes==0 & size==">50 mm"))
e <- transform(e,label="Prob(20mm=50mm)")
f <- ratio_markov_msm(subset(pred1,nodes==0 & size==">20-50 mm"),
subset(pred1,nodes==0 & size==">50 mm"))
f <- transform(f, label = "Prob(20mm=50mm)")
## combine
diffs <- rbind(a,c,e)
ratios <- rbind(b,d,f)
## Figure 5
plot(diffs, stacked=FALSE, ggplot2=TRUE) + xlab("Years since surgery") +
ylim(c(-0.4, 0.4)) + facet_grid(label ~ state)
plot(ratios, stacked=FALSE, ggplot2=TRUE) + xlab("Years since surgery") +
ylim(c(0, 3)) + facet_grid(label ~ state)
## Figure 6
plot(subset(pred1, nodes==0 & size=="<=20 mm"), stacked=FALSE, which="L", ggplot2=TRUE) +
facet_grid(. ~ state) + xlab("Years since surgery")
## Figure 7
plot(diffs, stacked=FALSE, which="L", ggplot2=TRUE) + xlab("Years since surgery") +
ylim(c(-4, 4)) + facet_grid(label ~ state)
plot(ratios, stacked=FALSE, which="L", ggplot2=TRUE) + xlab("Years since surgery") +
ylim(c(0.1, 10)) + coord_trans(y="log10") + facet_grid(label ~ state)
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