A character string indicating the model. The help file for
mclustModelNames describes the available models.
A numeric vector, matrix, or data frame of observations.
Categorical variables are not allowed.
If a matrix or data frame, rows correspond to observations and
columns correspond to variables.
A names list giving the parameters of the model.
The components are as follows:
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
A logical value indicating whether or not a warning should be issued
when computations fail. The default is warn=FALSE.
Catches unused arguments in indirect or list calls via do.call.
A list including the following components:
modelNameA character string identifying the model (same as the input argument).
zA matrix whose [i,k]th entry is the conditional probability
of the ith observation belonging to the kth component
of the mixture.
parametersThe input parameters.
loglikThe loglikelihood for the data in the mixture model.
"WARNING": An appropriate warning if problems are
encountered in the computations.
C. Fraley and A. E. Raftery (2002).
Model-based clustering, discriminant analysis, and density estimation.
Journal of the American Statistical Association 97:611-631.
C. Fraley and A. E. Raftery (2006).
MCLUST Version 3 for R: Normal Mixture Modeling and Model-Based Clustering,
Technical Report no. 504, Department of Statistics,
University of Washington.