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mgcv (version 0.9-6)

gam: Generalized Additive Models using penalized regression splines and GCV


Fits the specified generalized additive model (GAM) to data. gam() is not a clone of what Splus provides. Smooth terms are represented using penalized regression splines with smoothing parameters selected by GCV/UBRE or by regression splines with fixed degrees of freedom (mixtures of the two are permitted). Multi-dimensional smooths are available using penalized thin plate regression splines, but the user must make sure that covariates are sensibly scaled relative to each other when using such terms. For a general overview see Wood (2001). For more on specifying models see gam.models. For more on model selection see gam.selection.




A GAM formula (see also gam.models). This is exactly like the formula for a glm except that smooth terms can be added to the right hand side of the formula (and a formula of the form y ~ . i
This is a family object specifying the distribution and link to use in fitting etc. See glm and family for more details. The negative binomial families provided b
A data frame containing the model response variable and covariates required by the formula. By default the variables are taken from environment(formula), typically the environment from which gam is called.
prior weights on the data.
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.
a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain `NA's. The default is set by the `na.action' setting of `options', and is `na.fail' if that is unset. The ``factory-fresh'' default is `na.omit'.
A list of fit control parameters returned by gam.control.
If this is zero then GCV is used for all distributions except Poisson and binomial where UBRE is used with scale parameter assumed to be 1. If this is greater than 1 it is assumed to be the scale parameter/variance and UBRE is used: to use the negative bi
this is an optional list containing user specified knot values to be used for basis construction. For the cr basis the user simply supplies the knots to be used, and there must be the same number as the basis dimension, k, for t
A vector of smoothing parameters for each term can be provided here. Smoothing parameters must be supplied in the order that the smooth terms appear in the model formula. With fit method "magic" (see
for fit method "magic" only, lower bounds can be supplied for the smoothing parameters. Note that if this option is used then the smoothing parameters, sp, in the returned object will need to be added to what is supplied here to
With fit method "magic" a user supplied fixed quadratic penalty on the parameters of the GAM can be supplied, with this as its coefficient matrix. A common use of this term is to add a ridge penalty to the parameters of the GAM in circumst
It is sometimes useful to inflate the model degrees of freedom in the GCV or UBRE score by a constant multiplier. This allows such a multiplier to be supplied if fit method is "magic".
further arguments for passing on e.g. to gam.fit


  • The function returns an object of class "gam" which has the following elements:
  • boundarydid parameters end up at boundary of parameter space?
  • bya 2-d array of by variables (i.e. covariates that multiply a smooth term) by[i,j] is the jth value for the ith by variable. There are only as many rows of this array as there are by variables in the model (often 0). The rownames of by give the by variable names.
  • by.existsan array of logicals: by.exists[i] is TRUE if the ith smooth has a by variable associated with it, FALSE otherwise.
  • callthe matched call (allows update to be used with gam objects, for example).
  • coefficientsthe coefficients of the fitted model. Parametric coefficients are first, followed by coefficients for each spline term in turn.
  • convergedindicates whether or not the iterative fitting method converged.
  • covariate.shiftcovariates get shifted so that they are centred around zero - this is by how much.
  • deviance(unpenalized)
  • dfThe maximum degrees of freedom for each smooth term plus one. In the "cr" basis case this is the number of knots used. For the "tp" basis it is the rank of the smooth (one greater than the maximum degrees of freedom because of the centering constraint).
  • df.nullnull degrees of freedom.
  • dimnumber of covariates of which term is a function.
  • edfestimated degrees of freedom for each smooth.
  • familyfamily object specifying distribution and link used.
  • fit.methodThe underlying multiple GCV/UBRE method used: "magic" for the new more stable method, "mgcv" for the Wood (2000) method.
  • fitted.valuesfitted model predictions of expected value for each datum.
  • formulathe model formula.
  • full.formulathe model formula with each smooth term fully expanded and with option arguments given explicitly (i.e. not with reference to other variables) - useful for later prediction from the model.
  • gcv.ubreThe minimized GCV or UBRE score.
  • gcv.usedTRUE if GCV used for smoothing parameter selection, FALSE if UBRE used.
  • hatarray of elements from the leading diagonal of the `hat' (or `influence') matrix. Same length as response data vector.
  • iternumber of iterations of P-IRLS taken to get convergence.
  • linear.predictorfitted model prediction of link function of expected value for each datum.
  • mgcv.convA list of covergence diagnostics relating to smoothing parameter estimation. Differs for method "magic" and "mgcv". Here is the "mgcv" version:

    score{corresponding to edf, an array of GCV or UBRE scores for the model given the final estimated relative smoothing parameters.}

    g{the gradient of the GCV/UBRE score w.r.t. the relative smoothing parameters at termination.}

    h{the second derivatives corresponding to g above - i.e. the leading diagonal of the Hessian.}

    e{the eigen-values of the Hessian. All non-negative indicates a positive definite Hessian.}

    iter{the number of iterations taken.}

    in.ok{TRUE if the second smoothing parameter guess improved the GCV/UBRE score.}

    step.fail{TRUE if the algorithm terminated by failing to improve the GCV/UBRE score rather than by "converging". Not necessarily a problem, but check the above derivative information quite carefully.}

    In the case of "magic" the items are:

    full.rank{The apparent rank of the problem given the model matrix and constraints.}

    rank{The numerical rank of the problem.}

    fully.converged{TRUE is multiple GCV/UBRE converged by meeting convergence criteria. FALSE if method stopped with a steepest descent step failure.}

    hess.pos.def{Was the hessian of the gCV/UBRE score positive definite at smoothing parameter estimation convergence?}

    iter{How many iterations were required to find the smoothing parameters?}

    score.calls{and how many times did the GCV/UBRE score have to be evaluated?}

    rms.grad{root mean square of the gradient of the GCV/UBRE score at convergence.}

  • min.edfMinimum possible degrees of freedom for whole model.
  • modelmodel frame containing all variables needed in original model fit.
  • nsdfnumber of parametric, non-smooth, model terms including the intercept.
  • null.deviancedeviance for single parameter model.
  • p.orderthe order of the penalty used for each term. 0 signals auto-selection.
  • prior.weightsprior weights on observations.
  • residualsthe deviance residuals for the fitted model.
  • sig2estimated or supplied variance/scale parameter.
  • spsmoothing parameter for each smooth.
  • s.typetype of spline basis used: 0 for conventional cubic regression spline, 1 for t.p.r.s.
  • UZarray storing the matrices for transforming from t.p.r.s. basis to equivalent t.p.s. basis - see GAMsetup for details of how the matrices are packed in this array.
  • Vpestimated covariance matrix for parameter estimators.
  • weightsfinal weights used in IRLS iteration.
  • xpknot locations for each cubic regression spline based smooth. xp[i,]+covariate.shift[i] are the locations for the ith smooth.
  • XuThe set of unique covariate locations used to define t.p.s. from which t.p.r.s. basis was derived. Again see GAMsetup for details of the packing algorithm.
  • xu.lengthThe number of unique covariate combinations in the data.
  • yresponse data.


The "mgcv" code does not check for rank defficiency of the model matrix that may result from lack of identifiability between the parametric and smooth components of the model.

You must have more unique combinations of covariates than the model has total parameters. (Total parameters is sum of basis dimensions plus sum of non-spline terms less the number of spline terms).

Automatic smoothing parameter selection is not likely to work well when fitting models to very few response data.

Relative scaling of covariates to a multi-dimensional smooth term has an affect on the results: make sure that relative scalings are sensible. For example, measuring one spatial co-ordinate in millimetres and the other in lightyears will usually produce poor results.

With large datasets (more than a few thousand data) the "tp" basis gets very slow to use: use the knots argument as discussed above and shown in the examples. Alternatively, for 1-d smooths you can use the "cr" basis.

For data with many zeroes clustered together in the covariate space it is quite easy to set up GAMs which suffer from identifiability problems, particularly when using poisson or binomial families. The problem is that with e.g. log or logit links, mean value zero corresponds to an infinite range on the linear predictor scale. Some regularization is possible in such cases: see gam.control for details.


A generalized additive model (GAM) is a generalized linear model (GLM) in which the linear predictor is given by a user specified sum of smooth functions of the covariates plus a conventional parametric component of the linear predictor. A simple example is: $$\log(E(y_i)) = f_1(x_{1i})+f_2(x_{2i})$$ where the (idependent) response variables $y_i \sim {\rm Poi }$, and $f_1$ and $f_2$ are smooth functions of covariates $x_1$ and $x_2$. The log is an example of a link function.

If absolutely any smooth functions were allowed in model fitting then maximum likelihood estimation of such models would invariably result in complex overfitting estimates of $f_1$ and $f_2$. For this reason the models are usually fit by penalized likelihood maximization, in which the model (negative log) likelihood is modified by the addition of a penalty for each smooth function, penalizing its `wiggliness'. To control the tradeoff between penalizing wiggliness and penalizing badness of fit each penalty is multiplied by an associated smoothing parameter: how to estimate these parameters, and how to practically represent the smooth functions are the main statistical questions introduced by moving from GLMs to GAMs.

The mgcv implementation of gam represents the smooth functions using penalized regression splines, and by default uses basis functions for these splines that are designed to be optimal, given the number basis functions used. The smooth terms can be functions of any number of covariates and the user has some control over how smoothness of the functions is measured.

gam in mgcv solves the smoothing parameter estimation problem by using the Generalized Cross Validation (GCV) criterion or an Un-Biased Risk Estimator criterion (UBRE) which is in practice an approximation to AIC. Smoothing parameters are chosen to minimize the GCV or UBRE score for the model, and the main computational challenge solved by the mgcv package is to do this efficiently and reliably. Two alternative numerical methods are provided, see mgcv, magic and gam.control.

Broadly gam works by first constructing basis functions and a quadratic penalty coefficient matrix for each smooth term in the model formula, obtaining a model matrix for the strictly parametric part of the model formula, and combining these to obtain a complete model matrix (/design matrix) and a set of penalty matrices for the smooth terms. Some linear identifiability constraints are also obtained at this point. The model is fit using gam.fit, a modification of glm.fit. The GAM penalized likelihood maximization problem is solved by penalized Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares (IRLS) (see e.g. Wood 2000). At each iteration a penalized weighted least squares problem is solved, and the smoothing parameters of that problem are estimated by GCV or UBRE. Eventually both model parameter estimates and smoothing parameter estimates converge.

The fitting approach just described, in which the smoothing parameters are estimated for each approximating linear model of the IRLS process was suggested by Chong Gu (see, e.g. Gu 2002), and is very computationally efficient. However, because the approach neglects the dependence of the iterative weights on the smoothing parameters, it is usually possible to find smoothing parameters which actually yield slightly lower GCV/UBRE score estimates than those resulting from this `performance iteration'. gam therefore also allows the user to `improve' the smoothing parameter estimates, by using O'Sullivan's (1986) suggested method, in which for each trial set of smoothing parameters the IRLS is iterated to convergance before the UBRE/GCV score is evaluated. This requires much less efficient minimisation of the power iteration based on nlm, and is therefore quite slow.

Two alternative bases are available for representing model terms. Univariate smooth terms can be represented using conventional cubic regression splines - which are very efficient computationally - or thin plate regression splines. Multivariate terms must be represented using thin plate regression splines. For either basis the user specifies the dimension of the basis for each smooth term. The dimension of the basis is one more than the maximum degrees of freedom that the term can have, but usually the term will be fitted by penalized maximum likelihood estimation and the actual degrees of freedom will be chosen by GCV. However, the user can choose to fix the degrees of freedom of a term, in which case the actual degrees of freedom will be one less than the basis dimension.

Thin plate regression splines are constructed by starting with the basis for a full thin plate spline and then truncating this basis in an optimal manner, to obtain a low rank smoother. Details are given in Wood (2003). One key advantage of the approach is that it avoids the knot placement problems of conventional regression spline modelling, but it also has the advantage that smooths of lower rank are nested within smooths of higher rank, so that it is legitimate to use conventional hypothesis testing methods to compare models based on pure regression splines. The t.p.r.s. basis can become expensive to calculate for large datasets. In this case the user can supply a reduced set of knots to use in basis construction (see knots, in the argument list). In the case of the cubic regression spline basis, knots of the spline are placed evenly throughout the covariate values to which the term refers: For example, if fitting 101 data with an 11 knot spline of x then there would be a knot at every 10th (ordered) x value. The parameterization used represents the spline in terms of its values at the knots. The values at neighbouring knots are connected by sections of cubic polynomial constrainted to be continuous up to and including second derivative at the knots. The resulting curve is a natural cubic spline through the values at the knots (given two extra conditions specifying that the second derivative of the curve should be zero at the two end knots). This parameterization gives the parameters a nice interpretability.

Details of "mgcv" GCV/UBRE minimization method are given in Wood (2000): the basis of the approach is to alternate efficient global optimization with respect to one overall smoothing parameter with Newton updates of a set of relative smoothing parameters for each smooth term. The Newton updates are backed up by steepest descent, since the GCV/UBRE score functions are not positive definite everywhere.


Key References:

Wood, S.N. (2000) Modelling and Smoothing Parameter Estimation with Multiple Quadratic Penalties. J.R.Statist.Soc.B 62(2):413-428

Wood, S.N. (2003) Thin plate regression splines. J.R.Statist.Soc.B 65(1):95-114

Background References:

Green and Silverman (1994) Nonparametric Regression and Generalized Linear Models. Chapman and Hall. Gu and Wahba (1991) Minimizing GCV/GML scores with multiple smoothing parameters via the Newton method. SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput. 12:383-398

Gu (2002) Smoothing Spline ANOVA Models, Springer.

Hastie and Tibshirani (1990) Generalized Additive Models. Chapman and Hall.

O'Sullivan, Yandall and Raynor (1986) Automatic smoothing of regression functions in generalized linear models. J. Am. Statist.Ass. 81:96-103

Wahba (1990) Spline Models of Observational Data. SIAM

Wood (2001) mgcv:GAMs and Generalized Ridge Regression for R. R News 1(2):20-25 Wood and Augustin (2002) GAMs with integrated model selection using penalized regression splines and applications to environmental modelling. Ecological Modelling 157:157-177


See Also

gam.models, s, predict.gam, plot.gam, summary.gam, gam.side.conditions, gam.selection,mgcv, gam.control gam.check, gam.neg.bin, magic,vis.gam


Run this code
x0 <- runif(n, 0, 1)
x1 <- runif(n, 0, 1)
x2 <- runif(n, 0, 1)
x3 <- runif(n, 0, 1)
pi <- asin(1) * 2
f <- 2 * sin(pi * x0)
f <- f + exp(2 * x1) - 3.75887
f <- f+0.2*x2^11*(10*(1-x2))^6+10*(10*x2)^3*(1-x2)^10-1.396
e <- rnorm(n, 0, sqrt(abs(sig2)))
y <- f + e
# an extra ridge penalty (useful with convergence problems) ....
# set the smoothing parameter for the first term, estimate rest ...
# set lower bounds on smoothing parameters ....

# now a GAM with 3df regression spline term & 2 penalized terms
# now fit a 2-d term to x0,x1
# now simulate poisson data
# and a pretty 2-d smoothing example....
{ (pi**sx*sz)*(1.2*exp(-(x-0.2)^2/sx^2-(z-0.3)^2/sz^2)+
# very large dataset example using knots
# and a pure "knot based" spline of the same data
b6<-gam(y~s(x,z,k=100),knots=list(x= rep((1:10-0.5)/10,10),

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab