Produces default plot showing the smooth components of a
fitted GAM. For plots of 1-d smooths, the x axis of each plot is labelled
with the covariate name, while the y axis is labelled s(cov,edf)
where cov
is the covariate name, and edf
the estimated (or user defined for regression splines) degrees of freedom of the smooth.
Contour plots are produced for 2-d smooths with the x-axes labelled with the first covariate
name and the y axis with the second covariate name. The main title of
the plot is something like s(var1,var2,edf)
, indicating the
variables of which the term is a function, and the estimated degrees of
freedom for the term. When se=TRUE
, estimator variability is shown by overlaying
contour plots at plus and minus 1 s.e. relative to the main
estimate. If se
is a positive number then contour plots are at plus or minus se
by the s.e. Contour levels are chosen to try and ensure reasonable
separation of the contours of the different plots, but this is not
always easy to achieve.
Within the function, the data for the plots is obtained by direct
calls to the compiled C code that predict.gam
Smooths of more than 2 variables are not currently dealt with, but
simply generate a warning, but see vis.gam