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binGroup2 (version 1.1.0)

gtSim: Simulation function for group testing data


Simulates data in group testing form ready to be fit by gtReg.


  type = "sp",
  x = NULL,
  gshape = 20,
  gscale = 2,
  linkf = c("logit", "probit", "cloglog"),
  sens = 1,
  spec = 1,
  sens.ind = NULL,
  spec.ind = NULL



"sp" for simple pooling, "halving" for halving protocol, and "array" for array testing (also known as matrix pooling).


a matrix of user-submitted covariates with which to simulate the data. Default is NULL, in which case a gamma distribution is used to generate the covariates automatically.


shape parameter for the gamma distribution. The value must be non-negative. Default value is set to 20.


scale parameter for the gamma distribution. The value must be strictly positive. Default value is set to 2.


the true coefficients in the linear predictor.


a character string specifying one of the three link functions to be used: "logit" (default), "probit", or "cloglog".


sample size of the simulated data (for use with "sp" and "halving" methods) or a vector that specifies the number of rows in each matrix (for use with "array" method). If only one matrix is simulated, this value is a scalar.


group size in pooling individual samples (for use with "sp" and "halving" methods) or a vector that specifies the number of columns in each matrix (for use with "array" method). If only one matrix is simulated, this value is a scalar.


sensitivity of the group tests. Default value is set to 1.


specificity of the group tests. Default value is set to 1.


sensitivity of the individual retests. If NULL, set to be equal to sens.


specificity of the individual retests. If NULL, set to be equal to spec.


For simple pooling (type = "sp") and the halving protocol (type = "array"), a data frame or for array testing (type = "array"), a list, which may include the following:


the group response, for simple pooling and the halving protocol only.


the column group response, for array testing only.


the row group response, for array testing only.


the covariate.


the group number, for simple pooling and the halving protocol only.


the array number, for array testing only.


the column group number, for array testing only.


the row group number, for array testing only.


the true individual responses. For simple pooling and the halving protocol, these are included in the data frame of results. For array testing, these are included in the list of results, with individual responses presented in matrices.


the results of individual retests.


the subgroup number, for the halving protocol.


the individual probabilities, for array testing only.


Generates group testing data in simple pooling form (type = "sp"), for the halving protocol (type = "halving"), or in array testing form (type = "array"). The covariates are either specified by the x argument or they are generated from a gamma distribution with the given gshape and gscale parameters. The individual probabilities are calculated from the covariates, the coefficients given in par, and the link function specified through linkf. The true binary individual responses are then simulated from the individual probabilities.

The true group responses are found from the individual responses within the groups (i.e., if at least one response is positive, the group is positive; otherwise, the group response is negative). Finally, the observed group responses are simulated using the ginve sens and spec. Individual retests are simulated from sens.ind and spec.ind for samples in observed positive groups. Note that with a given group size (specified by size2 with method = "sp" or method = "halving"), the last group may have fewer individuals.

The true binary individual responses are then simulated from the individual probabilities. The group, subgroup, and individual retests are simulated using the given sens and spec under the halving protocol.

The true binary individual responses are then simulated from the individual probabilites. The individuals are organized into (by column) one or more matrices specified by n.row and n.col, and the true group responses are found (i.e., if at least one response is positive, the group is positive; otherwise, the group response is negative). The observed row and column group responses are then simulated using the given sens and spec values. Individual retests are simulated from sens.ind and spec.ind for individuals that lie on the intersection of an observed positive row and and observed positive column. In the case where no column (row) tests positive in a matrix, all the individuals in any observed positive rows (columns) will be assigned a simulated retest result. If no column or row is observed positive, NULL is returned.

See Also

gtReg to fit simulated group testing data.


Run this code
gt.data <- gtSim(type = "sp", par = c(-12, 0.2), 
                 size1 = 700, size2 = 5)

x1 <- sort(runif(100, 0, 30))
x2 <- rgamma(100, shape = 17, scale = 1.5)
gt.data <- gtSim(type = "sp", x = cbind(x1, x2), 
                 par = c(-14, 0.2, 0.3), size2 = 4, 
                 sens = 0.98, spec = 0.98)
gt.data <- gtSim(type = "halving", par = c(-6, 0.1), 
                 gshape = 17, gscale = 1.4, size1 = 5000, 
                 size2 = 5, sens = 0.95, spec = 0.95)
# 5x6 and 4x5 matrix
sa1a <- gtSim(type = "array", par = c(-7, 0.1), 
              size1 = c(5, 4), size2 = c(6, 5), 
              sens = 0.95, spec = 0.95)
# }

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