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httr (version 1.4.7)

oauth_app: Create an OAuth application.


See the demos for instructions on how to create an OAuth app for linkedin, twitter, vimeo, facebook, github and google. When wrapping an API from a package, the author may want to include a default app to facilitate early and casual use and then provide a method for heavy or advanced users to supply their own app or key and secret.


oauth_app(appname, key, secret = NULL, redirect_uri = oauth_callback())



name of the application. This is not used for OAuth, but is used to make it easier to identify different applications.


consumer key, also sometimes called the client ID


consumer secret, also sometimes called the client secret. Despite its name, this does not necessarily need to be protected like a password, i.e. the user still has to authenticate themselves and grant the app permission to access resources on their behalf. For example, see Google's docs for OAuth2 for installed applications.


The URL that user will be redirected to after authorisation is complete. You should generally leave this as the default unless you're using a non-standard auth flow (like with shiny).

See Also

Other OAuth: oauth1.0_token(), oauth2.0_token(), oauth_endpoint(), oauth_service_token()


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
google_app <- oauth_app(
  key = "123456789.apps.googleusercontent.com",
  secret = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab