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fingertipsR (version 1.0.5)

indicator_metadata: Indicator metadata


Outputs a data frame containing the metadata for selected indicators. Note, this function can take up to a few minutes to run (depending on internet connection speeds)


indicator_metadata(IndicatorID = NULL, DomainID = NULL, ProfileID = NULL, path)



Numeric vector, id of the indicator of interest. Also accepts "All".


Numeric vector, id of domains of interest


Numeric vector, id of profiles of interest. Indicator polarity can vary between profiles therefore if using one of the comparison fields it is recommended to complete this field as well as IndicatorID. If IndicatorID is populated, ProfileID can be ignored or must be the same length as IndicatorID (but can contain NAs).


String; Fingertips API address. Function will default to the correct address


The metadata associated with each indicator/domain/profile identified

See Also

indicators for indicator lookups, profiles for profile lookups, deprivation_decile for deprivation lookups, area_types for area types and their parent mappings, category_types for category lookups, indicator_areatypes for indicators by area types lookups, indicators_unique for unique indicatorids and their names, nearest_neighbours for a vector of nearest neighbours for an area and indicator_order for the order indicators are presented on the Fingertips website within a Domain

Other lookup functions: area_types(), category_types(), deprivation_decile(), indicator_areatypes(), indicator_order(), indicators_unique(), indicators(), nearest_neighbours(), profiles()


Run this code
# Returns metadata for indicator ID 90362 and 1107
indicatorIDs <- c(90362, 1107)

# Returns metadata for the indicators within the domain 1000101
indicator_metadata(DomainID = 1000101)

# Returns metadata for the indicators within the profile with the ID 129
indicator_metadata(ProfileID = 129)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab