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fingertipsR (version 1.0.5)

indicator_order: Indicator order number


Outputs a tibble of indicator ids and their sequence number for the provided domain and area type. This enables the user to order the indicators as they are ordered on the Fingertips website.


indicator_order(DomainID, AreaTypeID, ParentAreaTypeID, path)



Numeric vector, id of domains of interest


Numeric vector, the Fingertips ID for the area type. This argument accepts "All", which returns data for all available area types for the indicator(s), though this can take a long time to run


Numeric vector, the comparator area type for the data extracted; if NULL the function will use the first record for the specified `AreaTypeID` from the area_types() function


String; Fingertips API address. Function will default to the correct address


A data frame of indicator ids and sequence number

See Also

indicators for indicators and their parent domains and profiles, area_types for area type and their parent mappings, indicator_metadata for indicator metadata, profiles for profile lookups, deprivation_decile for deprivation decile lookups, category_types for category lookups, indicator_areatypes for indicators by area types lookups and nearest_neighbours for a vector of nearest neighbours for an area

Other lookup functions: area_types(), category_types(), deprivation_decile(), indicator_areatypes(), indicator_metadata(), indicators_unique(), indicators(), nearest_neighbours(), profiles()


Run this code
indicator_order(DomainID = 1938133161, AreaTypeID = 102, ParentAreaTypeID = 6)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab