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warbleR (version 1.1.2)

lspec: Create long spectrograms of whole sound files


lspec produces image files with spectrograms of whole sound files split into multiple rows.


lspec(X = NULL, flim = c(0,22), sxrow = 5, rows = 10, collev = seq(-40, 0, 1), ovlp = 50, parallel = 1, wl = 512, gr = FALSE, pal = reverse.gray.colors.2, cex = 1, it = "jpeg", flist = NULL, redo = TRUE, path = NULL)


Data frame with results from manualoc or any data frame with columns for sound file name (sound.files), selection number (selec), and start and end time of signal (start and end). If given, two red dotted lines are plotted at the start and end of a selection and the selections are labeled with the selection number (and selection comment, if available). Default is NULL.
A numeric vector of length 2 indicating the highest and lowest frequency limits (kHz) of the spectrogram, as in spectro. Default is c(0,22).
A numeric vector of length 1. Specifies seconds of spectrogram per row. Default is 5.
A numeric vector of length 1. Specifies number of rows per image file. Default is 10.
A numeric vector of length 3. Specifies levels to partition the amplitude range of the spectrogram (in dB). The more levels the higher the resolution of the spectrogram. Default is seq(-40, 0, 1).
Numeric vector of length 1 specifying % of overlap between two consecutive windows, as in spectro. Default is 50. High values of ovlp slow down the function but produce more accurate selection limits (when X is provided).
Numeric. Controls whether parallel computing is applied. It specifies the number of cores to be used. Default is 1 (i.e. no parallel computing).
A numeric vector of length 1 specifying the window length of the spectrogram, default is 512.
Logical argument to add grid to spectrogram. Default is FALSE.
Color palette function for spectrogram. Default is reverse.gray.colors.2. See spectro for more palettes.
A numeric vector of length 1 giving the amount by which text (including sound file and page number) should be magnified. Default is 1.
A character vector of length 1 giving the image type to be used. Currently only "tiff" and "jpeg" are admitted. Default is "jpeg".
character vector or factor indicating the subset of files that will be analyzed. Ignored if X is provided.
Logical argument. If TRUE all selections will be analyzed again when code is rerun. If FALSE only the selections that do not have a image file in the working directory will be analyzed. Default is FALSE.
Character string containing the directory path where the sound files are located. If NULL (default) then the current working directory is used.


image files with spectrograms of whole sound files in the working directory. Multiple pages can be returned, depending on the length of each sound file.


The function creates spectrograms for complete sound files, printing the name of the sound files and the "page" number (p1-p2...) at the upper right corner of the image files. If results from manualoc are supplied (or an equivalent data frame), the function delimits and labels the selections. This function aims to facilitate visual classification of vocalization units and the analysis of animal vocal sequences.


Run this code
## Not run: 
# # First create empty folder
# setwd(tempdir())
# # save sound file examples
# data(list = c("Phae.long1", "Phae.long2","manualoc.df"))
# writeWave(Phae.long1,"Phae.long1.wav") 
# writeWave(Phae.long2,"Phae.long2.wav")
# lspec(sxrow = 2, rows = 8, pal = reverse.heat.colors, wl = 300)
# # including selections
# lspec(sxrow = 2, rows = 8, X = manualoc.df, pal = reverse.heat.colors, redo = TRUE, wl = 300)
# check this floder
# getwd()
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab