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The function mld
performs an additive decomposition of the input vector x
onto sub-spaces associated
to an orthonormal orthobasis. The sub-spaces are defined by levels of the input factor level
The function haar2level
builds the factor level
such that the multi level decomposition corresponds exactly to a multiresolution analysis performed with the haar basis.
mld(x, orthobas, level, na.action = c("fail", "mean"),
plot = TRUE, dfxy = NULL, phylog = NULL, ...)
is a vector or a time serie containing the data to be decomposed. This must be a dyadic length vector (power of 2) for the function haar2level
is a data frame containing the vectors of the orthonormal basis.
is a factor which levels define the sub-spaces on which the function mld
performs the additive decomposition.
if 'fail' stops the execution of the current expression when x
contains any missing value. If 'mean' replaces any missing values by mean(x
if TRUE plot x
and the components resulting from the decomposition.
is a data frame with two coordinates.
is an object of class phylog
further arguments passed to or from other methods.
A data frame with the components resulting from the decomposition.
Mallat, S. G. (1989) A theory for multiresolution signal decomposition: the wavelet representation. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 11, 7, 674--693.
Percival, D. B. and Walden, A. T. (2000) Wavelet Methods for Time Series Analysis, Cambridge University Press.
, orthobasis
, mra
for multiresolution analysis with various families of wavelets
# decomposition of a time serie
x <- log(co2)
orthobas <- orthobasis.line(length(x))
level<-rep("D", 467)
level[1:3]<-rep("A", 3)
level[c(77,78,79,81)]<-rep("B", 4)
res <- mld(x, orthobas, level)
sum(scale(x, scale = FALSE) - apply(res, 1, sum))
# }
# decomposition of a biological trait on a phylogeny
level <- rep("F", 65)
level[c(4, 21, 3, 6, 13)] <- LETTERS[1:5]
level <- as.factor(level)
res <- mld(as.vector(vfruit), palm.phy$Bscores, level,
phylog = palm.phy, clabel.nod = 0.7, f.phylog=0.8,
csize = 2, clabel.row = 0.7, clabel.col = 0.7)
# }
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