#### For CRAN time limitations most lines in the
#### examples are silenced with one '#' mark,
#### remove them and run the examples
#### EXAMPLE 1
#### breeding values with 1 variance component
#### simulate genotypic data
#### random population of 200 lines with 1000 markers
M <- matrix(rep(0,200*1000),1000,200)
for (i in 1:200) {
M[,i] <- ifelse(runif(1000)<0.5,-1,1)
#### simulate phenotypes
QTL <- 100*(1:5) #pick 5 QTL
u <- rep(0,1000) #marker effects
u[QTL] <- 1
g <- as.vector(crossprod(M,u))
h2 <- 0.5
y <- g + rnorm(200,mean=0,sd=sqrt((1-h2)/h2*var(g)))
M <- t(M)
#### fit the model
Z1 <- diag(length(y))
ETA <- list( list(Z=Z1, K=A.mat(M)))
ans <- mmerSNOW(y=y, Z=ETA, method="EMMA")
#### run the same but as GWAS
#### just add the marker matrix in the argument W
#### markers are fixed effects
#ans <- mmerSNOW(y=y, Z=ETA, W=M, method="EMMA")
#### EXAMPLE 2
#### breeding values with 3 variance components
#### Hybrid prediction
hybrid2 <- cornHybrid$hybrid # extract cross data
A <- cornHybrid$K
y <- hybrid2$Yield
X1 <- model.matrix(~ Location, data = hybrid2);dim(X1)
Z1 <- model.matrix(~ GCA1 -1, data = hybrid2);dim(Z1)
Z2 <- model.matrix(~ GCA2 -1, data = hybrid2);dim(Z2)
Z3 <- model.matrix(~ SCA -1, data = hybrid2);dim(Z3)
#### Realized IBS relationships for set of parents 1
#K1 <- A[levels(hybrid2$GCA1), levels(hybrid2$GCA1)]; dim(K1)
#### Realized IBS relationships for set of parents 2
#K2 <- A[levels(hybrid2$GCA2), levels(hybrid2$GCA2)]; dim(K2)
#### Realized IBS relationships for cross
#### (as the Kronecker product of K1 and K2)
#S <- kronecker(K1, K2) ; dim(S)
#rownames(S) <- colnames(S) <- levels(hybrid2$SCA)
#ETA <- list(list(Z=Z1, K=K1), list(Z=Z2, K=K2), list(Z=Z3, K=S))
#ans <- mmerSNOW(y=y, X=X1, Z=ETA)
#### EXAMPLE 3
#### the same model run in MCMCglmm:
# pro <- list(GCA1 = as(solve(K1), "sparseMatrix"), GCA2 = as(solve(K2),
# + "sparseMatrix"), SCA = as(solve(S), "sparseMatrix") )
#system.time(mox <- MCMCglmm(Yield ~ Location, random = ~ GCA1 + GCA2 + SCA,
# + data = hybrid2, verbose = T, ginverse=pro))
## Takes 7:13 minutes in MCMCglmm, in sommer only takes 7 seconds
#### it is also possible to do GWAS for hybrids, separatting
#### and accounting for effects of GCA1, GCA2, SCA
#### EXAMPLE 4
#### COMPARE WITH cpgen
#Z_list = list(Z1,Z2,Z3)
#G_list = list(solve(K1), solve(K2), solve(S))
#fit <- clmm(y = y, Z = Z_list, ginverse=G_list, niter=15000, burnin=5000)
#### inspect results and notice that variance
#### components were NOT estimated correctly!!
#### also takes longer and no user-friendly
#### EXAMPLE 5
#### COMPARE WITH pedigreemm example
#A <- as.matrix(getA(pedCowsR))
#y <- milk$milk
#Z1 <- model.matrix(~id-1, data=milk); dim(Z1)
#vv <- match(unique(milk$id), gsub("id","",colnames(Z1)))
#K1<- A[vv,vv]; dim(K1)
#Z2 <- model.matrix(~as.factor(herd)-1, data=milk); dim(Z2)
#ETA<- list(list(Z=Z1, K=K1),list(Z=Z2))
#fm3 <- mmerSNOW(y=y, Z=ETA)
#### Try pedigreemm but takes longer,
#### is an extension of lme4
#fm2 <- pedigreemm(milk ~ (1 | id) + (1 | herd),data = milk, pedigree = list(id= pedCowsR))
#plot(fm3$u.hat[[1]], ranef(fm2)$id[,1])
#plot(fm3$u.hat[[2]], ranef(fm2)$herd[,1])
#### a big data frame with 3397 rows and 1359 animals analyzed
#### pedigreemm takes 4 min, sommer takes 1 minute
#### EXAMPLE 6
#### within biparental population
#CPpheno <- CPdata$pheno
#CPgeno <- CPdata$geno
## look at the data
#### fit a model including additive and dominance effects
#y <- CPpheno$color
#Za <- diag(length(y))
#Zd <- diag(length(y))
#A <- A.mat(CPgeno)
#D <- D.mat(CPgeno)
#y.trn <- y # for prediction accuracy
#ww <- sample(c(1:dim(Za)[1]),72) # delete data for 1/5 of the population
#y.trn[ww] <- NA
#ETA.A <- list(list(Z=Za,K=A))
#ans.A <- mmerSNOW(y=y.trn, Z=ETA.A)
#cor(ans.A$fitted.y[ww], y[ww], use="pairwise.complete.obs")
#ETA.AD <- list(list(Z=Za,K=A),list(Z=Zd,K=D))
#ans.AD <- mmerSNOW(y=y.trn, Z=ETA.AD)
#cor(ans.AD$fitted.y[ww], y[ww], use="pairwise.complete.obs")
### greater accuracy !!!! 4 percent increment!!
### we run 100 iterations, 4 percent increment in general
#ETA.ADE <- list(list(Z=Za,K=A),list(Z=Zd,K=D),list(Z=Ze,K=E))
#ans.ADE <- mmerSNOW(y=y.trn, Z=ETA.ADE)
#cor(ans.ADE$fitted.y[ww], y[ww], use="pairwise.complete.obs")
#### adding more effects doesn't necessarily increase prediction accuracy!
########## NOTE
## nesting in R is indicated as
## assume blocks nested in locations
## Loc + Block/Loc
## is the same than
## Loc + Block + Loc:Block
# }
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