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rodeo (version 0.8.2)

initialize: Initialize a rodeo Object


Initializes an object of the rodeo-class with data frames holding the specification of an ODE system.


The method is called implicitly for its side effects when a

rodeo object is instantiated with new. It has no accessible return value.



Declaration of state variables appearing in the ODE system. Data frame with mandatory columns 'name', 'unit', 'description'.


Declaration of parameters (i.e. constants) appearing in the ODE system. Data frame with the same mandatory columns as vars.


Declaration of functions being referenced in the ODE system. Data frame with the same mandatory columns as vars or NULL if no function calls are present at the ODEs' right-hand sides.


Declaration of process rates. Data frame with mandatory columns 'name', 'unit', 'description', 'expression'.


Declaration of stoichiometric factors. A data frame with mandatory columns 'variable', 'process', 'expression', if asMatrix is FALSE. The 'expression' colum holds the stoichiometric factors. If asMatrix is TRUE, this must be a matrix of type character with row names (processes) and colum names (variables). Empty or NA matrix elements are interpreted as zero stoichiometry factors.


Logical. Specifies whether stoichiometry information is given in matrix or data base format.


An integer vector, specifying the number of boxes in each spatial dimension. Use c(1) to create a zero-dimensional (i.e. single-box) model. This is the default. Use, e.g. c(5) to create a 1-dimensional model with 5 boxes. To create, e.g., a 2-dimensional model with 4 x 5 boxes, use c(4,5).

See Also

See the package vignette for examples.


Run this code
data(vars, pars, funs, pros, stoi)
model <- rodeo$new(vars, pars, funs, pros, stoi, dim=c(1))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab