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parallelDist (version 0.1.1)

parDist: Parallel Distance Matrix Computation using multiple Threads


Calculates distance matrices in parallel using multiple threads.


parDist(x, method = "euclidean", diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE, threads = NULL, ...)
parallelDist(x, method = "euclidean", diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE, threads = NULL, ...)



a numeric matrix (each row is one series) or list of numeric matrices for multidimensional series (each matrix is one series, a row is a dimension of a series)


the distance measure to be used. A list of all available distance methods can be found in the details section below.


logical value indicating whether the diagonal of the distance matrix should be printed by print.dist.


logical value indicating whether the upper triangle of the distance matrix should be printed by print.dist


number of cpu threads for calculating a distance matrix. Default is the maximum amount of cpu threads available on the system.


additional parameters which will be passed to the distance methods. See details section below.


parDist returns an object of class "dist".

The lower triangle of the distance matrix stored by columns in a vector, say do. If n is the number of observations, i.e., n <- attr(do, "Size"), then for \(i < j \le n\), the dissimilarity between (row) i and j is do[n*(i-1) - i*(i-1)/2 + j-i]. The length of the vector is \(n*(n-1)/2\), i.e., of order \(n^2\).

The object has the following attributes (besides "class" equal to "dist"):


integer, the number of observations in the dataset.


optionally, contains the labels, if any, of the observations of the dataset.

Diag, Upper

logicals corresponding to the arguments diag and upper above, specifying how the object should be printed.


optionally, the call used to create the object.


optionally, the distance method used; resulting from parDist(), the (match.arg()ed) method argument.


Available distance measures (written for two vectors \(x\) and \(y\)):

Distance methods for continuous input variables


The Bhjattacharyya distance. Type: continuous Formula: \(sqrt(sum_i (sqrt(x_i) - sqrt(y_i))^2))\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("bhjattacharyya") in proxy.


The Bray/Curtis dissimilarity. Type: continuous Formula: \(sum_i |x_i - y_i| / sum_i (x_i + y_i)\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("bray") in proxy.


The Canberra distance (with compensation for excluded components). Terms with zero numerator and denominator are omitted from the sum and treated as if the values were missing. Type: continuous Formula: \(sum_i |x_i - y_i| / |x_i + y_i|\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("canberra") in proxy.


The Chord distance. Type: continuous Formula: \(sqrt(2 * (1 - xy / sqrt(xx * yy)))\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("chord") in proxy.


The Divergence distance. Type: continuous Formula: \(sum_i (x_i - y_i)^2 / (x_i + y_i)^2\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("divergence") in proxy.


Implementation of a multi-dimensional Dynamic Time Warping algorithm. Type: continuous Formula: Euclidean distance \(sqrt(sum_i (x_i - y_i)^2)\). Parameters:

  • window.size (integer, optional)

    Size of the window of the Sakoe-Chiba band. If the absolute length difference of two series x and y is larger than the window.size, the window.size is set to the length difference.

  • norm.method (character, optional)

    Normalization method for DTW distances.

    • path.length

      Normalization with the length of the warping path.

    • n

      Normalization with n. n is the length of series x.

    • n+m

      Normalization with n + m. n is the length of series x, m is the length of series y.

  • step.pattern (character or stepPattern of dtw package, default: symmetric1)

    The following step patterns of the dtw package are supported:

    • asymmetric (Normalization hint: n)

    • asymmetricP0 (Normalization hint: n)

    • asymmetricP05 (Normalization hint: n)

    • asymmetricP1 (Normalization hint: n)

    • asymmetricP2 (Normalization hint: n)

    • symmetric1 (Normalization hint: path.length)

    • symmetric2 or symmetricP0 (Normalization hint: n+m)

    • symmetricP05 (Normalization hint: n+m)

    • symmetricP1 (Normalization hint: n+m)

    • symmetricP2 (Normalization hint: n+m)

    For a detailed description see stepPattern of the dtw package.


The Euclidean distance/L_2-norm (with compensation for excluded components). Type: continuous Formula: \(sqrt(sum_i (x_i - y_i)^2))\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("euclidean") in proxy.


The fuzzy Jaccard distance. Type: binary Formula: \(sum_i (min{x_i, y_i}) / sum_i(max{x_i, y_i})\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("fJaccard") in proxy.


The geoedesic distance, i.e. the angle between x and y. Type: continuous Formula: \(arccos(xy / sqrt(xx * yy))\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("geodesic") in proxy.


The Hellinger distance. Type: continuous Formula: \(sqrt(sum_i (sqrt(x_i / sum_i x) - sqrt(y_i / sum_i y)) ^ 2)\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("hellinger") in proxy.


The Kullback-Leibler distance. Type: continuous Formula: \(sum_i [x_i * log((x_i / sum_j x_j) / (y_i / sum_j y_j)) / sum_j x_j)]\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("kullback") in proxy.


The Mahalanobis distance. The Variance-Covariance-Matrix is estimated from the input data if unspecified. Type: continuous Formula: \(sqrt((x - y) Sigma^(-1) (x - y))\). Parameters:

  • cov (numeric matrix, optional)

    The covariance matrix (p x p) of the distribution.

  • inverted (logical, optional)

    If TRUE, cov is supposed to contain the inverse of the covariance matrix.

Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("mahalanobis") in proxy or mahalanobis in stats.


The Manhattan/City-Block/Taxi/L_1-norm distance (with compensation for excluded components). Type: continuous Formula: \(sum_i |x_i - y_i|\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("manhattan") in proxy.


The Maximum/Supremum/Chebyshev distance. Type: continuous Formula: \(max_i |x_i - y_i|\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("maximum") in proxy.


The Minkowski distance/p-norm (with compensation for excluded components). Type: continuous Formula: \((sum_i (x_i - y_i)^p)^(1/p)\). Parameters:

  • p (integer, optional)

    The \(p\)th root of the sum of the \(p\)th powers of the differences of the components.

Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("minkowski") in proxy.


The Podany measure of discordance is defined on ranks with ties. In the formula, for two given objects x and y, n is the number of variables, a is is the number of pairs of variables ordered identically, b the number of pairs reversely ordered, c the number of pairs tied in both x and y (corresponding to either joint presence or absence), and d the number of all pairs of variables tied at least for one of the objects compared such that one, two, or thee scores are zero. Type: continuous Formula: \(1 - 2 * (a - b + c - d) / (n * (n - 1))\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("podani") in proxy.


The Soergel distance. Type: continuous Formula: \(sum_i |x_i - y_i| / sum_i max{x_i, y_i}\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("soergel") in proxy.


The Wave/Hedges distance. Type: continuous Formula: \(sum_i (1 - min(x_i, y_i) / max(x_i, y_i))\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("wave") in proxy.


The Whittaker distance. Type: continuous Formula: \(sum_i |x_i / sum_i x - y_i / sum_i y| / 2\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("whittaker") in proxy.

Distance methods for binary input variables


  • a: number of (TRUE, TRUE) pairs

  • b: number of (FALSE, TRUE) pairs

  • c: number of (TRUE, FALSE) pairs

  • d: number of (FALSE, FALSE) pairs

Note: Similarities are converted to distances.


The Jaccard Similarity for binary data. It is the proportion of (TRUE, TRUE) pairs, but not considering (FALSE, FALSE) pairs. Type: binary Formula: \(a / (a + b + c)\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("binary") in proxy.


The Braun-Blanquet similarity. Type: binary Formula: \(a / max{(a + b), (a + c)}\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("braun-blanquet") in proxy.


The Dice similarity. Type: binary Formula: \(2a / (2a + b + c)\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("dice") in proxy.


The Fager / McGowan distance. Type: binary Formula: \(a / sqrt((a + b)(a + c)) - sqrt(a + c) / 2\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("fager") in proxy.


The Faith similarity. Type: binary Formula: \((a + d/2) / n\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("faith") in proxy.


The Hamman Matching similarity for binary data. It is the proportion difference of the concordant and discordant pairs. Type: binary Formula: \(([a + d] - [b + c]) / n\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("hamman") in proxy.


Kulczynski similarity for binary data. Relates the (TRUE, TRUE) pairs to discordant pairs. Type: binary Formula: \(a / (b + c)\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("kulczynski1") in proxy.


Kulczynski similarity for binary data. Relates the (TRUE, TRUE) pairs to the discordant pairs. Type: binary Formula: \([a / (a + b) + a / (a + c)] / 2\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("kulczynski2") in proxy.


The Michael similarity. Type: binary Formula: \(4(ad - bc) / [(a + d)^2 + (b + c)^2]\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("michael") in proxy.


The Mountford similarity for binary data. Type: binary Formula: \(2a / (ab + ac + 2bc)\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("mountford") in proxy.


The Mozley/Margalef similarity. Type: binary Formula: \(an / (a + b)(a + c)\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("mozley") in proxy.


The Ochiai similarity. Type: binary Formula: \(a / sqrt[(a + b)(a + c)]\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("ochiai") in proxy.


The Phi similarity (= Product-Moment-Correlation for binary variables). Type: binary Formula: \((ad - bc) / sqrt[(a + b)(c + d)(a + c)(b + d)]\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("phi") in proxy.


The Russel/Raosimilarity for binary data. It is just the proportion of (TRUE, TRUE) pairs. Type: binary Formula: \(a / n\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("russel") in proxy.

simple matching

The Simple Matching similarity for binary data. It is the proportion of concordant pairs. Type: binary Formula: \((a + d) / n\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("simple matching") in proxy.


The Simpson similarity. Type: binary Formula: \(a / min{(a + b), (a + c)}\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("simpson") in proxy.


The Stiles similarity. Identical to the logarithm of Krylov's distance. Type: binary Formula: \(log(n(|ad-bc| - 0.5n)^2 / [(a + b)(c + d)(a + c)(b + d)])\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("stiles") in proxy.


The Rogers/Tanimoto similarity for binary data. Similar to the simple matching coefficient, but putting double weight on the discordant pairs. Type: binary Formula: \((a + d) / (a + 2b + 2c + d)\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("tanimoto") in proxy.


The Yule similarity. Type: binary Formula: \((ad - bc) / (ad + bc)\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("yule") in proxy.


The Yule similarity. Type: binary Formula: \((sqrt(ad) - sqrt(bc)) / (sqrt(ad) + sqrt(bc))\). Details: See pr_DB$get_entry("yule2") in proxy.


Run this code
# defining a matrix, where each row corresponds to one series
sample.matrix <- matrix(c(1:100), ncol = 10)

# euclidean distance
parDist(x = sample.matrix, method = "euclidean")
# minkowski distance with parameter p=2
parDist(x = sample.matrix, method = "minkowski", p=2)
# dynamic time warping distance
parDist(x = sample.matrix, method = "dtw")
# dynamic time warping distance normalized with warping path length
parDist(x = sample.matrix, method = "dtw", norm.method="path.length")
# dynamic time warping with different step pattern
parDist(x = sample.matrix, method = "dtw", step.pattern="symmetric2")
# dynamic time warping with window size constraint
parDist(x = sample.matrix, method = "dtw", step.pattern="symmetric2", window.size=1)

# defining a list of matrices, where each list entry row corresponds to a two dimensional series
tmp.mat <- matrix(c(1:40), ncol = 10)
sample.matrix.list <- list(tmp.mat[1:2,], tmp.mat[3:4,])

# multi-dimensional euclidean distance
parDist(x = sample.matrix.list, method = "euclidean")
# multi-dimensional dynamic time warping
parDist(x = sample.matrix.list, method = "dtw")

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