if (interactive()) {
packs <- paste("packet", rep(1:4, each=4))
playwith(xyplot(1:16 ~ 1:16 | packs))
myGp <- gpar(fill="red", col="black", alpha=0.5)
## draw in a specific packet
playDo(playDevCur(), grid.circle(gp=myGp), space="packet 2")
## draw in default space="plot" after focussing on one panel
trellis.focus("panel", 1, 1)
packet.number() # 1, same as space="packet 1"
playDo(playDevCur(), grid.circle(gp=myGp))
## space="plot" does not work in a multi-panel plot
## unless one panel is in focus
try(playDo(playDevCur(), grid.circle(gp=myGp)))
## draw on the whole page
playDo(playDevCur(), grid.circle(gp=myGp), space="page")
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab