if (interactive()) {
options(device.ask.default = FALSE)
## Scatterplot (Lattice graphics).
## Labels are taken from rownames of data.
## Right-click on the plot to identify points.
playwith(xyplot(Income ~ log(Population / Area),
data = data.frame(state.x77), groups = state.region,
type = c("p", "smooth"), span = 1, auto.key = TRUE,
xlab = "Population density, 1974 (log scale)",
ylab = "Income per capita, 1974"))
## Scatterplot (base graphics); similar.
## Note that label style can be set from a menu item.
urbAss <- USArrests[,c("UrbanPop", "Assault")]
playwith(plot(urbAss, panel.first = lines(lowess(urbAss)),
col = "blue", main = "Assault vs urbanisation",
xlab = "Percent urban population, 1973",
ylab = "Assault arrests per 100k, 1973"))
## Time series plot (Lattice).
## Date-time range can be entered directly in "time mode"
## (supports numeric, Date, POSIXct, yearmon and yearqtr).
## Click and drag to zoom in, holding Shift to constrain;
## or use the scrollbar to move along the x-axis.
playwith(xyplot(sunspots ~ yearmon(time(sunspots)),
xlim = c(1900, 1930), type = "l"),
time.mode = TRUE)
## Time series plot (base graphics); similar.
## Custom labels are passed directly to playwith.
tt <- time(treering)
treeyears <- paste(abs(tt) + (tt <= 0),
ifelse(tt > 0, "CE", "BCE"))
playwith(plot(treering, xlim = c(1000, 1300)),
labels = treeyears, time.mode = TRUE)
## Multi-panel Lattice plot.
## Need subscripts = TRUE to correctly identify points.
## Scales are "same" so zooming applies to all panels.
## Use the 'Panel' tool to expand a single panel, then use
## the vertical scrollbar to change pages.
Depth <- equal.count(quakes$depth, number = 3, overlap = 0.1)
playwith(xyplot(lat ~ long | Depth, data = quakes,
subscripts = TRUE, aspect = "iso", pch = ".", cex = 2),
labels = paste("mag", quakes$mag))
## Spin and brush for a 3D Lattice plot.
## Drag on the plot to rotate in 3D (can be confusing).
## Brushing is linked to the previous xyplot (if still open).
## Note, brushing 'cloud' requires a recent version of Lattice.
playwith(cloud(-depth ~ long * lat, quakes, zlab = "altitude"),
new = TRUE, link.to = playDevCur(), click.mode = "Brush")
## Set brushed points according to a logical condition.
playSetIDs(value = which(quakes$mag >= 6))
## Interactive control of a parameter with a slider.
xx <- rnorm(50)
playwith(plot(density(xx, bw = bandwidth), panel.last = rug(xx)),
parameters = list(bandwidth = seq(0.05, 1, by = 0.01)))
## The same with a spinbutton (use I() to force spinbutton).
## Initial value is set as the first in the vector of values.
## This also shows a combobox for selecting text options.
xx <- rnorm(50)
kernels <- c("gaussian", "epanechnikov", "rectangular",
"triangular", "biweight", "cosine", "optcosine")
playwith(plot(density(xx, bw = bandwidth, kern = kernel), lty = lty),
parameters = list(bandwidth = I(c(0.1, 1:50/50)),
kernel = kernels, lty = 1:6))
## More parameters (logical, numeric, text).
playwith(stripplot(yield ~ site, data = barley,
jitter = TRUE, type = c("p", "a"),
aspect = aspect, groups = barley[[groups]],
scales = list(abbreviate = abbrev),
par.settings = list(plot.line = list(col = linecol))),
parameters = list(abbrev = FALSE, aspect = 0.5,
groups = c("none", "year", "variety"),
linecol = "red"))
## Looking through 100 time series and comparing to a reference;
## Use buttons to save the current series number or its mean value.
dat <- ts(matrix(cumsum(rnorm(100*100)), ncol = 100), start = 1900)
colnames(dat) <- paste("Series", 1:100)
ref <- (dat[,3] + dat[,4]) / 2
playwith(xyplot(cbind(dat[,i], ref = ref)),
parameters = list(i = 1:100,
print_i = function(playState) print(playState$env$i),
print_mean = function(p) print(mean(dat[,p$env$i])),
save_to_ii = function(playState)
.GlobalEnv$ii <- playState$env$i,
append_to_ii = function(playState) {
if (!exists("ii")) ii <- c()
.GlobalEnv$ii <- c(ii, playState$env$i)
## Composite plot (base graphics).
## Adapted from an example in help("legend").
## In this case, the initial plot() call is detected correctly;
## in more complex cases may need e.g. main.function="plot".
## Here we also construct data points and labels manually.
x <- seq(-4*pi, 4*pi, by = pi/24)
pts <- data.frame(x = x, y = c(sin(x), cos(x), tan(x)))
labs <- rep(c("sin", "cos", "tan"), each = length(x))
labs <- paste(labs, round(180 * x / pi) %% 360)
playwith( {
plot(x, sin(x), type = "l", xlim = c(-pi, pi),
ylim = c(-1.2, 1.8), col = 3, lty = 2)
points(x, cos(x), pch = 3, col = 4)
lines(x, tan(x), type = "b", lty = 1, pch = 4, col = 6)
legend("topright", c("sin", "cos", "tan"), col = c(3,4,6),
lty = c(2, -1, 1), pch = c(-1, 3, 4),
merge = TRUE, bg = 'gray90')
}, data.points = pts, labels = labs)
## A ggplot example.
## NOTE: only qplot()-based calls will work.
## Labels are taken from rownames of the data.
if (require(ggplot2)) {
playwith(qplot(qsec, wt, data = mtcars) + stat_smooth())
## A minimalist grid plot.
## This shows how to get playwith to work with custom plots:
## accept xlim/ylim and pass "viewport" to enable zooming.
myGridPlot <- function(x, y, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, ...)
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- extendrange(x)
if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- extendrange(y)
pushViewport(viewport(xscale = xlim, yscale = ylim,
name = "theData"))
grid.points(x, y, ...)
playwith(myGridPlot(1:10, 11:20, pch = 17), viewport = "theData")
## Presenting the window as a modal dialog box.
## When the window is closed, ask user to confirm.
confirmClose <- function(playState) {
if (gconfirm("Close window and report IDs?",
parent = playState$win)) {
cat("Indices of identified data points:\n")
return(FALSE) ## close
} else TRUE ## don't close
xy <- data.frame(x = 1:20, y = rnorm(20),
row.names = letters[1:20])
playwith(xyplot(y ~ x, xy, main = "Select points, then close"),
width = 4, height = 3.5, show.toolbars = FALSE,
on.close = confirmClose, modal = TRUE,
click.mode = "Brush")
## Ask user to save plot to PNG when window is closed:
saveOnClose <- function(playState) {
if (!gconfirm("Save plot to PNG file? (Cancel = no)")) return(FALSE)
fname <- gfile("Save PNG file as:", type = "save")
if (is.na(fname)) return(TRUE) ## cancel
dev.off(dev.copy(Cairo_png, file = fname,
width = dev.size()[1], height = dev.size()[2]))
#playwith.options(on.close = saveOnClose)
## Demonstrate cacheing of objects in local environment.
## By default, only local variables in the plot call are stored.
x_global <- rnorm(100)
doLocalStuff <- function(...) {
y_local <- rnorm(100)
angle <- (atan2(y_local, x_global) / (2*pi)) + 0.5
color <- hsv(h = angle, v = 0.75)
doRays <- function(x, y, col) {
segments(0, 0, x, y, col = col)
playwith(plot(x_global, y_local, pch = 8, col = color,
panel.first = doRays(x_global, y_local, color)),
doLocalStuff(title = "locals only") ## eval.args = NA is default
## List objects that have been copied and stored:
## Note: if you rm(x_global) now, redraws will fail.
## Next: store all data objects (in a new window):
doLocalStuff(title = "all stored", eval.args = TRUE, new = TRUE)
## Now there are two devices open:
## Not run:
# ## Big data example, do not try to guess labels or time.mode.
# gc()
# bigobj <- rpois(5000000, 1)
# print(object.size(bigobj), units = "Mb")
# gc()
# playwith(qqmath(~ bigobj, f.value = ppoints(500)),
# data.points = NA, labels = NA, time.mode = FALSE)
# playDevOff()
# gc()
# ## or generate the trellis object first:
# trel <- qqmath(~ bigobj, f.value = ppoints(500))
# playwith(trel)
# rm(trel)
# ## in this case, it is much better to compute the sample first:
# subobj <- quantile(bigobj, ppoints(500), na.rm = TRUE)
# playwith(qqmath(~ subobj))
# rm(subobj)
# rm(bigobj)
# ## End(Not run)
## See demo(package = "playwith") for examples of new tools.
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab