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riskyr (version 0.2.0)

plot_icons: Plot an icon array of a population.


plot_icons plots a population of which individual's condition has been classified correctly or incorrectly as icons from a sufficient and valid set of 3 essential probabilities (prev, and sens or its complement mirt, and spec or its complement fart) or existing frequency information freq and a population size of N individuals.


plot_icons(prev = num$prev, sens = num$sens, mirt = NA,
  spec = num$spec, fart = NA, N = freq$N, arr_type = "array",
  by = "all", ident_order = c("hi", "mi", "fa", "cr"),
  icon_types = 22, icon_size = NULL, icon_brd_lwd = 1.5,
  block_d = NULL, border_d = 0.1, block_size_row = 10,
  block_size_col = 10, nblocks_row = NULL, nblocks_col = NULL,
  fill_array = "left", fill_blocks = "rowwise", lbl_txt = txt,
  title_lbl = txt$scen_lbl, cex_lbl = 0.9, col_pal = pal,
  transparency = 0.5, mar_notes = TRUE, ...)



The condition's prevalence prev (i.e., the probability of condition being TRUE).


The decision's sensitivity sens (i.e., the conditional probability of a positive decision provided that the condition is TRUE). sens is optional when its complement mirt is provided.


The decision's miss rate mirt (i.e., the conditional probability of a negative decision provided that the condition is TRUE). mirt is optional when its complement sens is provided.


The decision's specificity value spec (i.e., the conditional probability of a negative decision provided that the condition is FALSE). spec is optional when its complement fart is provided.


The decision's false alarm rate fart (i.e., the conditional probability of a positive decision provided that the condition is FALSE). fart is optional when its complement spec is provided.


The number of individuals in the population. A suitable value of N is computed, if not provided. If N is 100,000 or greater it is reduced to 10,000 for the array types if the frequencies allow it.


The icons can be arranged in different ways resulting in different types of displays:

  1. arr_type = "array": Icons are plotted in a classical icon array (default). Icons can be arranged in blocks using block_d. The order of filling the array can be customized using fill_array and fill_blocks.

  2. arr_type = "shuffledarray": Icons are plotted in an icon array, but positions are shuffled (randomized). Icons can be arranged in blocks using block_d. The order of filling the array can be customized using fill_array and fill_blocks.

  3. arr_type = "mosaic": Icons are ordered like in a mosaic plot. The area size displays the relative proportions of their frequencies.

  4. arr_type = "fillequal": Icons are positioned into equally sized blocks. Thus, their density reflects the relative proportions of their frequencies.

  5. arr_type = "fillleft": Icons are randomly filled from the left.

  6. arr_type = "filltop": Icons are randomly filled from the top.

  7. arr_type = "scatter": Icons are randomly scattered into the plot.


A character code specifying a perspective to split the population into subsets, with 4 options:

  1. "all": by condition (cd) and by decision (dc):

    hi, mi, fa, cr cases (default);

  2. "cd": by condition (cd) only:

    cond_true vs. cond_false cases;

  3. "dc": by decision (dc) only:

    dec_pos vs. dec_neg cases;

  4. "ac": by accuracy (ac) only:

    dec_cor vs. dec_err cases.


The order in which icon identities (i.e., hi, mi, fa, and cr) are plotted. Default: ident_order = c("hi", "mi", "fa", "cr")


Specifies the appearance of the icons as a vector. Accepts values from 1 to 25 (see ?points).


Manually specifies the size of the icons via cex (calculated dynamically by default).


Specifies the border width of icons (if applicable).


The distance between blocks (does not apply to "filleft", "filltop", and "scatter")


The distance of icons to the border.

Additional options for controlling the arrangement of arrays (for arr_type = "array" and "shuffledarray"):


specifies how many icons should be in each block row.


specifies how many icons should be in each block column.


specifies how many blocks there are in each row. Is calculated by default.


specifies how many blocks are there in each column. Is calculated by default.


specifies how the blocks are filled into the array (Options "left" (default) and "top").


specifies how icons within blocks are filled (Options: fill_blocks = "rowwise" (default) and fill_blocks = "colwise")

Generic text and color options:


Default label set for text elements. Default: lbl_txt = txt.


Text label for current plot title. Default: title_lbl = txt$scen_lbl.


Scaling factor for text labels. Default: cex_lbl = .90.


Color palette. Default: col_pal = pal.


Specifies the transparency for overlapping icons (not for arr_type = "array" and "shuffledarray").


Boolean option for showing margin notes. Default: mar_notes = TRUE.


Other (graphical) parameters.


Nothing (NULL).


If probabilities are provided, a new list of natural frequencies freq is computed by comp_freq. By contrast, if no probabilities are provided, the values currently contained in freq are used. By default, comp_freq rounds frequencies to nearest integers to avoid decimal values in freq.

See Also

Other visualization functions: plot.riskyr, plot_area, plot_bar, plot_curve, plot_fnet, plot_mosaic, plot_plane, plot_prism, plot_tab, plot_tree


Run this code
# ways to work:
plot_icons(N = 1000)  # icon array with default settings (arr_type = "array")
plot_icons(arr_type = "shuffledarray", N = 1000)  # icon array with shuffled IDs

# array types:
plot_icons(arr_type = "mosaic",    N = 1000)  # areas as in mosaic plot
plot_icons(arr_type = "fillequal", N = 1000)  # areas of equal size (probability as density)
plot_icons(arr_type = "fillleft",  N = 1000)  # icons filled from left to right (in columns)
plot_icons(arr_type = "filltop",   N = 1000)  # icons filled from top to bottom (in rows)
plot_icons(arr_type = "scatter",   N = 1000)  # icons randomly scattered

# by argument:
plot_icons(N = 1000, by = "all")  # hi, mi, fa, cr (TP, FN, FP, TN) cases
plot_icons(N = 1000, by = "cd")   # (hi + mi) vs. (fa + cr) (TP + FN vs. FP + TN) cases
plot_icons(N = 1000, by = "dc")   # (hi + fa) vs. (mi + cr) (TP + FP vs. FN + TN) cases
plot_icons(N = 1000, by = "ac")   # (hi + cr) vs. (fa + mi) (TP + TN vs. FP + FN) cases

# icon symbols:
plot_icons(N = 100, icon_types = c(21, 23, 24, 23),
               block_size_row = 5, block_size_col = 5, #nblocks_row = 2, nblocks_col = 2,
               block_d = 0.5, border_d = 0.9)

# variants:
plot_icons(N = 800, arr_type = "array", icon_types = c(21, 22, 23, 24),
           block_d = 0.5, border_d = 0.5)

plot_icons(N = 1250, sens = 0.9, spec = 0.9, prev = 0.9,
               icon_types = c(21, 23, 24, 23),
               block_size_row = 10, block_size_col = 5,
               nblocks_row = 5, nblocks_col = 5,
               block_d = 0.8,
               border_d = 0.2,
               fill_array = "top")

plot_icons(N = 800, arr_type = "shuffledarray", icon_types = c(21, 23, 24, 22),
           block_d = 0.5, border_d = 0.5)

plot_icons(N = 800, arr_type = "shuffledarray", icon_types = c(21, 23, 24, 22),
           icon_brd_col = grey(.33, .99), icon_brd_lwd = 3, cex_lbl = 1.2)

plot_icons(N = 800, arr_type = "fillequal", icon_types = c(21, 22, 22, 21),
           icon_brd_lwd = .5, cex = 1, cex_lbl = 1.1)

# Text and color options:
plot_icons(N = 1000, prev = .5, sens = .5, spec = .5, arr_type = "shuffledarray",
           title_lbl = "", lbl_txt = txt_TF, col_pal = pal_vir, mar_notes = FALSE)

plot_icons(N = 1000, prev = .5, sens = .5, spec = .5, arr_type = "shuffledarray",
           title_lbl = "Green vs. red", col_pal = pal_rgb, transparency = .5)

plot_icons(N = 1000, prev = .5, sens = .5, spec = .5, arr_type = "shuffledarray",
           title_lbl = "Shades of blue", col_pal = pal_kn, transparency = .3)

# }

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