if (require(biglm, quietly = TRUE)) withAutoprint({
# Post hoc analysis of a "biglm" object -- not supported by emmeans
bigmod <- biglm(log(conc) ~ source + factor(percent), data = pigs)
rg1 <- qdrg(log(conc) ~ source + factor(percent), data = pigs,
coef = coef(bigmod), vcov = vcov(bigmod), df = bigmod$df.residual)
emmeans(rg1, "source", type = "response")
## But in this particular case, we could have done it the easy way:
## rg1 <- qdrg(object = bigmod, data = pigs)
}, spaced = TRUE)
if(require(coda, quietly = TRUE) && require(lme4, quietly = TRUE))
# Use a stored example having a posterior sample
# Model is based on the data in lme4::cbpp
post <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "cbpplist", package = "emmeans"))$post.beta
rg2 <- qdrg(~ size + period, data = lme4::cbpp, mcmc = post, link = "logit")
summary(rg2, type = "response")
}, spaced = TRUE)
if(require(ordinal, quietly = TRUE)) withAutoprint({
wine.clm <- clm(rating ~ temp * contact, data = wine)
# verify that we get the same thing via:
qdrg(object = wine.clm, data = wine, ordinal.dim = 5)
}, spaced = TRUE)
# }
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