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playwith (version 0.9-54)

rawXLim: Get or set current plot limits


Part of the playwith Application Programming Interface.


rawXLim(playState, space = "plot") rawYLim(playState, space = "plot") rawXLim(playState) <- value rawYLim(playState) <- value
spaceCoordsToDataCoords(playState, xy) dataCoordsToSpaceCoords(playState, xy)


a playState object representing the plot, window and device.
character, the plot space for which to get or set limits. See the space argument to playDo; however, in this case, space="plot" will always return a value: if it is a Lattice plot with multiple panels, one will be chosen arbitrarily.
numeric length 2, the new nominal x or y limits (for xlim or ylim plot arguments).
list with at least one of the elements x and y (as numeric).


the extractor form returns the x or y plot limits as numeric length 2.


rawXLim returns the current plot limits, on a numeric, linear scale. This is as simple as: playDo(playState, space=space, list( x=convertX(unit(0:1, "npc"), "native", valueOnly=TRUE), y=convertY(unit(0:1, "npc"), "native", valueOnly=TRUE))) except that the default space="plot" will always return a value: if it is a Lattice plot with multiple panels, one will be chosen arbitrarily.

The assignment form converts a numeric range, in the raw native plot coordinates, to values suitable for the plot xlim argument: it may convert back from log-transformed scales, and convert to factor levels if necessary. It then updates the current plot call with the new value.

spaceCoordsToDataCoords converts from the native viewport coordinates to the data coordinates, which simply involves converting from a log scale if necessary. dataCoordsToSpaceCoords is the inverse case: applying a log transformation if necessary. It used to refer to the position of data points in the viewport.

See Also



Run this code
if (interactive()) {

playwith(plot(1:10, log="x"))
playState <- playDevCur()
rawXLim(playState)  # -0.04  1.04
rawXLim(playState) <- c(0, 2)
## now xlim=c(1, 100)
(rawx <- rawXLim(playState))  # -0.08  2.08

spaceCoordsToDataCoords(playState, list(x=rawx))
dataCoordsToSpaceCoords(playState, list(x=1:10))


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