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# S3 method for dfm
cbind(...)# S3 method for dfm
) or
row-wise (rbind
) to the firstcbind(x, y, ...)
combines dfm objects by columns, returning a
dfm object with combined features from input dfm objects. Note that this should be used
with extreme caution, as joining dfms with different documents will result in a new row
with the docname(s) of the first dfm, merging in those from the second. Furthermore,
if features are shared between the dfms being cbinded, then duplicate feature labels will
result. In both instances, warning messages will result.rbind(x, y, ...)
combines dfm objects by rows, returning a dfm
object with combined features from input dfm objects. Features are matched
between the two dfm objects, so that the order and names of the features
do not need to match. The order of the features in the resulting dfm
is not guaranteed. The attributes and settings of this new dfm are not
currently preserved.
# cbind() for dfm objects
(dfm1 <- dfm("This is one sample text sample"))
(dfm2 <- dfm("More words here"))
cbind(dfm1, dfm2)
# rbind() for dfm objects
(dfm1 <- dfm(c(doc1 = "This is one sample text sample."), verbose = FALSE))
(dfm2 <- dfm(c(doc2 = "One two three text text."), verbose = FALSE))
(dfm3 <- dfm(c(doc3 = "This is the fourth sample text."), verbose = FALSE))
rbind(dfm1, dfm2)
rbind(dfm1, dfm2, dfm3)
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