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metRology (version 0.9-29-2)

rbind.ilab: Combine 'ilab' objects


Functions to combine ilab objects.


rbind(..., deparse.level = 1)
# S3 method for default
rbind(..., deparse.level = 1)
# S3 method for ilab
rbind(..., deparse.level = 1)

# S3 method for ilab c(..., recursive=FALSE)

cbind(..., deparse.level = 1) # S3 method for default cbind(..., deparse.level = 1) # S3 method for ilab cbind(..., deparse.level = 1)


An object of class ‘ilab’. The title for the returned object is the title for the first ilab object in the list.

For the cbind method, the returned object will have additional columns in the $data element, and the title will be unchanged.



For rbind and c, objects of class “ilab” to be combined. For cbind, one “ilab” object and vectors, scalars or data frames to be appended to the “ilab” object's $data element. See Details.


integer controlling the construction of labels. Passed to rbind.data.frame or base::cbind.


logical, controlling recursion in lists. Included solely for consistency with base::c; no effect in c.ilab.


Because of the unusual method dispatch behaviour of base::cbind and base::rbind, which use the data frame method if any objects in '...' are data frames, metRology masks the base package functions in order to guarantee correct dispatch when data frames are included in '...'. No adverse effects are currently known, but please report any to the package maintainer. Calling base::cbind directly will provide a work-around if necessary.


S. L. R. Ellison s.ellison@lgcgroup.com


The generic and default cbind and rbind functions defined by metRology use the first object in '...' to decide which method to apply. This differs from the behaviour of these functions in the base package, which dispatch based on inspection of all objects in '...' (see rbind in the base package for details). Control is, however, passed to the base package functions if an ilab object is not first in the list. See section “Warning” below for a work-round if this causes difficulty.

The rbind method for class “ilab” combines objects by applying rbind to the $data elements in turn and then concatenating the $distrib and $distrib.pars elements using the default c method. All objects combined by rbind.ilab must be of class “ilab”.

Combination of the $data elements follows the rules of rbind.data.frame; in particular, names must match, but need not be in the same order and the return value column classes will be coerced to match the first if necessary.

c.ilab simply passes the objects to rbind.ilab, using the default value for deparse.level. recursive is ignored. An error is returned if any objects in '...' are not of class “ilab”.

The cbind method for “ilab” objects combines objects of class “ilab” with atomic objects or data frames by applying base::cbind to $data in the (single) supplied ilab object and the items listed in '...'. base::cbind will extend scalars, vectors or columns in data frames to length nrow(ilab$data) if their length is an integer fraction of nrow(ilab$data). Unlike base::cbind, cbind.ilab does not permit vectors or data frames longer than nrow(ilab$data) and will return an error in such cases. cbind.ilab will also return an error if any objects in '...' are not one of atomic, data frame or class “ilab”, if more than one ‘ilab’ object is supplied or if none are.


None, yet.

See Also

base package functions cbind, c.


Run this code
il1<-construct.ilab(org=Pb$lab, x=Pb$value, measurand="Pb", item="none", 
                u=Pb$u, k=Pb$k, U=Pb$U, title=c("CCQM K30", "Lead in wine"),

rbind(il1, il1)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab