table(sai$study,sai$time) #show the counts for repeated measures
#table(sai$study,sai$TOD) #and the studies by time of day
#table(sai$study,sai$drug) # and the studies with drug
#Here are the keys to score the sai total score, positive and negative items
sai.keys <- list(sai = c("tense","regretful" , "upset", "worrying", "anxious", "nervous" ,
"jittery" , "high.strung", "worried" , "rattled","-calm",
"-secure","-at.ease","-rested","-comfortable", "-confident" ,"-relaxed" , "-content" ,
"-joyful", "-pleasant" ) ,
sai.p = c("calm","at.ease","rested","comfortable", "confident", "secure" ,"relaxed" ,
"content" , "joyful", "pleasant" ),
sai.n = c( "tense" , "anxious", "nervous" , "jittery" , "rattled", "high.strung",
"upset", "worrying","worried","regretful" )
#just get the control subjects
#control <- subset(sai,sai$study %in% c("Cart", "Fast", "SHED", "RAFT", "SHOP"))
#pre and post drug studies
#drug <- subset(sai,sai$study %in% c("AGES", "CITY","EMIT", "SALT", "VALE", "XRAY"))
#pre and post film studies
#film <- subset(sai,sai$study %in% c("FIAT","FLAT", "MAPS", "MIXX")
#this next set allows us to score those sai items that overlap with the msq item sets
msq.items <- c("anxious" , "at.ease" , "calm" , "confident", "content", "jittery",
"nervous" , "relaxed" , "tense" , "upset" ) #these overlap with the msq
sai.msq.keys <- list(pos =c( "at.ease" , "calm" , "confident", "content","relaxed"),
neg = c("anxious", "jittery", "nervous" ,"tense" , "upset"),
anx = c("anxious", "jittery", "nervous" ,"tense", "upset","-at.ease" , "-calm" ,
"-confident", "-content","-relaxed"))
sai.not.msq.keys <- list(pos=c( "secure","rested","comfortable" ,"joyful" , "pleasant" ),
neg=c("regretful","worrying", "high.strung","worried", "rattled" ),
anx = c("regretful","worrying", "high.strung","worried", "rattled", "-secure",
"-rested", "-comfortable", "-joyful", "-pleasant" ))
sai.alternate.forms <- list( pos1 =c( "at.ease","calm","confident","content","relaxed"),
neg1 = c("anxious", "jittery", "nervous" ,"tense" , "upset"),
anx1 = c("anxious", "jittery", "nervous" ,"tense", "upset","-at.ease" , "-calm" ,
"-confident", "-content","-relaxed"),
pos2=c( "secure","rested","comfortable" ,"joyful" , "pleasant" ),
neg2=c("regretful","worrying", "high.strung","worried", "rattled" ),
anx2 = c("regretful","worrying", "high.strung","worried", "rattled", "-secure",
"-rested", "-comfortable", "-joyful", "-pleasant" ))
#sai.repeated <- c("AGES","Cart","Fast","FIAT","FILM","FLAT","HOME","PAT","RIM","SALT",
#sai12 <- subset(sai,sai$study %in% sai.repeated) #the subset with repeated measures
#Choose those studies with repeated measures by :
#sai.control <- subset(sai,sai$study %in% c("Cart", "Fast", "SHED", "SHOP"))
#sai.film <- subset(sai,sai$study %in% c("FIAT","FLAT") )
#sai.drug <- subset(sai,sai$study %in% c("AGES", "SALT", "VALE", "XRAY"))
#sai.day <- subset(sai,sai$study %in% c("SAM", "RIM"))
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab