World_dots <- sample_dots(World, vars="pop_est_dens", nrow=200, ncol=400, w=1e6)
tm_shape(World_dots) + tm_dots(size = .02, jitter=.1) +
tm_layout("One dot represents one million people", title.position = c("right", "bottom"))
# download Dutch neighborhood shape file
dir <- tempdir()
temp <- tempfile()
2014-buurtkaart-shape-versie-1-el.htm", temp, mode="wb")
unzip(temp, exdir = dir)
NLD_nbhd <- read_shape(file.path(dir, "buurt_2014.shp"))
# fix self-intersection but in shape object
NLD_nbhd <- rgeos::gBuffer(NLD_nbhd, byid=TRUE, width=0)
# remove all water neighborhoods
NLD_nbhd <- NLD_nbhd[NLD_nbhd$OPP_LAND>0, ]
# process data
NLD_nbhd@data <- within(NLD_nbhd@data, {
# convert land area ("OPP_LAND") from hectare (ha) to km2
# set negative percentages of western and non-western immigrants to 0
P_N_W_AL[P_N_W_AL<0] <- 0
# calculate population density values
dens <- (AANT_INW / OPP_LAND)
dens[is.nan(dens)] <- 0
# divide population in three groups:
# western and non-western immigrants, and native Dutch
west <- dens * P_WEST_AL / 100
non_west <- dens * P_N_W_AL / 100
dutch <- dens - non_west - west
# Select The Hague (Den Haag) area
DH_bbox <- bb(NLD_nbhd[which(NLD_nbhd$GM_NAAM=="'s-Gravenhage"), ])
# Crop shape to The Hague area (use 1.05 bounding box extension to make sure the
# whole region is covered after reprojection to the Mercator porjection)
DH_nbhd <- raster::crop(NLD_nbhd, bb(DH_bbox, 1.05))
# Read OSM layer
DH_nbhd_osm <- read_osm(bb(DH_bbox, current.projection="rd", projection="longlat"),
type = "mapquest")
# Sample dots (each dot represents 100 persons)
DH_nbhd_dots <- sample_dots(DH_nbhd, c("dutch", "west", "non_west"),
convert2density = FALSE,
N=250000, w=100,
var.labels = c("Dutch (native)", "Western immigrants", "Non-western immigrants"), = "ID")
# Show map
tm_shape(DH_nbhd_osm) + tm_raster(saturation=.2) +
tm_shape(DH_nbhd_dots) +
tm_dots("class", size=.04, alpha=.75, palette="Dark2",
title = "The Hague population") +
tm_layout(inner.margins=0, legend.frame=TRUE,"grey90")
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab