scatter: Graphical representation of the outputs of a multivariate analysis
scatter is a generic function that has methods for the classes
coa, dudi, fca, acm and pco.
It plots the outputs of a multivariate analysis by representing
simultaneously the rows and the colums of the original table
(biplot). The function biplot returns exactly the same
The function screeplot represents the amount of inertia (usually
variance) associated to each dimension.
scatter(x, …)
# S3 method for dudi
biplot(x, …)
# S3 method for dudi
screeplot(x, npcs = length(x$eig), type = c("barplot", "lines"),
main = deparse(substitute(x)), col = c(rep("black", x$nf),
rep("grey", npcs - x$nf)), …)
an object of the class dudi containing the outputs of
a multivariate analysis