d <- 2
G <- 2
scale <- 1
shape <- c(1, 9)
O1 <- diag(2)
O2 <- diag(2)[,c(2,1)]
O <- array(cbind(O1,O2), c(2, 2, 2))
variance <- list(d= d, G = G, scale = scale, shape = shape, orientation = O)
mu <- matrix(0, d, G) ## center at the origin
simdat <- simEEV( n = 200,
parameters = list(pro=c(1,1),mean=mu,variance=variance),
seed = NULL)
cl <- simdat[,1]
sigma <- array(apply(O, 3, function(x,y) crossprod(x*y),
y = sqrt(scale*shape)), c(2,2,2))
paramList <- list(mu = mu, sigma = sigma)
coordProj( simdat, paramList = paramList, classification = cl)
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