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ngrams: Create ngrams and skipgrams


Create a set of ngrams (tokens in sequence) from character vectors or tokenized text objects, with an optional skip argument to form skipgrams. Both the ngram length and the skip lengths take vectors of arguments to form multiple lengths or skips in one pass. ngrams() is implemented in C++ for efficiency.


ngrams(x, ...)
"ngrams"(x, n = 2L, skip = 0L, concatenator = "_", ...)
"ngrams"(x, n = 2L, skip = 0L, concatenator = "_", ...)
skipgrams(x, ...)
"skipgrams"(x, n, skip, concatenator = "_", ...)
"skipgrams"(x, n, skip, concatenator = "_", ...)


a tokenizedText object or a character vector of tokens
not used
integer vector specifying the number of elements to be concatenated in each ngram
integer vector specifying the adjacency skip size for tokens forming the ngrams, default is 0 for only immediately neighbouring words. For skipgrams, skip can be a vector of integers, as the "classic" approach to forming skip-grams is to set skip = $k$ where $k$ is the distance for which $k$ or fewer skips are used to construct the $n$-gram. Thus a "4-skip-n-gram" defined as skip = 0:4 produces results that include 4 skips, 3 skips, 2 skips, 1 skip, and 0 skips (where 0 skips are typical n-grams formed from adjacent words). See Guthrie et al (2006).
character for combining words, default is _ (underscore) character


a tokenizedTexts object consisting a list of character vectors of ngrams, one list element per text, or a character vector if called on a simple character vector


Normally, ngrams will be called through tokenize, but these functions are also exported in case a user wants to perform lower-level ngram construction on tokenized texts. skipgrams is a wrapper to ngrams that requires arguments to be supplied for both n and skip. For $k$-skip skipgrams, set skip to 0:$k$, in order to conform to the definition of skip-grams found in Guthrie et al (2006): A $k$ skip-gram is an ngram which is a superset of all ngrams and each $(k-i)$ skipgram until $(k-i)==0$ (which includes 0 skip-grams).


Guthrie, D., B. Allison, W. Liu, and L. Guthrie. 2006. "A Closer Look at Skip-Gram Modelling."


Run this code
# ngrams
ngrams(LETTERS, n = 2)
ngrams(LETTERS, n = 2, skip = 1)
ngrams(LETTERS, n = 2, skip = 0:1)
ngrams(LETTERS, n = 1:2)
ngrams(LETTERS, n = c(2,3), skip = 0:1)

tokens <- tokenize("the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.", 
                   removePunct = TRUE, simplify = TRUE)
ngrams(tokens, n = 1:3)
ngrams(tokens, n = c(2,4), concatenator = " ")
ngrams(tokens, n = c(2,4), skip = 1, concatenator = " ")

# skipgrams
tokens <- tokenize(toLower("Insurgents killed in ongoing fighting."), 
                   removePunct = TRUE, simplify = TRUE)
skipgrams(tokens, n = 2, skip = 0:1, concatenator = " ") 
skipgrams(tokens, n = 2, skip = 0:2, concatenator = " ") 
skipgrams(tokens, n = 3, skip = 0:2, concatenator = " ")   

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