# EXAMPLE 1: dichotomous data
# data.sim.rasch: 2000 persons, 40 items
# Model 1: Rasch model (MML estimation)
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml(resp=data.sim.rasch)
# extract item parameters
mod1$item # item difficulties
# }
# WLE estimation
wle1 <- TAM::tam.wle( mod1 )
# item fit
fit1 <- TAM::tam.fit(mod1)
# plausible value imputation
pv1 <- TAM::tam.pv(mod1, normal.approx=TRUE, ntheta=300)
# standard errors
se1 <- TAM::tam.se( mod1 )
# summary
#-- specification with tamaan
tammodel <- "
F=~ I1__I40;
F ~~ F
mod1t <- TAM::tamaan( tammodel, data.sim.rasch)
# Model 1a: Rasch model with fixed item difficulties from 'mod1'
xsi0 <- mod1$xsi$xsi
xsi.fixed <- cbind( 1:(length(xsi0)), xsi0 )
# define vector with fixed item difficulties
mod1a <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=data.sim.rasch, xsi.fixed=xsi.fixed )
# Usage of the output value mod1$xsi.fixed.estimated has the right format
# as the input of xsi.fixed
mod1aa <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=data.sim.rasch, xsi.fixed=mod1$xsi.fixed.estimated )
# Model 1b: Rasch model with initial xsi parameters for items 2 (item difficulty b=-1.8),
# item 4 (b=-1.6) and item 40 (b=2)
xsi.inits <- cbind( c(2,4,40), c(-1.8,-1.6,2))
mod1b <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=data.sim.rasch, xsi.inits=xsi.inits )
#-- tamaan specification
tammodel <- "
F=~ I1__I40
F ~~ F
# Fix item difficulties. Note that item intercepts instead of difficulties
# must be specified.
I2 | 1.8*t1
I4 | 1.6*t1
mod1bt <- TAM::tamaan( tammodel, data.sim.rasch)
# Model 1c: 1PL estimation with sum constraint on item difficulties
dat <- data.sim.rasch
# modify A design matrix to include the sum constraint
des <- TAM::designMatrices(resp=dat)
A1 <- des$A[,, - ncol(dat) ]
A1[ ncol(dat),2, ] <- 1
# estimate model
mod1c <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=dat, A=A1, beta.fixed=FALSE,
control=list(fac.oldxsi=.1) )
# Model 1d: estimate constraint='items' using tam.mml.mfr
formulaA=~ 0 + item
mod1d <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr( resp=dat, formulaA=formulaA,
control=list(fac.oldxsi=.1), constraint="items")
# Model 1e: This sum constraint can also be obtained by using the argument
# constraint="items" in tam.mml
mod1e <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=data.sim.rasch, constraint="items" )
# Model 1d2: estimate constraint='items' using tam.mml.mfr
# long format response data
resp.long <- c(dat)
# pid and item facet specifications are necessary
# Note, that we recommend the facet labels to be sortable in the same order that the
# results are desired.
# compare to: facets <- data.frame( "item"=rep(colnames(dat), each=nrow(dat)) )
pid <- rep(1:nrow(dat), ncol(dat))
itemnames <- paste0("I", sprintf(paste('%0', max(nchar(1:ncol(dat))), 'i', sep='' ),
c(1:ncol(dat)) ) )
facets <- data.frame( "item"=rep(itemnames, each=nrow(dat)) )
mod1d2 <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr( resp=resp.long, formulaA=formulaA, control=list(fac.oldxsi=.1),
constraint="items", facets=facets, pid=pid)
stopifnot( all(mod1d$xsi.facets$xsi==mod1d2$xsi.facets$xsi) )
# }
# Model 2: 2PL model
mod2 <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl(resp=data.sim.rasch,irtmodel="2PL")
# extract item parameters
mod2$xsi # item difficulties
mod2$B # item slopes
#--- tamaan specification
tammodel <- "
F=~ I1__I40
F ~~ 1*F
# item type of 2PL is the default for dichotomous data
# estimate model
mod2t <- TAM::tamaan( tammodel, data.sim.rasch)
# }
# Model 2a: 2PL with fixed item difficulties and slopes from 'mod2'
xsi0 <- mod2$xsi$xsi
xsi.fixed <- cbind( 1:(length(xsi0)), xsi0 )
# define vector with fixed item difficulties
mod2a <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=data.sim.rasch, xsi.fixed=xsi.fixed,
B=mod2$B # fix slopes
mod2a$B # inspect used slope matrix
# Model 3: constrained 2PL estimation
# estimate item parameters in different slope groups
# items 1-10, 21-30 group 1
# items 11-20 group 2 and items 31-40 group 3
est.slope <- rep(1,40)
est.slope[ 11:20 ] <- 2
est.slope[ 31:40 ] <- 3
mod3 <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( resp=data.sim.rasch, irtmodel="2PL.groups",
est.slopegroups=est.slope )
#--- tamaan specification (A)
tammodel <- "
F=~ lam1*I1__I10 + lam2*I11__I20 + lam1*I21__I30 + lam3*I31__I40;
F ~~ 1*F
# estimate model
mod3tA <- TAM::tamaan( tammodel, data.sim.rasch)
#--- tamaan specification (alternative B)
tammodel <- "
F=~ a1__a40*I1__I40;
F ~~ 1*F
mod3tB <- TAM::tamaan( tammodel, data.sim.rasch)
#--- tamaan specification (alternative C using DO operator)
tammodel <- "
F=~ lam1*I%
F=~ lam2*I%
F=~ lam1*I%
F=~ lam3*I%
F ~~ 1*F
# estimate model
mod3tC <- TAM::tamaan( tammodel, data.sim.rasch)
# EXAMPLE 2: Unidimensional calibration with latent regressors
# (1) simulate data
set.seed(6778) # set simulation seed
N <- 2000 # number of persons
# latent regressors Y
Y <- cbind( stats::rnorm( N, sd=1.5), stats::rnorm(N, sd=.3 ) )
# simulate theta
theta <- stats::rnorm( N ) + .4 * Y[,1] + .2 * Y[,2] # latent regression model
# number of items
I <- 40
p1 <- stats::plogis( outer( theta, seq( -2, 2, len=I ), "-" ) )
# simulate response matrix
resp <- 1 * ( p1 > matrix( stats::runif( N*I ), nrow=N, ncol=I ) )
colnames(resp) <- paste("I", 1:I, sep="")
# (2) estimate model
mod2_1 <- TAM::tam.mml(resp=resp, Y=Y)
# (3) setting initial values for beta coefficients
# beta_2=.20, beta_3=.35 for dimension 1
beta.inits <- cbind( c(2,3), 1, c(.2, .35 ) )
mod2_2 <- TAM::tam.mml(resp=resp, Y=Y, beta.inits=beta.inits)
# (4) fix intercept to zero and third coefficient to .3
beta.fixed <- cbind( c(1,3), 1, c(0, .3 ) )
mod2_3 <- TAM::tam.mml(resp=resp, Y=Y, beta.fixed=beta.fixed )
# (5) same model but with R regression formula for Y
dataY <- data.frame(Y)
colnames(dataY) <- c("Y1","Y2")
mod2_4 <- TAM::tam.mml(resp=resp, dataY=dataY, formulaY=~ Y1+Y2 )
# (6) model with interaction of regressors
mod2_5 <- TAM::tam.mml(resp=resp, dataY=dataY, formulaY=~ Y1*Y2 )
# (7) no constraint on regressors (removing constraint from intercept)
mod2_6 <- TAM::tam.mml(resp=resp, Y=Y, beta.fixed=FALSE )
# EXAMPLE 3: Multiple group estimation
# (1) simulate data
N <- 3000
theta <- c( stats::rnorm(N/2,mean=0,sd=1.5), stats::rnorm(N/2,mean=.5,sd=1) )
I <- 20
p1 <- stats::plogis( outer( theta, seq( -2, 2, len=I ), "-" ) )
resp <- 1 * ( p1 > matrix( stats::runif( N*I ), nrow=N, ncol=I ) )
colnames(resp) <- paste("I", 1:I, sep="")
group <- rep(1:2, each=N/2 )
# (2) estimate model
mod3_1 <- TAM::tam.mml( resp, group=group )
# EXAMPLE 4: Multidimensional estimation
# with two dimensional theta's - simulate some bivariate data,
# and regressors
# 40 items: first 20 items load on dimension 1,
# second 20 items load on dimension 2
# (1) simulate some data
N <- 1000
Y <- cbind( stats::rnorm( N ), stats::rnorm(N) )
theta <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm( N,mean=c(0,0), sigma=matrix( c(1,.5,.5,1), 2, 2 ))
theta[,1] <- theta[,1] + .4 * Y[,1] + .2 * Y[,2] # latent regression model
theta[,2] <- theta[,2] + .8 * Y[,1] + .5 * Y[,2] # latent regression model
I <- 20
p1 <- stats::plogis( outer( theta[,1], seq( -2, 2, len=I ), "-" ) )
resp1 <- 1 * ( p1 > matrix( stats::runif( N*I ), nrow=N, ncol=I ) )
p1 <- stats::plogis( outer( theta[,2], seq( -2, 2, len=I ), "-" ) )
resp2 <- 1 * ( p1 > matrix( stats::runif( N*I ), nrow=N, ncol=I ) )
resp <- cbind(resp1,resp2)
colnames(resp) <- paste("I", 1:(2*I), sep="")
# (2) define loading Matrix
Q <- array( 0, dim=c( 2*I, 2 ))
Q[cbind(1:(2*I), c( rep(1,I), rep(2,I) ))] <- 1
# (3) estimate models
# Model 4.1: Rasch model: without regressors
mod4_1 <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=resp, Q=Q )
#--- tamaan specification
tammodel <- "
F1=~ 1*I1__I20
F2=~ 1*I21__I40
# Alternatively to the factor 1 one can use the item type Rasch
F1 ~~ F1
F2 ~~ F2
F1 ~~ F2
mod4_1t <- TAM::tamaan( tammodel, resp, control=list(maxiter=100))
# Model 4.1b: estimate model with sum constraint of items for each dimension
mod4_1b <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=resp, Q=Q,constraint="items")
# Model 4.2: Rasch model: set covariance between dimensions to zero
variance_fixed <- cbind( 1, 2, 0 )
mod4_2 <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=resp, Q=Q, variance.fixed=variance_fixed )
#--- tamaan specification
tammodel <- "
F1=~ I1__I20
F2=~ I21__I40
F1 ~~ F1
F2 ~~ F2
F1 ~~ 0*F2
mod4_2t <- TAM::tamaan( tammodel, resp)
# Model 4.3: 2PL model
mod4_3 <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( resp=resp, Q=Q, irtmodel="2PL" )
#--- tamaan specification
tammodel <- "
F1=~ I1__I20
F2=~ I21__I40
F1 ~~ F1
F2 ~~ F2
F1 ~~ F2
mod4_3t <- TAM::tamaan( tammodel, resp )
# Model 4.4: Rasch model with 2000 quasi monte carlo nodes
# -> nodes are useful for more than 3 or 4 dimensions
mod4_4 <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=resp, Q=Q, control=list(snodes=2000) )
# Model 4.5: Rasch model with 2000 stochastic nodes
mod4_5 <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=resp, Q=Q,control=list(snodes=2000,QMC=FALSE))
# Model 4.6: estimate two dimensional Rasch model with regressors
mod4_6 <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=resp, Y=Y, Q=Q )
#--- tamaan specification
tammodel <- "
F1=~ I1__I20
F2=~ I21__I40
F1 ~~ F1
F2 ~~ F2
F1 ~~ F2
mod4_6t <- TAM::tamaan( tammodel, resp, Y=Y )
# EXAMPLE 5: 2-dimensional estimation with within item dimensionality
# (1) simulate data
N <- 2000 # 2000 persons
Y <- stats::rnorm( N )
theta <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm( N,mean=c(0,0), sigma=matrix( c(1,.5,.5,1), 2, 2 ))
I <- 10
# 10 items load on the first dimension
p1 <- stats::plogis( outer( theta[,1], seq( -2, 2, len=I ), "-" ) )
resp1 <- 1 * ( p1 > matrix( stats::runif( N*I ), nrow=N, ncol=I ) )
# 10 items load on the second dimension
p1 <- stats::plogis( outer( theta[,2], seq( -2, 2, len=I ), "-" ) )
resp2 <- 1 * ( p1 > matrix( stats::runif( N*I ), nrow=N, ncol=I ) )
# 20 items load on both dimensions
p1 <- stats::plogis( outer( 0.5*theta[,1] + 1.5*theta[,2], seq(-2,2,len=2*I ), "-" ))
resp3 <- 1 * ( p1 > matrix( stats::runif( N*2*I ), nrow=N, ncol=2*I ) )
#Combine the two sets of items into one response matrix
resp <- cbind(resp1, resp2, resp3 )
colnames(resp) <- paste("I", 1:(4*I), sep="")
# (2) define loading matrix
Q <- cbind(c(rep(1,10),rep(0,10),rep(1,20)), c(rep(0,10),rep(1,10),rep(1,20)))
# (3) model: within item dimensionality and 2PL estimation
mod5 <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl(resp, Q=Q, irtmodel="2PL" )
# item difficulties
# item loadings
#--- tamaan specification
tammodel <- "
F1=~ I1__I10 + I21__I40
F2=~ I11__I20 + I21__I40
F1 ~~ 1*F1
F1 ~~ F2
F2 ~~ 1*F2
mod5t <- TAM::tamaan( tammodel, resp, control=list(maxiter=10))
# EXAMPLE 6: ordered data - Generalized partial credit model
data(data.gpcm, package="TAM")
# Ex6.1: Nominal response model (irtmodel="2PL")
mod6_1 <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( resp=data.gpcm, irtmodel="2PL", control=list(maxiter=200) )
mod6_1$item # item intercepts
mod6_1$B # for every category a separate slope parameter is estimated
# reestimate the model with fixed item parameters
mod6_1a <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( resp=data.gpcm, irtmodel="2PL",
xsi.fixed=mod6_1$xsi.fixed.estimated, B.fixed=mod6_1$B.fixed.estimated )
# estimate the model with initial item parameters from mod6_1
mod6_1b <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( resp=data.gpcm, irtmodel="2PL",
xsi.inits=mod6_1$xsi.fixed.estimated, B=mod6_1$B )
# Ex6.2: Generalized partial credit model
mod6_2 <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( resp=data.gpcm, irtmodel="GPCM", control=list(maxiter=200))
mod6_2$B[,2,] # joint slope parameter for all categories
# Ex6.3: some fixed entries of slope matrix B
# B: nitems x maxK x ndim
# ( number of items x maximum number of categories x number of dimensions)
# set two constraints
B.fixed <- matrix( 0, 2, 4 )
# set second item, score of 2 (category 3), at first dimension to 2.3
B.fixed[1,] <- c(2,3,1,2.3)
# set third item, score of 1 (category 2), at first dimension to 1.4
B.fixed[2,] <- c(3,2,1,1.4)
# estimate item parameter with variance fixed (by default)
mod6_3 <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( resp=data.gpcm, irtmodel="2PL", B.fixed=B.fixed,
control=list( maxiter=200) )
# Ex 6.4: estimate the same model, but estimate variance
mod6_4 <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( resp=data.gpcm, irtmodel="2PL", B.fixed=B.fixed,
est.variance=TRUE, control=list( maxiter=350) )
# Ex 6.5: partial credit model
mod6_5 <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=data.gpcm,control=list( maxiter=200) )
# Ex 6.6: partial credit model: Conquest parametrization 'item+item*step'
mod6_6 <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=data.gpcm, irtmodel="PCM2" )
# estimate mod6_6 applying the sum constraint of item difficulties
# modify design matrix of xsi paramters
A1 <- TAM::.A.PCM2(resp=data.gpcm )
A1[3,2:4,"Comfort"] <- 1:3
A1[3,2:4,"Work"] <- 1:3
A1 <- A1[,, -3] # remove Benefit xsi item parameter
# estimate model
mod6_6b <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=data.gpcm, A=A1, beta.fixed=FALSE )
# estimate model with argument constraint="items"
mod6_6c <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=data.gpcm, irtmodel="PCM2", constraint="items")
# estimate mod6_6 using tam.mml.mfr
mod6_6d <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr( resp=data.gpcm, formulaA=~ 0 + item + item:step,
control=list(fac.oldxsi=.1), constraint="items" )
# Ex 6.7: Rating scale model: Conquest parametrization 'item+step'
mod6_7 <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=data.gpcm, irtmodel="RSM" )
# Ex 6.8: sum constraint on item difficulties
# partial credit model: ConQuest parametrization 'item+item*step'
# polytomous scored TIMMS data
# compare to Example 16
dat <- data.timssAusTwn.scored[,1:11]
## > tail(sort(names(dat)),1) # constrained item
## [1] "M032761"
# modify design matrix of xsi paramters
A1 <- TAM::.A.PCM2( resp=dat )
# constrained item loads on every other main item parameter
# with opposing margin it had been loaded on its own main item parameter
A1["M032761",,setdiff(colnames(dat), "M032761")] <- -A1["M032761",,"M032761"]
# remove main item parameter for constrained item
A1 <- A1[,, setdiff(dimnames(A1)[[3]],"M032761")]
# estimate model
mod6_8a <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=dat, A=A1, beta.fixed=FALSE )
# extract fixed item parameter for item M032761
## - sum(mod6_8a$xsi[setdiff(colnames(dat), "M032761"),"xsi"])
# estimate mod6_8a using tam.mml.mfr
## fixed a bug in 'tam.mml.mfr' for differing number of categories
## per item -> now a xsi vector with parameter fixings to values
## of 99 is used
mod6_8b <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr( resp=dat, formulaA=~ 0 + item + item:step,
control=list(fac.oldxsi=.1), constraint="items" )
# Ex 6.9: sum constraint on item difficulties for irtmodel="PCM"
dat <- data.timssAusTwn.scored[,2:11]
dat[ dat==9 ] <- NA
# obtain the design matrix for the PCM parametrization and
# the number of categories for each item
maxKi <- apply(dat, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE)
des <- TAM::designMatrices(resp=dat)
A1 <- des$A
# define the constrained item category and remove the respective parameter
(par <- unlist( strsplit(dimnames(A1)[[3]][dim(A1)[3]], split="_") ))
A1 <- A1[,,-dim(A1)[3]]
# the item category loads on every other item category parameter with
# opposing margin, balancing the number of categories for each item
item.id <- which(colnames(dat)==par[1])
cat.id <- maxKi[par[1]]+1
loading <- 1/rep(maxKi, maxKi)
loading <- loading [-which(names(loading)==par[1])[1]]
A1[item.id, cat.id, ] <- loading
# estimate model
mod6_9 <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=dat, A=A1, beta.fixed=FALSE )
## extract fixed item category parameter
# calculate mean for each item
ind.item.cat.pars <- sapply(colnames(dat), grep, rownames(mod6_8$xsi))
item.means <- lapply(ind.item.cat.pars, function(ii) mean(mod6_8$xsi$xsi[ii]))
# these sum up to the negative of the fixed parameter
fix.par <- -sum( unlist(item.means), na.rm=TRUE)
# Ex 6.10: Generalized partial credit model with equality constraints
# on item discriminations
dat <- data.gpcm
# Ex 6.10a: set all slopes of three items equal to each other
E <- matrix( 1, nrow=3, ncol=1 )
mod6_10a <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( dat, irtmodel="GPCM.design", E=E )
# Ex 6.10b: equal slope for first and third item
E <- matrix( 0, nrow=3, ncol=2 )
E[c(1,3),1] <- 1
E[ 2, 2 ] <- 1
mod6_10b <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( dat, irtmodel="GPCM.design", E=E )
# EXAMPLE 7: design matrix for slopes for the generalized partial credit model
# (1) simulate data from a model with a (item slope) design matrix E
I <- 42
b <- seq( -2, 2, len=I)
# create design matrix for loadings
E <- matrix( 0, I, 5 )
E[ seq(1,I,3), 1 ] <- 1
E[ seq(2,I,3), 2 ] <- 1
E[ seq(3,I,3), 3 ] <- 1
ind <- seq( 1, I, 2 ) ; E[ ind, 4 ] <- rep( c( .3, -.2 ), I )[ 1:length(ind) ]
ind <- seq( 2, I, 4 ) ; E[ ind, 5 ] <- rep( .15, I )[ 1:length(ind) ]
# true basis slope parameters
lambda <- c( 1, 1.2, 0.8, 1, 1.1 )
# calculate item slopes
a <- E %*% lambda
# simulate
N <- 4000
theta <- stats::rnorm( N )
aM <- outer( rep(1,N), a[,1] )
bM <- outer( rep(1,N), b )
pM <- stats::plogis( aM * ( matrix( theta, nrow=N, ncol=I ) - bM ) )
dat <- 1 * ( pM > stats::runif( N*I ) )
colnames(dat) <- paste("I", 1:I, sep="")
# estimate model
mod7 <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( resp=dat, irtmodel="GPCM.design", E=E )
# recalculate estimated basis parameters
stats::lm( mod7$B[,2,1] ~ 0+ as.matrix(E ) )
## Call:
## lm(formula=mod7$B[, 2, 1] ~ 0 + as.matrix(E))
## Coefficients:
## as.matrix(E)1 as.matrix(E)2 as.matrix(E)3 as.matrix(E)4 as.matrix(E)5
## 0.9904 1.1896 0.7817 0.9601 1.2132
# EXAMPLE 8: Differential item functioning #
# A first example of a Multifaceted Rasch Model #
# Facet is only female; 10 items are studied #
formulaA <- ~ item+female+item*female
# this formula is in R equivalent to 'item*female'
resp <- data.ex08[["resp"]]
facets <- as.data.frame( data.ex08[["facets"]] )
# Model 8a: investigate gender DIF on all items
mod8a <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr( resp=resp, facets=facets, formulaA=formulaA )
# Model 8a 2: specification with long format response data
resp.long <- c( data.ex08[["resp"]] )
pid <- rep( 1:nrow(data.ex08[["resp"]]), ncol(data.ex08[["resp"]]) )
itemnames <- rep(colnames(data.ex08[["resp"]]), each=nrow(data.ex08[["resp"]]))
facets.long <- cbind( data.frame( "item"=itemnames ),
data.ex08[["facets"]][pid,,drop=F] )
mod8a_2 <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr( resp=resp.long, facets=facets.long,
formulaA=formulaA, pid=pid)
stopifnot( all(mod8a$xsi.facets$xsi==mod8a_2$xsi.facets$xsi) )
# Model 8b: Differential bundle functioning (DBF)
# - investigate differential item functioning in item groups
# modify pre-specified design matrix to define 'appropriate' DBF effects
formulaA <- ~ item*female
des <- TAM::designMatrices.mfr( resp=resp, facets=facets, formulaA=formulaA)
A1 <- des$A$A.3d
# item group A: items 1-5
# item group B: items 6-8
# item group C: items 9-10
A1 <- A1[,,1:13]
dimnames(A1)[[3]][ c(12,13) ] <- c("A:female1", "B:female1")
# item group A
A1[,2,12] <- 0
A1[c(1,5,7,9,11),2,12] <- -1
A1[c(1,5,7,9,11)+1,2,12] <- 1
# item group B
A1[,2,13] <- 0
A1[c(13,15,17),2,13] <- -1
A1[c(13,15,17)+1,2,13] <- 1
# item group C (define effect(A)+effect(B)+effect(C)=0)
A1[c(19,3),2,c(12,13)] <- 1
A1[c(19,3)+1,2,c(12,13)] <- -1
# A1[,2,] # look at modified design matrix
# estimate model
mod8b <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=des$gresp$gresp.noStep, A=A1 )
# EXAMPLE 9: Multifaceted Rasch Model
# two way interaction item and rater
formulaA <- ~item+item:step + item*rater
mod9a <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr( resp=data.sim.mfr, facets=data.sim.facets, formulaA=formulaA)
# three way interaction item, female and rater
formulaA <- ~item+item:step + female*rater + female*item*step
mod9b <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr( resp=data.sim.mfr, facets=data.sim.facets, formulaA=formulaA)
# EXAMPLE 10: Model with raters.
# Persons are arranged in multiple rows which is indicated
# by multiple person identifiers.
dat <- data.ex10
## pid rater I0001 I0002 I0003 I0004 I0005
## 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
## 451 1 2 1 1 1 1 0
## 901 1 3 1 1 1 0 1
## 452 2 2 1 1 1 0 1
## 902 2 3 1 1 0 1 1
facets <- dat[, "rater", drop=FALSE ] # define facet (rater)
pid <- dat$pid # define person identifier (a person occurs multiple times)
resp <- dat[, -c(1:2) ] # item response data
formulaA <- ~ item * rater # formula
mod10 <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr( resp=resp, facets=facets, formulaA=formulaA, pid=dat$pid )
# estimate person parameter with WLE
wmod10 <- TAM::tam.wle( mod10 )
#--- Example 10a
# compare model containing only item
formulaA <- ~ item + rater # pseudo formula for item
xsi.setnull <- "rater" # set all rater effects to zero
mod10a <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr( resp=resp, facets=facets, formulaA=formulaA,
xsi.setnull=xsi.setnull, pid=dat$pid, beta.fixed=cbind(1,1,0))
# A shorter way for specifying this example is
formulaA <- ~ item + 0*rater # set all rater effects to zero
mod10a1 <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr( resp=resp, facets=facets, formulaA=formulaA, pid=dat$pid )
# tam.mml.mfr also appropriately extends the facets data frame with pseudo facets
# if necessary
formulaA <- ~ item # omitting the rater term
mod10a2 <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr( resp=resp, facets=facets, formulaA=formulaA, pid=dat$pid )
## Item Parameters Xsi
## xsi se.xsi
## I0001 -1.931 0.111
## I0002 -1.023 0.095
## I0003 -0.089 0.089
## I0004 1.015 0.094
## I0005 1.918 0.110
## psfPF11 0.000 0.000
## psfPF12 0.000 0.000
# Model 10_2: specification with long format response data
resp.long <- c(unlist( dat[, -c(1:2) ] ))
pid <- rep( dat$pid, ncol(dat[, -c(1:2) ]) )
itemnames <- rep(colnames(dat[, -c(1:2) ]), each=nrow(dat[, -c(1:2) ]))
# quick note: the 'trick' to use pid as the row index of the facet (cf., used in Ex 8a_2)
# is not working here, since pid already occures multiple times in the original response data
facets <- cbind( data.frame("item"=itemnames),
dat[ rep(1:nrow(dat), ncol(dat[,-c(1:2)])), "rater",drop=F]
mod10_2 <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr( resp=resp.long, facets=facets, formulaA=formulaA, pid=pid)
stopifnot( all(mod10$xsi.facets$xsi==mod10_2$xsi.facets$xsi) )
# EXAMPLE 11: Dichotomous data with missing and omitted responses
data(data.ex11) ; dat <- data.ex11
# Model 11a: Calibration (item parameter estimating) in which omitted
# responses (code 9) are set to missing
dat1 <- dat[,-1]
dat1[ dat1==9 ] <- NA
# estimate Rasch model
mod11a <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=dat1 )
# compute person parameters
wmod11a <- TAM::tam.wle( mod11a )
# Model 11b: Scaling persons (WLE estimation) setting omitted
# responses as incorrect and using fixed
# item parameters form Model 11a
# set matrix with fixed item difficulties as the input
xsi1 <- mod11a$xsi # xsi output from Model 11a
xsi.fixed <- cbind( seq(1,nrow(xsi1) ), xsi1$xsi )
# recode 9 to 0
dat2 <- dat[,-1]
dat2[ dat2==9 ] <- 0
# run Rasch model with fixed item difficulties
mod11b <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=dat2, xsi.fixed=xsi.fixed )
# WLE estimation
wmod11b <- TAM::tam.wle( mod11b )
# EXAMPLE 12: Avoiding nonconvergence using the argument increment.factor
dat <- data.ex12
# non-convergence without increment.factor
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( resp=data.ex12, control=list( maxiter=1000) )
# avoiding non-convergence with increment.factor=1.02
mod2 <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( resp=data.ex12,
control=list( maxiter=1000, increment.factor=1.02) )
# EXAMPLE 13: Longitudinal data 'data.long' from sirt package
data(data.long, package="sirt")
dat <- data.long
## > colnames(dat)
## [1] "idstud" "I1T1" "I2T1" "I3T1" "I4T1" "I5T1" "I6T1"
## [8] "I3T2" "I4T2" "I5T2" "I6T2" "I7T2" "I8T2"
## item 1 to 6 administered at T1 and items 3 to 8 at T2
## items 3 to 6 are anchor items
# Model 13a: 2-dimensional Rasch model assuming invariant item difficulties
# define matrix loadings
Q <- matrix(0,12,2)
colnames(Q) <- c("T1","T2")
Q[1:6,1] <- 1 # items at T1
Q[7:12,2] <- 1 # items at T2
# assume equal item difficulty of I3T1 and I3T2, I4T1 and I4T2, ...
# create draft design matrix and modify it
A <- TAM::designMatrices(resp=data.long[,-1])$A
dimnames(A)[[1]] <- colnames(data.long)[-1]
## > str(A)
## num [1:12, 1:2, 1:12] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
## - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 3
## ..$ : chr [1:12] "Item01" "Item02" "Item03" "Item04" ...
## ..$ : chr [1:2] "Category0" "Category1"
## ..$ : chr [1:12] "I1T1" "I2T1" "I3T1" "I4T1" ...
A1 <- A[,, c(1:6, 11:12 ) ]
dimnames(A1)[[3]] <- substring( dimnames(A1)[[3]],1,2)
A1[7,2,3] <- -1 # difficulty(I3T1)=difficulty(I3T2)
A1[8,2,4] <- -1 # I4T1=I4T2
A1[9,2,5] <- A1[10,2,6] <- -1
## > A1[,2,]
## I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8
## I1T1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## I2T1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0
## I3T1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0
## I4T1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0
## I5T1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0
## I6T1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0
## I3T2 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0
## I4T2 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0
## I5T2 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0
## I6T2 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0
## I7T2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0
## I8T2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1
# estimate model
# set intercept of second dimension (T2) to zero
beta.fixed <- cbind( 1, 2, 0 )
mod13a <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=data.long[,-1], Q=Q, A=A1, beta.fixed=beta.fixed)
#--- tamaan specification
tammodel <- "
T1=~ 1*I1T1__I6T1
T2=~ 1*I3T2__I8T2
T1 ~~ T1
T2 ~~ T2
T1 ~~ T2
# constraint on item difficulties
I3T1 + I3T2 | b3*t1
I4T1 + I4T2 | b4*t1
I5T1 + I5T2 | b5*t1
I6T1 + I6T2 | b6*t1
# The constraint on item difficulties can be more efficiently written as
## DO(3,6,1)
## I%T1 + I%T2 | b%*t1
# estimate model
mod13at <- TAM::tamaan( tammodel, resp=data.long, beta.fixed=beta.fixed )
# Model 13b: invariant item difficulties with zero mean item difficulty
# of anchor items
A <- TAM::designMatrices(resp=data.long[,-1])$A
dimnames(A)[[1]] <- colnames(data.long)[-1]
A1 <- A[,, c(1:5, 11:12 ) ]
dimnames(A1)[[3]] <- substring( dimnames(A1)[[3]],1,2)
A1[7,2,3] <- -1 # difficulty(I3T1)=difficulty(I3T2)
A1[8,2,4] <- -1 # I4T1=I4T2
A1[9,2,5] <- -1
A1[6,2,3] <- A1[6,2,4] <- A1[6,2,5] <- 1 # I6T1=-(I3T1+I4T1+I5T1)
A1[10,2,3] <- A1[10,2,4] <- A1[10,2,5] <- 1 # I6T2=-(I3T2+I4T2+I5T2)
## I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I7 I8
## I1T1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0
## I2T1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0
## I3T1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0
## I4T1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0
## I5T1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0
## I6T1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
## I3T2 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0
## I4T2 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0
## I5T2 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0
## I6T2 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
## I7T2 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0
## I8T2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1
mod13b <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=data.long[,-1], Q=Q, A=A1, beta.fixed=FALSE)
# Model 13c: longitudinal polytomous data
# modifiy Items I1T1, I4T1, I4T2 in order to be trichotomous (codes: 0,1,2)
dat <- data.long
dat[(1:50),2] <- sample(c(0,1,2), 50, replace=TRUE)
dat[(1:50),5] <- sample(c(0,1,2), 50, replace=TRUE)
dat[(1:50),9] <- sample(c(0,1,2), 50, replace=TRUE)
## > colnames(dat)
## [1] "idstud" "I1T1" "I2T1" "I3T1" "I4T1" "I5T1" "I6T1"
## [8] "I3T2" "I4T2" "I5T2" "I6T2" "I7T2" "I8T2"
## item 1 to 6 administered at T1, items 3 to 8 at T2
## items 3 to 6 are anchor items
# (1) define matrix loadings
Q <- matrix(0,12,2)
colnames(Q) <- c("T1","T2")
Q[1:6,1] <- 1 # items at T1
Q[7:12,2] <- 1 # items at T2
# (2) assume equal item difficulty of anchor items
# create draft design matrix and modify it
A <- TAM::designMatrices(resp=dat[,-1])$A
dimnames(A)[[1]] <- colnames(dat)[-1]
## > str(A)
## num [1:12, 1:3, 1:15] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
## - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 3
## ..$ : chr [1:12] "I1T1" "I2T1" "I3T1" "I4T1" ...
## ..$ : chr [1:3] "Category0" "Category1" "Category2"
## ..$ : chr [1:15] "I1T1_Cat1" "I1T1_Cat2" "I2T1_Cat1" "I3T1_Cat1" ...
# define matrix A
# Items 1 to 3 administered at T1, Items 3 to 6 are anchor items
# Item 7 to 8 administered at T2
# Item I1T1, I4T1, I4T2 are trichotomous (codes: 0,1,2)
A1 <- A[,, c(1:8, 14:15) ]
dimnames(A1)[[3]] <- gsub("T1|T2", "", dimnames(A1)[[3]])
# Modifications are shortened compared to Model 13 a, but are still valid
A1[7,,] <- A1[3,,] # item 7, i.e. I3T2, loads on same parameters as
# item 3, I3T1
A1[8,,] <- A1[4,,] # same for item 8 and item 4
A1[9,,] <- A1[5,,] # same for item 9 and item 5
A1[10,,] <- A1[6,,] # same for item 10 and item 6
## > A1[8,,]
## I1_Cat1 I1_Cat2 I2_Cat1 I3_Cat1 I4_Cat1 I4_Cat2 I5_Cat1 ...
## Category0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Category1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0
## Category2 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0
# (3) estimate model
# set intercept of second dimension (T2) to zero
beta.fixed <- cbind( 1, 2, 0 )
mod13c <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=dat[,-1], Q=Q, A=A1, beta.fixed=beta.fixed,
wle.mod13c <- TAM::tam.wle(mod13c) # WLEs of dimension T1 and T2
# EXAMPLE 14: Facet model with latent regression
data( data.ex14 )
dat <- data.ex14
# Model 14a: facet model
resp <- dat[, paste0("crit",1:7,sep="") ] # item data
facets <- data.frame( "rater"=dat$rater ) # define facets
formulaA <- ~item+item*step + rater
mod14a <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr( resp, facets=facets, formulaA=formulaA, pid=dat$pid )
# Model 14b: facet model with latent regression
# Note that dataY must correspond to rows in resp and facets which means
# that there must be the same rows in Y for a person with multiple rows
# in resp
dataY <- dat[, c("X1","X2") ] # latent regressors
formulaY <- ~ X1+X2 # latent regression formula
mod14b <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr( resp, facets=facets, formulaA=formulaA,
dataY=dataY, formulaY=formulaY, pid=dat$pid)
# Model 14c: Multi-facet model with item slope estimation
# use design matrix and modified response data from Model 1
# item-specific slopes
resp1 <- mod14a$resp # extract response data with generalized items
A <- mod14a$A # extract design matrix for item intercepts
# define design matrix for slopes
E <- matrix( 0, nrow=ncol(resp1), ncol=7 )
colnames(E) <- paste0("crit",1:7)
rownames(E) <- colnames(resp1)
E[ cbind( 1:(7*7), rep(1:7,each=7) ) ] <- 1
mod14c <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( resp=resp1, A=A, irtmodel="GPCM.design", E=E,
control=list(maxiter=100) )
# EXAMPLE 15: Coping with nonconvergent models
data <- data.ex15
# facet model 'group*item' is of interest
# Model 15a:
mod15a <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr(resp=data[,-c(1:2)],facets=data[,"group",drop=FALSE],
formulaA=~ item + group*item, pid=data$pid )
# See output:
## Iteration 47 2013-09-10 16:51:39
## E Step
## M Step Intercepts |----
## Deviance=75510.2868 | Deviance change: -595.0609
## !!! Deviance increases! !!!!
## !!! Choose maybe fac.oldxsi > 0 and/or increment.factor > 1 !!!!
## Maximum intercept parameter change: 0.925045
## Maximum regression parameter change: 0
## Variance: 0.9796 | Maximum change: 0.009226
# Model 15b: Follow the suggestions of changing the default of fac.oldxsi and
# increment.factor
mod15b <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr(resp=data[,-c(1:2)],facets=data[,"group",drop=FALSE],
formulaA=~ group*item, pid=data$pid,
control=list( increment.factor=1.03, fac.oldxsi=.4 ) )
# Model 15c: Alternatively, just choose more iterations in M-step by "Msteps=10"
mod15c <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr(resp=data[,-c(1:2)],facets=data[,"group",drop=FALSE],
formulaA=~ item + group*item, pid=data$pid,
control=list(maxiter=250, Msteps=10))
# EXAMPLE 16: Differential item function for polytomous items and
# differing number of response options per item
dat <- data.timssAusTwn.scored
# extract item response data
resp <- dat[, sort(grep("M", colnames(data.timssAusTwn.scored), value=TRUE)) ]
# some descriptives
# define facets: 'cnt' is group identifier
facets <- data.frame( "cnt"=dat$IDCNTRY)
# create design matrices
des2 <- TAM::designMatrices.mfr2( resp=resp, facets=facets,
formulaA=~item*step + item*cnt)
# restructured data set: pseudoitem=item x country
resp2 <- des2$gresp$gresp.noStep
# A design matrix
A <- des2$A$A.3d
# redundant xsi parameters must be eliminated from design matrix
xsi.elim <- des2$xsi.elim
A <- A[,, - xsi.elim[,2] ]
# extract loading matrix B
B <- des2$B$B.3d
# estimate model
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=resp2, A=A, B=B, control=list(maxiter=100) )
# The sum of all DIF parameters is set to zero. The DIF parameter for the last
# item is therefore obtained
xsi1 <- mod1$xsi
difxsi <- xsi1[ intersect( grep("cnt",rownames(xsi1)),
grep("M03",rownames(xsi1))), ] - colSums(difxsi)
# this is the DIF effect of the remaining item
# EXAMPLE 17: Several multidimensional and subdimension models
#*** (1) simulate data in mirt package
# simulate data according to the four-dimensional Rasch model
# variances
variances <- c( 1.45, 1.74, .86, 1.48 )
# correlations
corrs <- matrix( 1, 4, 4 )
dd1 <- 1 ; dd2 <- 2 ; corrs[dd1,dd2] <- corrs[dd2,dd1] <- .88
dd1 <- 1 ; dd2 <- 3 ; corrs[dd1,dd2] <- corrs[dd2,dd1] <- .85
dd1 <- 1 ; dd2 <- 4 ; corrs[dd1,dd2] <- corrs[dd2,dd1] <- .87
dd1 <- 2 ; dd2 <- 3 ; corrs[dd1,dd2] <- corrs[dd2,dd1] <- .84
dd1 <- 2 ; dd2 <- 4 ; corrs[dd1,dd2] <- corrs[dd2,dd1] <- .90
dd1 <- 3 ; dd2 <- 4 ; corrs[dd1,dd2] <- corrs[dd2,dd1] <- .90
# covariance matrix
covar <- outer( sqrt( variances), sqrt(variances) )*corrs
# item thresholds and item discriminations
d <- matrix( stats::runif(40, -2, 2 ), ncol=1 )
a <- matrix(NA, nrow=40,ncol=4)
a[1:10,1] <- a[11:20,2] <- a[21:30,3] <- a[31:40,4] <- 1
# simulate data
dat <- mirt::simdata(a=a, d=d, N=1000, itemtype="dich", sigma=covar )
# define Q-matrix for testlet and subdimension models estimated below
Q <- matrix( 0, nrow=40, ncol=5 )
colnames(Q) <- c("g", paste0( "subd", 1:4) )
Q[,1] <- 1
Q[1:10,2] <- Q[11:20,3] <- Q[21:30,4] <- Q[31:40,5] <- 1
# define maximum number of iterations and number of quasi monte carlo nodes
# maxit <- 5 ; snodes <- 300 # this specification is only for speed reasons
maxit <- 200 ; snodes <- 1500
# Model 1: Rasch testlet model
# define a user function for restricting the variance according to the
# Rasch testlet model
variance.fct1 <- function( variance ){
ndim <- ncol(variance)
variance.new <- matrix( 0, ndim, ndim )
diag(variance.new) <- diag(variance)
variance <- variance.new
variance.Npars <- 5 # number of estimated parameters in variance matrix
# estimation using tam.mml
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml( dat, Q=Q, userfct.variance=variance.fct1,
variance.Npars=variance.Npars, control=list(maxiter=maxit, QMC=TRUE,
# Model 2: Testlet model with correlated testlet effects
# specify a testlet model with general factor g and testlet effects
# u_1,u_2,u_3 and u_4. Assume that Cov(g,u_t)=0 for all t=1,2,3,4.
# Additionally, assume that \sum_t,t' Cov( u_t, u_t')=0, i.e.
# the sum of all testlet covariances is equal to zero
#=> testlet effects are uncorrelated on average.
# set Cov(g,u_t)=0 and sum of all testlet covariances equals to zero
variance.fct2 <- function( variance ){
ndim <- ncol(variance)
variance.new <- matrix( 0, ndim, ndim )
diag(variance.new) <- diag(variance)
variance.new[1,2:ndim] <- variance.new[2:ndim,1] <- 0
# calculate average covariance between testlets
v1 <- variance[ -1, -1] - variance.new[-1,-1]
M1 <- sum(v1) / ( ( ndim-1)^2 - ( ndim - 1))
v1 <- v1 - M1
variance.new[ -1, -1 ] <- v1
diag(variance.new) <- diag(variance)
variance <- variance.new
variance.Npars <- 1 + 4 + (4*3)/2 - 1
# estimate model in TAM
mod2 <- TAM::tam.mml( dat, Q=Q, userfct.variance=variance.fct2,
control=list(maxiter=maxit, QMC=TRUE, snodes=snodes) )
# Model 3: Testlet model with correlated testlet effects (different identification)
# Testlet model like in Model 2. But now the constraint is
# \sum _t,t' Cov(u_t, u_t') + \sum_t Var(u_t)=0, i.e.
# the sum of all testlet covariances and variances is equal to zero.
variance.fct3 <- function( variance ){
ndim <- ncol(variance)
variance.new <- matrix( 0, ndim, ndim )
diag(variance.new) <- diag(variance)
variance.new[1,2:ndim] <- variance.new[2:ndim,1] <- 0
# calculate average covariance and variance between testlets
v1 <- variance[ -1, -1]
M1 <- mean(v1)
v1 <- v1 - M1
variance.new[ -1, -1 ] <- v1
# ensure positive definiteness of covariance matrix
eps <- 10^(-2)
diag(variance.new) <- diag( variance.new) + eps
variance.new <- psych::cor.smooth( variance.new ) # smoothing in psych
variance <- variance.new
variance.Npars <- 1 + 4 + (4*3)/2 - 1
# estimate model in TAM
mod3 <- TAM::tam.mml( dat, Q=Q, userfct.variance=variance.fct3,
control=list(maxiter=maxit, QMC=TRUE, snodes=snodes) )
# Model 4: Rasch subdimension model
# The Rasch subdimension model is specified according to Brandt (2008).
# The fourth testlet effect is defined as u4=- (u1+u2+u3)
# specify an alternative Q-matrix with 4 dimensions
Q2 <- Q[,-5]
Q2[31:40,2:4] <- -1
# set Cov(g,u1)=Cov(g,u2)=Cov(g,u3)=0
variance.fixed <- rbind( c(1,2,0), c(1,3,0), c(1,4,0) )
# estimate model in TAM
mod4 <- TAM::tam.mml( dat, Q=Q2,variance.fixed=variance.fixed,
control=list(maxiter=maxit, QMC=TRUE, snodes=snodes) )
# Model 5: Higher-order model
# A four-dimensional model with a higher-order factor is specified.
# F_t=a_t g + eps_g
Q3 <- Q[,-1]
# define fitting function using the lavaan package and ULS estimation
N0 <- nrow(dat) # sample size of dataset
library(lavaan) # requires lavaan package for fitting covariance
variance.fct5 <- function( variance ){
ndim <- ncol(variance)
rownames(variance) <- colnames(variance) <- paste0("F",1:ndim)
lavmodel <- paste0(
"FHO=~", paste0( paste0( "F", 1:ndim ), collapse="+" ) )
lavres <- lavaan::cfa( model=lavmodel, sample.cov=variance, estimator="ULS",
std.lv=TRUE, sample.nobs=N0)
variance.new <- fitted(lavres)$cov
variance <- variance.new
# print coefficients
cat( paste0( "\n **** Higher order loadings: ",
paste0( paste0( round( coef(lavres)[ 1:ndim ], 3 )), collapse=" ")
), "\n")
variance.Npars <- 4+4
# estimate model in TAM
mod5 <- TAM::tam.mml( dat, Q=Q3, userfct.variance=variance.fct5,
control=list(maxiter=maxit, QMC=TRUE, snodes=snodes) )
# Model 6: Generalized Rasch subdimension model (Brandt, 2012)
Q2 <- Q[,-5]
Q2[31:40,2:4] <- -1
# fixed covariances
variance.fixed2 <- rbind( c(1,2,0), c(1,3,0), c(1,4,0) )
# design matrix for item loading parameters
# items x category x dimension x xsi parameter
E <- array( 0, dim=c( 40, 2, 4, 4 ) )
E[ 1:10, 2, c(1,2), 1 ] <- 1
E[ 11:20, 2, c(1,3), 2 ] <- 1
E[ 21:30, 2, c(1,4), 3 ] <- 1
E[ 31:40, 2, 1, 4 ] <- 1
E[ 31:40, 2, 2:4, 4 ] <- -1
# constraint on slope parameters, see Brandt (2012)
gammaconstr <- function( gammaslope ){
K <- length( gammaslope)
g1 <- sum( gammaslope^2 )
gammaslope.new <- sqrt(K) / sqrt(g1) * gammaslope
# estimate model
mod6 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl( dat, E=E, Q=Q2, variance.fixed=variance.fixed2,
skillspace="normal", userfct.gammaslope=gammaconstr, gammaslope.constr.Npars=1,
control=list(maxiter=maxit, QMC=TRUE, snodes=snodes ) )
# EXAMPLE 18: Partial credit model with dimension-specific sum constraints
# on item difficulties
data(data.Students, package="CDM")
dat <- data.Students[, c( paste0("sc",1:4), paste0("mj",1:4) ) ]
# specify dimensions in Q-matrix
Q <- matrix( 0, nrow=8, ncol=2 )
Q[1:4,1] <- Q[5:8,2] <- 1
# partial credit model with some constraint on item parameters
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml( dat, Q=Q, irtmodel="PCM2", constraint="items")
# EXAMPLE 19: Partial credit scoring: 0.5 points for partial credit items
# and 1 point for dichotomous items
dat <- data.timssAusTwn.scored
# extrcat item response data
dat <- dat[, grep("M03", colnames(dat) ) ]
# select items with do have maximum score of 2 (polytomous items)
ind <- which( apply( dat, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE )==2 )
I <- ncol(dat)
# define Q-matrix with scoring variant
Q <- matrix( 1, nrow=I, ncol=1 )
Q[ ind, 1 ] <- .5 # score of 0.5 for polyomous items
# estimate model
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml( dat, Q=Q, irtmodel="PCM2", control=list(nodes=seq(-10,10,len=21)))
# EXAMPLE 20: Specification of loading matrix in multidimensional model
resp <- data.gpcm
# define three dimensions and different loadings of item categories
# on these dimensions in B loading matrix
I <- 3 # 3 items
D <- 3 # 3 dimensions
# define loading matrix B
# 4 categories for each item (0,1,2,3)
B <- array( 0, dim=c(I,4,D) )
for (ii in 1:I){
B[ ii, 1:4, 1 ] <- 0:3
B[ ii, 1,2 ] <- 1
B[ ii, 4,3 ] <- 1
dimnames(B)[[1]] <- colnames(resp)
## > B[1,,]
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 0 1 0
## [2,] 1 0 0
## [3,] 2 0 0
## [4,] 3 0 1
#-- test run
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml( resp, B=B, control=list( snodes=1000, maxiter=5) )
# Same model with TAM::tam.mml.3pl instead
dim4 <- sum(apply(B, c(1, 3), function(x) any(!(x==0))))
E1 <- array(0, dim=c(dim(B), dim4))
kkk <- 0
for (iii in seq_len(dim(E1)[1])) {
for (jjj in seq_len(dim(E1)[3])) {
if (any(B[iii,, jjj] !=0)) {
kkk <- kkk + 1
E1[iii,, jjj, kkk] <- B[iii,, jjj]
if (kkk !=dim4) stop("Something went wrong in the loop, because 'kkk !=dim4'.")
mod2 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp, E=E1, est.some.slopes=FALSE, control=list(maxiter=50))
cor(mod1$person$EAP.Dim3, mod2$person$EAP.Dim3)
cor(mod1$person$EAP.Dim2, mod2$person$EAP.Dim2)
cor(mod1$person$EAP.Dim1, mod2$person$EAP.Dim1)
cor(mod1$xsi$xsi, mod2$xsi$xsi)
# EXAMPLE 21: Acceleration of EM algorithm | dichotomous data
N <- 1000 # number of persons
I <- 100 # number of items
# simulate data according to the Rasch model
dat <- sirt::sim.raschtype( rnorm(N), b=seq(-2,2,len=I) )
# estimate models
mod1n <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=dat, control=list( acceleration="none") ) # no acceler.
mod1y <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=dat, control=list( acceleration="Yu") ) # Yu acceler.
mod1r <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=dat, control=list( acceleration="Ramsay") ) # Ramsay acceler.
# compare number of iterations
mod1n$iter ; mod1y$iter ; mod1r$iter
# log-likelihood values
logLik(mod1n); logLik(mod1y) ; logLik(mod1r)
# EXAMPLE 22: Acceleration of EM algorithm | polytomous data
dat <- data.gpcm
# no acceleration
mod1n <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( resp=dat, irtmodel="GPCM",
control=list( conv=1E-4, acceleration="none") )
# Yu acceleration
mod1y <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( resp=dat, irtmodel="GPCM",
control=list( conv=1E-4, acceleration="Yu") )
# Ramsay acceleration
mod1r <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( resp=dat, irtmodel="GPCM",
control=list( conv=1E-4, acceleration="Ramsay") )
# number of iterations
mod1n$iter ; mod1y$iter ; mod1r$iter
# EXAMPLE 23: Multidimensional polytomous Rasch model in which
# dimensions are defined by categories
data(data.Students, package="CDM")
dat <- data.Students[, grep( "act", colnames(data.Students) ) ]
# define multidimensional model in which categories of item define dimensions
# * Category 0 -> loading of one on Dimension 0
# * Category 1 -> no loadings
# * Category 2 -> loading of one on Dimension 2
# extract default design matrices
res <- TAM::designMatrices( resp=dat )
A <- res$A
B0 <- 0*res$B
# create design matrix B
B <- array( 0, dim=c( dim(B0)[c(1,2) ], 2 ) )
dimnames(B)[[1]] <- dimnames(B0)[[1]]
dimnames(B)[[2]] <- dimnames(B0)[[2]]
dimnames(B)[[3]] <- c( "Dim0", "Dim2" )
B[,1,1] <- 1
B[,3,2] <- 1
# estimate multdimensional Rasch model
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=dat, A=A, B=B, control=list( maxiter=100) )
# alternative definition of B
# * Category 1: negative loading on Dimension 1 and Dimension 2
B <- array( 0, dim=c( dim(B0)[c(1,2) ], 2 ) )
dimnames(B)[[1]] <- dimnames(B0)[[1]]
dimnames(B)[[2]] <- dimnames(B0)[[2]]
dimnames(B)[[3]] <- c( "Dim0", "Dim2" )
B[,1, 1] <- 1
B[,3, 2] <- 1
B[,2, c(1,2)] <- -1
# estimate model
mod2 <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=dat, A=A, B=B, control=list( maxiter=100) )
# EXAMPLE 24: Sum constraint on item-category parameters in partial credit model
dat <- data.gpcm
# check number of categories
c1 <- TAM::tam.ctt3(dat)
#--- fit with PCM
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml( dat )
summary(mod1, file="mod1")
#--- fit with constraint on sum of categories
#** redefine design matrix
A1 <- 0*mod1$A
A1 <- A1[,, - dim(A1)[[3]]]
NP <- dim(A1)[[3]]
# define item category parameters
A1[1,2,1] <- A1[1,3,2] <- A1[1,4,3] <- -1
A1[2,2,4] <- A1[2,3,5] <- A1[2,4,6] <- -1
A1[3,2,7] <- A1[3,3,8] <- -1
A1[3,4,1:8] <- 1
# check definition
#** estimate model
mod2 <- TAM::tam.mml( dat, A=A1, beta.fixed=FALSE)
summary(mod2, file="mod2")
#--- compare model fit
IRT.compareModels(mod1, mod2 ) # -> equivalent model fit
# EXAMPLE 25: Different GPCM parametrizations in IRT packages
data(data.gpcm, package="TAM")
dat <- data.gpcm
#*** TAM
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl(dat, irtmodel="GPCM")
#*** mirt
mod2 <- mirt::mirt(dat, 1, itemtype="gpcm", verbose=TRUE)
#*** ltm
mod3 <- ltm::gpcm( dat, control=list(verbose=TRUE) )
mod3b <- ltm::gpcm( dat, control=list(verbose=TRUE), IRT.param=FALSE)
#-- comparison log likelihood
#*** intercept parametrization (like in TAM)
mod1$B[,2,1] # slope
mod1$AXsi # intercepts
# mirt
# ltm
coef(mod3b, IRT.param=FALSE)[, c(4,1:3)]
#*** IRT parametrization
mod1$AXsi / mod1$B[,2,1]
# mirt
coef(mod2, IRTpars=TRUE)
# ltm
coef(mod3)[, c(4,1:3)]
# }
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