a smoothing parameter for word counts; defaults to zero.
Number of dimensions to be included in output; if NA (the
default) then the maximum possible dimensions are included.
retains the sparsity if set to TRUE
specifies the number of threads to be used; set to 1 to use a serial version of the function.
Only applies when sparse = TRUE.
specifies the threshold for the residual matrix for
calculating the truncated svd.Larger value will reduce memory and time cost but
might sacrify the accuracy. Only applies when sparse = TRUE
svds in the RSpectra package is applied to enable the fast computation of the SVD.
Nenadic, O. and Greenacre, M. (2007). Correspondence analysis in R, with two- and three-dimensional graphics:
The ca package. Journal of Statistical Software, 20 (3), http://www.jstatsoft.org/v20/i03/