Run the VIC model for each gridcells by providing several meteorological and vegetation (optional) forcing data and land surface parameters (soil, vegetation, snowband (optional), lake (optional)).
vic(forcing, soil, veg, output_info = NULL, veglib = NULL,
snowband = NULL, lake = NULL, forcing_veg = NULL,
veg_force_types = c("albedo", "LAI", "fcanopy"), parall = FALSE)# S3 method for vic_output
print(x, ...)
meteorological forcing data. Must be a list of numeral matrix with the name of one of "PREC", "TEMP", "SW", "LW", "WIND", "VP" and "PRESS". See details.
soil parameter data. Must be a data frame or numeral matrix.
vegetation parameters. Must be a list containing several matrixs. See details.
A list containing output contents and timescales (optional). See details.
Vegetation library parameters (optional). Would using the library of the NLDAS and GLDAS when not provided.
A data frame or numeral matrix containing snow band parameters (optional). See details.
A dataframe or numeric matrix containing lake parameters (optional).
Vegetation forcing data (optional). See details.
Type names of vegetation forcing data. Must be provided when using vegetation forcing data.
Determined if run the VIC parallely. If it is TRUE,
in package doParallel is
need to be used before run the VIC.
Return of vic
for print.
Other arguments to print.
A list containing output tables, time table and model settings.
VIC in R supports multiple "output tables" with different output timescales. For example, you can put soil moisture and soil temperature in a table with monthly timescale and put runoff, baseflow in another table with daily timescale.
You can use print()
to print the summary of the returns.
The returns includes:
output |
One or several "output tables" and each of them containing
several output variables, which is determined by the output_info
parameter. The name of the "table" would also be which output_info
determined. Each "table" containing several numerial matrices corresponding
to the output variables. Each row of the matrices is output data for a
time step while each column is output data for a gridcell. |
Containing initiation time, model running time and final (orgnizate outputs) time of the VIC model running. |
Global options setted for this model run. |
Parameter forcing
must be a list containing several numeral matrixs
that containing forcing data. Name of each matrix (similar to key in
dictionary in Python) must be the specific type names including
"PREC", "TEMP", "SW", "LW", "WIND", "VP" and "PRESS", indicating precipitation
[mm], air temperature [degree C], shortwave radiation [W], longwave radiation
[W], wind speed [m/s], vapor pressure [kPa], and atmospheric pressure [kPa].
All of those types are necessary to run the VIC model except "LW" and "PRESS".
Each row of the matrixs is corresponding to a time step while each column of
the matrixs is corresponding to a gridcell, which other must be the same as
those in soil parameter.
Longwave radiation (LW) and atmospheric pressure (PRESS) could be estimated via other forcing data when not supplied. Longwave radiation would be estimated using the Konzelmann formula (Konzelmann et al., 1996) while atmospheric pressure would be estimated based on the method of VIC 4.0.6, by assuming the sea level pressure is a constant of 101.3 kPa.
Parameter soil
must be a numeric data frame or matrix that containing
soil parameters. The style of this is the same as the soil parameter file
of the classic VIC, that is, each row restores the parameter of a cell
while each column restores one type of parameter. Detail see
in the official VIC documentation webside.
Parameter veg
must be a list containing several numeral matrixs that
Those matrixs restore the vegetation parameters that are corresponding
to each gridcells, and those order must be the same as the soil parameters.
Each row of the matrix restores the parameters of a vegetation type
while each column restores a type of parameter.
Each row should be like:
c(veg_type, area_fract, rootzone_1_depth, rootzone_1_fract, rootzone_2_depth, rootzone_2_fract, ...)
which is similar to the veg param file
of the classic VIC. If the source of LAI, fcanopy or albedo is set
to veg params, it must be follow by a sequence of param value for each
month in a year. The rows of veg
would be similar as:
c(veg_type, area_fract, rootzone_1_depth, rootzone_1_fract, rootzone_2_depth, rootzone_2_fract, LAI_Jan, LAI_Feb, LAI_Mar, ..., LAI_Dec, fcan_Jan, fcan_Feb, fcan_Mar, ..., fcan_Dec, albedo_Jan, albedo_Feb, albedo_Mar, ..., albedo_Dec)
Parameter output_info
is used to determine the output variables,
output timescale (monthly, daily, sub-daily, or each 6 days, etc.),
aggregration of data (mean, sum, max, min, start or end) when output
timescale is larger than input timescale. It should be a list like that:
output_info <- list(timescale = 'timescale', aggpar = aggpar, outvars = c('OUT_TYPE_1', 'OUT_TYPE_2', 'OUT_TYPE_3', ...), aggtypes = c('aggtype_1', 'aggtype_2', 'aggtype_3'))
And a output table (a list containing the output variables in matrix form)
named "output" would be returned. You can obtain the variables use code like
Names of the items in the list (e.g. timescale, outvars) must be those
specified as follows:
timescale |
Output timescale, including 'never', 'step', 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day', 'month', 'year', 'date', and 'end'. 'never' means never output, 'step' means use the input timestep, 'date' means output at a specific date, and 'end' means output at the last timestep. |
aggpar |
If 'timescale' is set to those except 'never', 'date' and
'end', it determined the intervals of the timescale to pass before output.
If 'timescale' is 'day' and 'aggpar' is 6, that means data outputs per 6
If 'timescale' is 'date', it should be a Date type and it could be
generated use as.Date('YYYY-mm-dd') . |
outvars |
A sequence of names of output data types. The available data types please see the VIC official documentation website at |
If multiple output timescales are used, the outputs could be divided into several lists and take them into a list as input, e.g.:
out_info <- list( wb = list(timescale = 'hour', aggpar = 6, outvars = c('OUT_RUNOFF', 'OUT_BASEFLOW', 'OUT_SOIL_MOIST'), aggtypes = c('sum', 'sum', 'end')), eb = list(timescale = 'day', aggpar = 1, outvars = c('OUT_SWE', 'OUT_SOIL_TEMP'), aggtypes = c('avg', 'min')) )
This would return two output tables named "wb" and "eb" respectively.
Parameter veglib
is a matrix or a numeric dataframe of a vegetation
parameter library. Each row determines a type of vegetation while each
column determines a parameter, including ovetstory (or not), LAI for each
month in a year, etc. If not provided, it would use the default vegetation
library of the NASA Landsurface Data Assimination System (LDAS) (Rodell
et al., 2004), which contains 11 types of vegetation with the vegetation
classification of UMD.
Parameter snowband
is a matrix or a numeric dataframe determines
the elevation band information for each gridcells. Each row determines
the band information of a gridcell while a column determines the values
of the elevation band parameters.
This devide a single gridcell into several parts with dfferent elevation
to run individually, to further consider the sub-gridcell heterogeneity
of elevation and the resulted heterogeneity air temperature in a gridcell
with higher variation of elevation. The information of elevation bands
includes area fraction, mean elevation and fraction of precipitation
falled to the gridcell of each elevation band of the gridcell.
The order of the rows must be coresponding to the gridcells determined
in the soil parameters. Each row should be like:
c(GRID_ID, AFRAC_1, AFRAC_2, ..., AFRAC_n, ELEV_1, ELEV_2, ..., ELEV_n, PFRAC_1, PFRAC_2, ..., PFRAC_n)
is the id of the grid; AFRAC_i means area fraction of
each elevation band; ELEV_i is their mean elevation; PFRAC_i is there
precipitation fraction. n is the number of elevation bands for each
gridcell and is determined by 'nbands'
in the global options.
This can be set used veg_param('nbands', n)
Parameter forcing_veg
must be a list containing several 3D numeral
arrays that containing vegetation forcing data such as LAI, albedo and
fraction of canopy. Different to parameter forcing
, each 3D array
in the list is the vegetation forcing data for a single gridcell, and the
order of the 3D arrays must be corresponding to the order of the gridcells
determined in the soil parameter.
The dimensions of a 3D array are represents:
[timestep, vegetation tile, forcing type].
That is, the first dimension determines the data of the timesteps, the
second dimension determines the data for the different vegetation tiles
in this gridcell that determined by the vegetation parameters, while
the third dimension determined the data of different forcing data type
(LAI, albedo or fcanopy), which should be corresponding to the parameter
Function vic
is used to run the VIC model in a "classic" style
(Run the model gridcell by gridcell). Meteorological forcing data,
soil parameters and vegetation parameters are the basic necessary inputs
for the VIC model.
Hamman, J. J., Nijssen, B., Bohn, T. J., Gergel, D. R., and Mao, Y. (2018), The Variable Infiltration Capacity model version 5 (VIC-5): infrastructure improvements for new applications and reproducibility, Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 3481-3496, <doi:10.5194/gmd-11-3481-2018>.
Konzelmann, T, Van de Wal, R.S.W., Greuell, W., Bintanja, R., Henneken, E.A.C., Abe-Ouchi, A., 1996. Parameterization of global and longwave incoming radiation for the Greenland Ice Sheet. Global Planet. Change, 9:143-164, <doi:10.1016/0921-8181(94)90013-2>.
Liang, X., Lettenmaier, D. P., Wood, E. F., and Burges, S. J. (1994), A simple hydrologically based model of land surface water and energy fluxes for general circulation models, J. Geophys. Res., 99(D7), 14415-14428, <doi:10.1029/94JD00483>.
Liang, X., and Xie, Z., 2001: A new surface runoff parameterization with subgrid-scale soil heterogeneity for land surface models, Advances in Water Resources, 24(9-10), 1173-1193.
Rodell, M., Houser, P.R., Jambor, U., Gottschalck, J., Mitchell, K., Meng, C.-J., Arsenault, K., Cosgrove, B., Radakovich, J., Bosilovich, M., Entin, J.K., Walker, J.P., Lohmann, D., and Toll, D. (2004), The Global Land Data Assimilation System, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 85(3), 381-394.
# This is a sample data to run VIC.
forcing <- STEHE$forcing
soil <- STEHE$soil
veg <- STEHE$veg
# Set the global options for a 7-days run.
vic_param('start_year', 1949)
vic_param('start_month', 1)
vic_param('start_day', 1)
vic_param('end_year', 1949)
vic_param('end_month', 1)
vic_param('end_day', 7)
vic_param('step_per_day', 24)
vic_param('snow_step_per_day', 24)
vic_param('runoff_step_per_day', 24)
# Run VIC.
outputs <- vic(forcing, soil, veg)
# Use user defind outputs and snowband parameters.
vic_param('nbands', 5)
band <- STEHE$snowbands
out_info <- list(
wb = list(timescale = 'hour', aggpar = 6,
aggtypes = c('sum', 'sum', 'end')),
eb = list(timescale = 'day', aggpar = 1,
outvars = c('OUT_SWE', 'OUT_SOIL_TEMP'),
aggtypes = c('avg', 'min'))
outputs <- vic(forcing, soil, veg, snowband = band, output_info = out_info)
# Example of parallelization
# }
outputs <- vic(forcing, soil, veg, snowband = band, parall = TRUE)
# }
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab