## Not run:
# ## Simulate sample of size 100 from a weibull distribution
# set.seed(1102006,"Mersenne-Twister")
# sampleSize <- 100
# shape.true <- 2.5
# scale.true <- 0.085
# sampWB <- rweibull(sampleSize,shape=shape.true,scale=scale.true)
# sampWBmleWB <- weibullMLE(sampWB)
# rbind(est = sampWBmleWB$estimate,se = sampWBmleWB$se,true = c(shape.true,scale.true))
# ## Estimate the log relative likelihood on a grid to plot contours
# Shape <- seq(sampWBmleWB$estimate[1]-4*sampWBmleWB$se[1],
# sampWBmleWB$estimate[1]+4*sampWBmleWB$se[1],
# sampWBmleWB$se[1]/10)
# Scale <- seq(sampWBmleWB$estimate[2]-4*sampWBmleWB$se[2],
# sampWBmleWB$estimate[2]+4*sampWBmleWB$se[2],
# sampWBmleWB$se[2]/10)
# sampWBmleWBcontour <- sapply(Shape, function(sh) sapply(Scale, function(sc) sampWBmleWB$r(sh,sc)))
# ## plot contours using a linear scale for the parameters
# ## draw four contours corresponding to the following likelihood ratios:
# ## 0.5, 0.1, Chi2 with 2 df and p values of 0.95 and 0.99
# X11(width=12,height=6)
# layout(matrix(1:2,ncol=2))
# contour(Shape,Scale,t(sampWBmleWBcontour),
# levels=c(log(c(0.5,0.1)),-0.5*qchisq(c(0.95,0.99),df=2)),
# labels=c("log(0.5)",
# "log(0.1)",
# "-1/2*P(Chi2=0.95)",
# "-1/2*P(Chi2=0.99)"),
# xlab="shape",ylab="scale",
# main="Log Relative Likelihood Contours"
# )
# points(sampWBmleWB$estimate[1],sampWBmleWB$estimate[2],pch=3)
# points(shape.true,scale.true,pch=16,col=2)
# ## The contours are not really symmetrical about the MLE we can try to
# ## replot them using a log scale for the parameters to see if that improves
# ## the situation
# contour(log(Shape),log(Scale),t(sampWBmleWBcontour),
# levels=c(log(c(0.5,0.1)),-0.5*qchisq(c(0.95,0.99),df=2)),
# labels="",
# xlab="log(shape)",ylab="log(scale)",
# main="Log Relative Likelihood Contours",
# sub="log scale for the parameters")
# points(log(sampWBmleWB$estimate[1]),log(sampWBmleWB$estimate[2]),pch=3)
# points(log(shape.true),log(scale.true),pch=16,col=2)
# ## make a parametric boostrap to check the distribution of the deviance
# nbReplicate <- 10000
# sampleSize <- 100
# system.time(
# devianceWB100 <- replicate(nbReplicate,{
# sampWB <- rweibull(sampleSize,shape=shape.true,scale=scale.true)
# sampWBmleWB <- weibullMLE(sampWB)
# -2*sampWBmleWB$r(shape.true,scale.true)
# }
# )
# )[3]
# ## Get 95 and 99% confidence intervals for the QQ plot
# ci <- sapply(1:nbReplicate,
# function(idx) qchisq(qbeta(c(0.005,0.025,0.975,0.995),
# idx,
# nbReplicate-idx+1),
# df=2)
# )
# ## make QQ plot
# X <- qchisq(ppoints(nbReplicate),df=2)
# Y <- sort(devianceWB100)
# X11()
# plot(X,Y,type="n",
# xlab=expression(paste(chi[2]^2," quantiles")),
# ylab="MC quantiles",
# main="Deviance with true parameters after ML fit of gamma data",
# sub=paste("sample size:", sampleSize,"MC replicates:", nbReplicate)
# )
# abline(a=0,b=1)
# lines(X,ci[1,],lty=2)
# lines(X,ci[2,],lty=2)
# lines(X,ci[3,],lty=2)
# lines(X,ci[4,],lty=2)
# lines(X,Y,col=2)
# ## End(Not run)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab