title: "Photometric Redshift with CosmoPhotoz" authors: Rafael S. de Souza, Jonny Elliot, Alberto Krone-Martins, Émille Ishida, Joseph Hilbe output: html_document runtime: shiny
This is a short tutorial explaining how to perform photometric redshift estimation using the CosmoPhotoz R package.
Required libraries
Load the PHAT0 data included in the package. Here we are using 5% of all dataset for training.
Number of variance explained by each PC
Add the redshift column to the PCA projections of the Training sample
Store the PCA projections for the testing sample in the vector Testpc
Train the glm model using Gamma Family. 6 PCs explain 99.5% of data variance. In order to account for small variations in the shape, we include a polynomial term for the 2 first PCs (95% of data variance)
Once we fit our GLM model, we can predict the redshift for the "photometric" sample
photoz<-predict(Fit$glmfit,newdata = Testpc,type="response")
Store the redshift from the testing sample in the vector specz for comparison
Compute basic diagnostic statistics
computeDiagPhotoZ(photoz, specz)
Create basic diagnostic plots
Kernel density distribution of the full scatter $(specz-photoz)/(1+specz)$
plotDiagPhotoZ(photoz, specz, type = "errordist")
Predicted vs Actuall values Select 15,000 points to show
plotDiagPhotoZ(photoz[datashow], specz[datashow], type = "predobs")+coord_cartesian(xlim =c(0,1.5), ylim = c(0,1.5))
Scatter distribution as a function of redshift, violin plot
plotDiagPhotoZ(photoz, specz, type = "errorviolins")
Scatter distribution as a function of redshift, box plot
plotDiagPhotoZ(photoz, specz, type = "box")