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DEGseq (version 1.26.0)

getGeneExp: getGeneExp: Count the number of reads and calculate the RPKM for each gene


This function is used to count the number of reads and calculate the RPKM for each gene. It takes uniquely mapped reads from RNA-seq data for a sample with a gene annotation file as input. So users should map the reads (obtained from sequencing library of the sample) to the corresponding genome in advance.


getGeneExp(mapResultBatch, fileFormat="bed", readLength=32, strandInfo=FALSE,
           refFlat, output=paste(mapResultBatch[1],".exp",sep=""), min.overlapPercent=1)


vector containing uniquely mapping result files for a sample. Note: The sample can have multiple technical replicates.
file format: "bed" or "eland". example of "bed" format: chr12 7 38 readID 2 + example of "eland" format: readID chr12.fa 7 U2 F Note: The field separator character is TAB. And the files must follow the format as one of the examples.
the length of the reads (only used if fileFormat="eland").
whether the strand information was retained during the cloning of the cDNAs.
  • "TRUE": retained,
  • "FALSE": not retained.
gene annotation file in UCSC refFlat format. See http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/gbdDescriptionsOld.html#RefFlat.
the output file.
the minimum percentage of the overlapping length for a read and an exon over the length of the read itself, for counting this read from the exon. should be <=1. 0: at least 1 bp overlap between a read and an exon.


Mortazavi,A. et al. (2008) Mapping and quantifying mammalian transcriptomes by RNA-seq. Nat. Methods, 5, 621-628.

See Also

DEGexp, DEGseq, readGeneExp, kidneyChr21.bed, liverChr21.bed, refFlatChr21.


Run this code
kidneyR1L1 <- system.file("extdata", "kidneyChr21.bed.txt", package="DEGseq")
  refFlat    <- system.file("extdata", "refFlatChr21.txt", package="DEGseq")
  mapResultBatch <- list(kidneyR1L1)
  output <- file.path(tempdir(), "kidneyChr21.bed.exp")
  exp <- getGeneExp(mapResultBatch, refFlat=refFlat, output=output)
  write.table(exp[30:35,], row.names=FALSE)
  cat("output: ", output, "")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab