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DeLorean (version 1.5.0)

plot.de.lorean: Various DeLorean object plots


Various DeLorean object plots


# S3 method for de.lorean
plot(x, type = "profiles", ...)



de.lorean object


Type of plot:

  • 'expr.data': The expression data plotted by capture time. See expr.data.plot.

  • 'Rhat': \(hat{R}\) convergence statistics See Rhat.plot.

  • 'pseudotime': Pseudotimes in best posterior sample See pseudotime.plot.

  • 'profiles': Gene expression profiles for best posterior sample See profiles.plot.

  • 'tau.offsets': Offsets of pseudotimes to assess the prior See tau.offsets.plot.

  • 'marg.like': Plot the posterior of the marginal likelihoods for individual genes. See marg.like.plot.

  • 'roughnesses': Roughnesses of the pseudotime posterior See roughnesses.plot.

  • 'init.vs.pseudotimes': Plot the initialisations used against the pseudotimes estimated See init.orderings.vs.pseudotimes.plot.


Extra arguments to plot function