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Epi (version 2.50)

Life.lines: Compute dates/ages for life lines in a Lexis diagram


Fills out the missing information for follow up of persons in a Lexis diagram if sufficient information is given.


Life.lines( entry.date = NA,
             exit.date = NA,
            birth.date = NA,
             entry.age = NA,
              exit.age = NA,
             risk.time = NA )


Data frame with variables entry.date, entry.age,

exit.date, exit.age, risk.time,

birth.date, with all entries computed for each person. If any of entry.date, exit.date or birth.date are of class Date or if any of entry.age, exit.age or

risk.time are of class difftime the date variables will be of class Date and the other three of class



entry.date, exit.date,birth.date, entry.age, exit.age, risk.time

Vectors defining lifelines to be plotted in the diagram. At least three must be given to produce a result. Not all subsets of three will suffice, the given subset has to define life lines. If insufficient data is given, nothing is returned and a warning is given.

See Also

Lexis.diagram, Lexis.lines


Run this code
( Life.lines( entry.age = c(3,30,45),
              risk.time = c(25,5,14),
             birth.date = c(1970,1931,1925.7) ) )

# Draw a Lexis diagram

# Compute entry and exit age and date.
( LL <-  Life.lines( entry.age = c(3,30,45),
                     risk.time = c(25,5,14),
                    birth.date = c(1970,1931,1925.7) ) )
segments( LL[,1], LL[,2], LL[,3], LL[,4] ) # Plot the life lines.

# Compute entry and exit age and date, supplying a date variable
bd <- ( c(1970,1931,1925.7) - 1970 ) * 365.25
class( bd ) <- "Date"
( Life.lines( entry.age = c(3,30,45),
              risk.time = c(25,5,14),
             birth.date = bd ) )

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab