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Epi (version 2.50)

apc.LCa: Fit Age-Period-Cohort models and Lee-Carter models with effects modeled by natural splines.


apc.LCa fits an Age-Period-Cohort model and sub-models (using apc.fit) as well as Lee-Carter models (using LCa.fit). show.apc.LCa plots the models in little boxes with their residual deviance with arrows showing their relationships.


apc.LCa( data,
  keep.models = FALSE,
          ... )
show.apc.LCa( x,
       dev.scale = TRUE,
             top = "Ad", ... )


A 9 by 2 matrix classified by model and deviance/df; optionally (if models=TRUE) a list with the matrix as dev, apc, an

apc object (from apc.fit), and LCa, a list with 5 LCa objects (from LCa.fit).



A data frame that must have columns A, P, D and Y, see e.g. apc.fit


Logical. Should the apc object and the 5 LCa objects be returned too?


Further parameters passed on to LCa.fit or boxes.matrix.


The result from a call to apc.LCa.


Should the vertical position of the boxes with the models be scales relative to the deviance between the Age-drift model and the extended Lee-Carter model?


The model presented at the top of the plot of boxes (together with any other model with larger deviance) when vertical position is scaled by deviances. Only "Ad", "AP", "AC", "APa" or "ACa" will make sense.


Bendix Carstensen, http://bendixcarstensen.com


The function apc.LCa fits all 9 models (well, 10) available as extension and sub-models of the APC-model and compares them by returning deviance and residual df.

See Also

apc.fit, LCa.fit


Run this code
library( Epi )
# Danish lung cancer incidence in 5x5x5 Lexis triangles
data( lungDK )
lc <- subset( lungDK, Ax>40 )[,c("Ax","Px","D","Y")]
names( lc )[1:2] <- c("A","P")
head( lc )

al <- apc.LCa( lc, npar=c(9,6,6,6,10), keep.models=TRUE, maxit=500, eps=10e-3 )
show.apc.LCa( al, dev=TRUE )

# Danish mortality data
if (FALSE) {
data( M.dk )
mdk <- subset( M.dk, sex==1 )[,c("A","P","D","Y")]
head( mdk )

al <- apc.LCa( mdk, npar=c(15,15,20,6,6), maxit=50, eps=10e-3,
               quiet=FALSE, VC=FALSE )
show.apc.LCa( al, dev=FALSE )
show.apc.LCa( al, dev=TRUE )
show.apc.LCa( al, top="AP" )

# Fit a reasonable model to Danish mortality data and plot results
mAPa <- LCa.fit( mdk, model="APa", npar=c(15,15,20,6,6), c.ref=1930,
                 a.ref=70, quiet=FALSE, maxit=250 )
par( mfrow=c(1,3) )
plot( mAPa ) }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab