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Epi (version 2.56)

bootLexis: Create a bootstrap sample of persons (as identified by lex.id) from a Lexis object


lex.id is the person identifier in a Lexis object. This is used to sample persons from a Lexis object. If a person is sampled, all records from this persons is transported to the bootstrap sample.


nid( Lx, ... )
# S3 method for Lexis
nid( Lx, by=NULL, ... )
bootLexis( Lx, size = NULL, by = NULL, replace=TRUE )


bootLexis returns a Lexis object of the same structure as the input, with persons bootstrapped. The variable lex.id

in the resulting Lexis object has values 1,2,... The original values of lex.id from Lx are stored in the variable


nid counts the number of persons in a Lexis object, possibly by

by. If by is given, a named vector is returned.



A Lexis object.


Parameters passed on to other methods.


Numeric. How many persons should be sampled from the Lexis object. Defaults to the number of persons in the Lx, or, if by is given, to the number of persons in each level of by. If by is given, size can have length length(unique(by)), to indicate how many are sampled from each level of by.


Character. Name of a variable (converted to factor) in the Lexis object.

Bootstrap sampling is done within each level of by.

Calculation of the number of persons (lex.id) is done within each level of by, and a vector returned.


Should persons be sampled by replacement? Default is TRUE. Setting replace to FALSE enables selecting a random subset of persons from the Lexis object.


Bendix Carstensen, http://bendixcarstensen.com.

See Also



Run this code
# A small bogus cohort
xcoh <- data.frame( id = c("A", "B", "C"),
                 birth = c("1952-07-14", "1954-04-01", "1987-06-10"),
                 entry = c("1965-08-04", "1972-09-08", "1991-12-23"),
                  exit = c("1997-06-27", "1995-05-23", "1998-07-24"),
                  fail = c(1, 0, 1),
                   sex = c("M","F","M") )

# Convert to calendar years
for( i in 2:4 ) xcoh[,i] <- cal.yr(xcoh[,i])
xcoh <- xcoh[sample(1:3, 10, replace = TRUE),]
xcoh$entry <- xcoh$entry + runif(10, 0, 10)
xcoh$exit  <- xcoh$entry + runif(10, 0, 10)

Lcoh <- Lexis(entry = list(per = entry),
               exit = list(per = exit,
                           age = exit - birth),
        exit.status = fail,
               data = xcoh)

Lx <- splitLexis(Lcoh, breaks = 0:10 * 10, "age")
nid(Lx, by="sex")
Lb <- bootLexis(Lx)
nid(bootLexis(Lx, size = 7))
Li <- bootLexis(Lx, by = "id") # superfluous
L2 <- bootLexis(Lx, by = "sex", size = c(2, 5))
nid(L2, by = "sex")
summary(L2, by = "sex")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab