# If d and y are 3-way tables of cases and person-years
# observation formed by tabulation by two confounders
# (named "C1" and "C2") an exposure of interest ("E"),
# the following command will calculate an overall
# Mantel-Haenszel comparison of the first two exposure
# groups.
# Generate some bogus data
dnam <- list( E=c("low","medium","high"), C1=letters[1:2], C2=LETTERS[1:4] )
d <- array( sample( 2:80, 24),
dimnames=dnam, dim=sapply( dnam, length ) )
y <- array( abs( rnorm( 24, 227, 50 ) ),
dimnames=dnam, dim=sapply( dnam, length ) )
mh(d, y, compare="E")
# Or, if exposure levels named "low" and "high" are to be
# compared and these are not the first two levels of E :
mh(d, y, compare="E", levels=c("low", "high"))
# If we wish to carry out an analysis which controls for C1,
# but examines the results at each level of C2:
mh(d, y, compare="E", by="C2")
# It is also possible to look at rate ratios for every
# combination of C1 and C2 :
mh(d, y, compare="E", by=c("C1", "C2"))
# If dimensions and levels of the table are unnamed, they must
# be referred to by number.
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